[吃草] DailyHoroscope10/26
An idea is forming in your mind now , Taurus , and it may have to do with the
way you want to see your future.
But you may find it isn't yet fully formed , so allow your imagination to wander
wherever it will , and don't limit what you see with the fear that you will
somehow be limited.
Dreams have no limits , and neither do you.
The key to manidesting the future that you are imagining lies in believing that
you are capable of anything because you are.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/10今天給自己一點時間做白日夢吧,阿牛。讓你的想法去它想去的地方,有一些偉大的想法 正在醞釀,你所要做的就是放下束縛,讓你的思想帶你進入新的起點。你現在開始做的任 何事情都有可能會成功,所以不要害怕,想一些遠大的夢想吧。最近幾週你的現實生活可 能陷入困境,但事情正在好轉。一旦你允許自己相信這些是可能的,你將會開始看到明顯 的改善。9
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope for 04/18-04/24你是否曾經做過一個飛在空中的夢呢?或許是在你的房間裡飛來飛去,又或者你飛出了房 間,到了一個想去的地方。這個夢可能相當真實。那些做過這種夢的人說它讓人感到非常 自由。不過即使你沒有做過這樣的夢,你也可以讓自己不受限制的去做想做的事,感覺自 己擁有無限可能。這週是個好時機去嘗試,阿牛,因為你的憂慮感減少了許多,並且更有 能力去實現你的夢想。在未來的日子裡,你所做的努力都會在人生中被當成是一件神奇的6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/04你是個實際的人,而不是個大夢想家。不可能有人指責你被幻想沖昏頭,因為你太腳踏實 地了。但阿牛,今天可能有個毫無邊際的想法不斷出現在你的腦中。不要認為你只是在空 想,你的想法中可能會出現一些相當實際的事物。畢竟它發生在你身上,而你又如此實際 。在你否定它之前,請先進一步探索它吧。 ——5
Re: [閒聊] 我想買xjr1300,但心理跨不過去支持我買車的最重要的想法是 人生不能重來,我要趁還可以騎仿賽的時候趕快騎!老了就騎不動了! 人生有很多無法預知的事情 我不知道未來三年後會在哪裡 工作獲得升遷?跑去唸研究所?換更好的工作?還是成家立業?4
[情報] 12/19 Daily HOroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 19 2020 When a person is lacking in confidence or faith in themselves, they may be fearful of sharing an idea that they feel is brilliant because they don't want to be put down or rejected. They may also become afraid to ask questions when they don't understand something for fear of looking foolish. No matter1
[情報] 3/3(二)DailyHoroscope今年年初時,你的某個靈光一閃的想法會再次浮現。獅子們,近幾週這會一而再、再而三的發生,然而你可能尚未發覺它的重要性。今天你需要花點時間,把那個想法思考透徹。將來它可能會轉變成重要的事物,但倘若你繼續把它塞回腦海深處,便永遠不會明白這一切。獅子們,別再拖了,認真看待那個靈光一閃。然後花點時間點燃它吧。 ------------- 原文: Some idea that began as a spark of your imagination early this year may be coming to you again. It has occurred to you from time to time in recent weeks, Leo, but you may not yet recognize its importance. You need to take some time today to think about that idea more thoroughly. It may turn into something that could be very important to you in the future, but if you keep on pushing it to the back of your mind, you'll never know. Don't put it off any longer, Leo. Take that spark seriously. Take some time to light a fire with it.1
[情報] 03/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeYour vivid imagination knows no limits, Moonchild. You are a mystical creature with a powerful mind and awesome creativity. But you need to remain focused on all that you have to do today - you know, all that " stuff" that you find so tiresome and monotonous, such as paying bills, making phone calls, and getting things organized. Don't dare wander down- 已贈出 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- 「呣呣呣」緊握著掃帚碎碎唸了幾秒鐘
- 已贈出 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- 「呣呣呣」緊握著掃帚碎碎唸了幾秒鐘
- 贈出 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- 「呣呣呣」緊握著掃帚碎碎唸了幾秒鐘