[吃草] DailyHoroscope11/2
Your expectation or your perception of someone may not measure up to the reality,
dear Taurus.
You may have been disappointed recently because someone did not turn out to be
exactly what you thought they were.
Maybe their persona is different.
Maybe they don't look like you pictured they would look.
Maybe they aren't as enamored of you as you assumed they would be.
But whatever the reason , you need to give it another chance.
Allow yourself to adjust to the difference between what you imagined and reality.
You may yet discover a reason to be impressed.
已經演變成 絕望的...
Re: [實況] 咫尺之間人盡敵國 1132最近這幾章 都是過渡文 沒有戰鬥 但呈現了主角的理想與身邊現實的衝突 讓我對結局有了更多的期待6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/12你也許對於某個情況沒有照你希望的去發展而感到失望。你很可能正在把那種失望轉化成某種無奈的心境。但是你並沒有看到事情的全貌,塵埃還沒有落定。不要再顧影自憐了。只要繼續做你原本就在做的事情來推進就可以了。這樣的話,事情很變得圓滿,親愛的阿牛,你也將會知道事情的因果關係。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Jun 12 You may be feeling disappointed with a situation that is not developing as you envisioned and hoped it would. You may be turning that disappointment into a state of resignation. But you are not seeing the whole picture because it has not formed yet. Stop yourself from entertaining any negative ideas whatsoever. Just keep doing what you have been doing to move things along. You should soon see light where you now perceive gloom and darkness. If you keep going, this will turn around completely, dear Taurus, and you will see the reason why that situation took this path. --3
[情報] 02/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may view a certain person in your life as your opposite. And because of that perception, Moonchild, you may be reluctant to engage with this person in any significant way. But this individual may have come into your life for a reason if they keep popping up. It could be that this person complements your strengths and your aspirations in some way. Besides, if3
[情報] 01/08/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期日 8月 1 You may not like the way something has turned out, Moonchild. You may be very disappointed since you had such high expectations. After all, you feel deservi ng of a break. But rest assured that what happened was what was meant to happe n - and resulted in the very best for you, even if it doesn't seem that way ri2
[情報] 03/08/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期二 8月 3 You may believe that something you did or said has caused you to miss out on a really good opportunity. It may seem to have fizzled for no obvious reason, a nd knowing how hard you are on yourself, you can probably come up with a very long list of possibilities. And now you may be filled with regrets, for you fe2
[情報] 02/06 the daily horoscopeIf there is a thought that makes you happy, concentrate on that today. And wha tever you do, don't let any impediments to that thought block you from feeling happy about it. For example, if it's a thought about something you hope for, don't let thoughts about why it can't work out or any problems you could have enter your mind. Chase any negatives out immediately, dear Gemini, and just fo2
[情報] 2023/04/10 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座 4月10日 星期一的星座運勢 親愛的月之子,你可能對最近做出的一個重大選擇感到不太滿意,這個決定可能對你的財 務或其他方面造成了很大的損失。 現在你正在重新思考它,想知道為什麼你沒有看到那些不高興的事情。 但在你責備自己做出這個選擇之前,你需要給自己一個機會。1
[情報] 30/12/2021 Daily Horoscope我們的日常生活中,我們都有期望。 我們對事情會如何發展或我們希望它們如何發展有一定的想法。 當我們的期望值很低,事情變得更好時,我們就會鬆一口氣。 而當我們的期望值很高,事情的結果卻不盡如人意時,就會讓人失望。 但更糟糕的是,親愛的月之子,破滅的期望可能是非常有限的。- 啊你就角色期待產生落差,你一直希望對方有回應且符合 你內心的回應,結果對方卻讓你覺得失望。 這裡先搞清楚你所要的是什麼,別人不是你,你也不是別人,任何大小事情請好好溝通,好好表達自己要什麼希望對方能夠給你什麼反應。如果真的溝通後價值觀不同不能理解就分開啊那麼簡單,你要的他不能給,你又一直進入期待失望的迴圈。不能就放過自己?幹嘛自己搞得自己那麼辛苦? 什麼都不說期望別人能懂,這個想法也太不切實際。 不擅於講出內心想法的人,普遍存在著自我肯定感低落的因子。所以好好說話,避免產生認知錯誤減少進入誤區的溝通阻礙。
- Someone in your life may have made big promises to you to lure you into someth ing they wanted to do. But now you may be seeing that there was some exaggerat ion involved, and that the situation is not living up to your expectations at all. That may be disappointing, and it may even cause you to be angry with the one making the promises. But what if there is more, dear Gemini? What if ther