[吃草] DailyHoroscope10/31
When you are stuck in a rut , how do you climb out?
That may be a dilemma you are dealing with right now , dear Taurus.
You may feel stuck in a negative groove of some kind right now and climbing out
is not easy.
But what if you were stuck in a literal ditch?
How would you get out of that?
You might look for a rock or a log to step up onto , which would make it easier
to hoist yourself out.
Same thing here.
Find a way to lift yourself up through inspiration and ambition.
You will get out in no time if you make a thoughtful and pointed effort.
[情報] TWICE 3rd BEST ALBUM 『#TWICE3』TWICE 3rd BEST ALBUM 『#TWICE3』 2020.09.16 Release5
[情報] 7/16 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling overwhelmed because you are facing a lot of problems. In fact, you can probably reel off a long list of issues to deal with in your mind right now, dear Leo. But it may be your approach to this that is causing you to feel stuck and overwhelmed. If you think about it, the troubles you have right now may be many, but they are mostly very small. Attack the bigger5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/21你現在視為負擔的義務中,可能有些非常正面的事。問題在於,你只看見了事情的消極部 分,也許因為你覺得自己是被逼的。如果你有這樣的感覺,這可能是阻止你看見隱藏在這 個任務中的機會的原因。試著重新審視它吧,阿牛。試著積極尋找正面因素和可能因此出 現在你身上的機會。當你用一種新的角度來看待困境時,你會意識到自己有多麼幸運。 ——3
[情報] 28/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may feel stuck in a pattern. It may feel like you can't crawl out of that groove no matter what you do. You are constantly trying to change something in your life, Moonchild, and you may feel that you have tried everything, yet nothing seems to change dramatically. But you will soon find guidance about moving forward from an unlikely place. You may have to try something different3
[情報] 04/12 the daily horoscopeWhen you want something badly - because you want to prove something, or it's b een a long-time desire, or for some other reason that is fueled by passion and urgency - it can be difficult to remain objective about it. You may want some thing now that might not be the best thing for you, dear Gemini. And if you're having a hard time acquiring it, you might not understand why. This is a time2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/12是不是感覺還有很多目標,甚至是遠大的夢想是你應該去追求的?然而,你卻也感覺到深陷在不作為的泥沼中?你的夢想或許有如一灘死水,而你可能也不覺得有必要去改變現狀,即使你是渴望去得到更多的,阿牛。有時候,靈感會莫名其妙地乍現並帶給你動力。可惜的是,這並沒有發生,你得要自己去追尋靈感。當你保持開放的心胸並不斷地追尋,它就會來敲門。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Jul 12 You probably feel like there are a couple of goals, or even a really big dream, that you should be pursuing. But you also may feel stuck in the quagmire of inaction. Your dreams may be stagnant, and you may not feel compelled to go beyond this current state - even though you are longing for more, Taurus. Sometimes inspiration comes out of the blue and gets you motivated. But if that isn't happening now, you need to go out in search of inspiration yourself. It will come to you if you are open to it and are actively seeking it. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/27,你應該很清楚知道自己的某個部分在自我設限著。也許是難改的積習。也許是某種恐懼。不過你已經很努力在跳脫這個束縛。你可以是很固執又堅毅的,所以當你下定決心去做一件事,親愛的阿牛,只有你能讓你自己停下腳步。最近,你可能遭遇了一些阻礙,因為要突破這些限制有時候是真的很困難,但是你就要抵達終點了。而且,你越去嘗試,就會變得越簡單。繼續努力解放自己。這會很值得。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Jul 27 You are probably very aware of something about yourself that limits you. It may be an idiosyncrasy. It might be an old habit. It might be a certain fear. But you have been trying hard to free yourself from this. You can be quite stubborn and forceful, so when you make up your mind to do something, dear Taurus, the only thing that can stop you is you. You might be experiencing a bit of discouragement recently because of how hard it sometimes is to go against this limitation, but you are almost there. And the more you try, the easier it will get. Keep working at freeing yourself. It will certainly pay off. --2
[情報] 12/15 the daily horoscopeIt is easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking. One thing goes wrong, then another. Then someone says something to you that has hurtful or insulting connotations. And when you are already in a negative mindset, it is easy to interpret everything in a negative way. But if you catch yourself falling into a negative groove, Gemini, you can pull yourself out of it. If1
[情報] 07/08 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期三 7月 8 Gemini horoscope for 星期三 7月 8 You may have gotten caught up in a commitment that seemed like a good idea at the time, but may now seem very claustrophobic. You like to keep moving, Gemin i, and you may feel stifled and stuck in whatever you have become ensnared in,1
[情報] 06/09 the daily horoscopeIs it okay to do the right thing for the wrong reason, or the wrong thing for the right reason? You might be facing a dilemma of this kind right now, dear G emini. Your moral compass may be flying in all directions as you contemplate t he rights and wrongs of your situation. The main question you have to ask your self, however, is this: Will anyone be hurt or otherwise negatively influenced