[吃草] Day horoscope 2021/08/19
Taurus horoscope for Thursday Aug 19
Someone may be telling you what they want, and they may be doing this very emphatically. However, Taurus, there may be a lot more to it. Either they are afraid to reveal what they are really going after, or they aren't even aware of what they want themselves. You might have to be almost like a life coach today,
coaxing out someone's goals and dreams and helping them figure out how to getthere. But that can be a pretty good thing. It might even help you clarify your own goal or dream.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/10愛、希望、夢想與成功,這些都是對你有利的事物,阿牛。即使你已經放棄了其中幾樣生 活中的美好事物,這仍然是真的。但如果獲得其中幾樣事物的可能性就在你身邊,而你卻 沒有看見,因為你已經放棄了?這就是問題所在。對發生在你生命中的美好事物要更加開 放,因為即便它們就在你身邊,你仍然必須意識到才能獲得,朝這方面繼續努力吧。 ———7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/05今天不要試圖解讀他人的想法或認為你知道別人在想什麼,特別是他們對你的想法,阿牛 。雖然這是不管用在哪天都很好的建議,但今天你可能更認為自己知道他人的想法,或試 著解讀他們的言行舉止。這是個危險的領域,一旦你這麼做了,將無法回頭,因為除非你 問出口,否則並沒有辦法確定他們的想法。如果你對於某人對你的看法有著疑問的話,就 問吧。4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 02/02 & 02/0302/02 (三) 有人可能會分享他們自己的事情,但這比你想知道的部分還多,阿牛。也許這些細節太深 入了,又或者它們代表了太多的資訊,而你不得不也分享這麼多有關自己的訊息。但如果 這個人分享的東西在某種程度上讓你感到好奇,可能是因為他們有著某種目的。也許你是 來幫忙的,或者他們分享的這些東西也能幫助你了解自己生活的某些方面。如果你覺得自3
[情報] 02/20 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 2月 20 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 2月 20 You may have decided long ago that a certain pursuit simply was not possible - or maybe someone else decided that for you. Now that idea may be ingrained in your brain, and you may not even consider that it is actually possible. When3
[情報] 11/26 the daily horoscopeThere are certain big dreams and goals that you would like to accomplish "one day." And of course, Gemini, that one day always exists in the future. But lif e moves rapidly, and pretty soon there are so many days gone that could have b een used to further your goals and your dreams. There is one particular thing you wish to accomplish that you have been thinking about a lot lately. What ar3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/13如果你希望自己的生活能有個嶄新的開始,阿牛,你可以將今天設定為一個起始點。試著 用樂觀且充滿希望的方式來關注你想要的東西。這會讓你能夠看到任何能夠接近這目標的 蛛絲馬跡。雖然這新的一年才剛開始,你可能不太有憤世嫉俗的想法,並且認為這對你來 說是個好年-這是真的。並且當你能夠保持對光明與那些不甚明確的機會的覺察,你就能 夠利用那些朝你走來的機會。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/10親愛的牛牛,去仔細地聆聽別人對你的計劃的看法。你可能已經將整件事規劃的非常清晰 ,也清楚它的走向,所以你並沒有去尋求他人的建議或反饋。 但如果你的目標是想讓整件事盡可能的完美,傾聽他人的想法或許可以讓你的想法更透徹 ,也可能會讓你思維的方式比以前更好。這當然是件沒有壞處的事,不要讓你的自負或是 其他事情限制了你。2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/25Taurus horoscope for 星期二 8月 25 當你尋求一個問題的答案時,親愛的牛牛,你可能在思考一個看起來毫無意義的線索。即使如此,你也知道一定有辦法去想清楚,且你有可能得出這樣的結論:如果不瞭解這個線索,你永遠找不到答案。但那些都是胡扯——線索也可能都是胡扯。 今天別爲一些你弄不懂的事情如此煩惱。有時候當生活丟給你一個令人疑惑的信號,最好的方法是繼續前進。繼續加油吧。 ----- As you seek an answer to a problem, dear Taurus, you may be pondering a clue2
[情報] 11/14 the daily horoscopeYou may be looking for signs about where to go or what to do next in your life related to your purpose, your work, or your dreams. The signs may be confusin g though, Gemini, because you aren't quite sure yourself of what you want your future to look like. But when the future is a blank canvas, you can do anythi ng you want to do if you dream big enough, and that may be what you are afraid- Gemini horoscope for 星期日 2月 2 Gemini horoscope for 星期日 2月 2 Do yourself a favor today, Gemini, and listen to the ticking of a clock. Notic e that with each second, a moment is gone, and whatever you could have done wi th it is no longer possible. This is not meant to be grim; on the contrary, it