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- 日期:2024/05/01 下午3-5點(共兩小時) 交通方式:我們是搭乘地鐵至首爾大學站Seoul national university , 想說可以順便參觀這所大學, 再轉乘公車5511/5513至Construction Environment Research Institute (第九站下車)
[選片] 2046+花樣年華 該一起看還是分次看?前陣子才剛嗑完春光乍洩, 心裡默默的開始想找花樣年華還有2046出來看, 沒想到就在戲院重映了! 但是很害怕同一天看完會精神不佳無法有好的觀影品質, 請問大家會推薦一次看完這兩部,還是分兩天各看一部呢?15
[問題] 急!!修改衣服求救!!有點太尷尬了, 我人在火車上突然發現褲子拉鍊壞掉, 四點半抵達台南火車站, 請問週邊有推薦的修改衣服的店家嗎?? 感激不盡!!!4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/09/04你並不常去完整表達你的感受,阿牛。你不喜歡突出於人群中或咄咄逼人,因此儘管有件事在困擾著你,你仍傾向輕描淡寫地帶過。但是,如果你生命中的某個人似乎無法了解目前什麼正困擾著你,不要遷怒他們。這可能是因為你沒有清楚地傳達你的感受及原因。更直接的表達自我吧,那麼你將能夠把你的意思傳達出去。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Sep 4 You don't often convey thoroughly how you feel, Taurus. You don't like to be conspicuous or overbearing, and so even when something is bothering you, you tend to express it in an understated way. But if someone in your life can't seem to understand what is bothering you right now - don't put the onus on them. It may be that you are not clearly communicating what you are feeling and why. Be more direct in your self-expression, and you will get your message across. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/09/03我們常常會對於過去所犯下的過錯而起了負面的念頭。一個差錯,或者甚至是人生中踏錯的一步,都可能讓我們帶著懊悔或尷尬來回顧著過去。不過有些時候,阿牛,過錯是能夠將我們引導至正途的。我們從犯下的錯誤中,或者是不盡理想地做出來的事情所學習到的,恰能改變我們的道路,到真正屬於我們的地方去。你現在可能對於生命中的某個錯誤正強烈表達著失落,但是如果你用心地從中學習,你將會發現這終將帶領你去更好的地方。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Sep 3 We often have negative ideas about the mistakes we have made in life. An error or even a faux pas can cause us to look back with regret or embarrassment. But sometimes, Taurus, mistakes can lead us to someplace very positive. The things we learn when we do something wrong or in a less-than-desirable manner can alter our path toward the place we were really meant to be. You may now be lamenting a mistake in your own life, but if you study it carefully, you will see that it will eventually take you to a much better place. --5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/09/02是不是感到很懷念過去的時光和老朋友呀?如果有個很久不見的朋友,是你偶爾會想到的,那今天是很適合找他聊聊的日子唷。也許你對這個人持續的思念,是在告訴你你們應該重新聯絡並重新好好認識一下的徵象。找個時間來聯絡一下並看看未來能帶來什麼機會。這些過往的深度交往對你來說可以是很有益處的。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Sep 2 You may be feeling nostalgic about old times and old friends. If there is someone who you have not seen in a long time - someone you think about occasionally - this would be a great day to reach out. Maybe your consistent thoughts about this individual are signs telling you you should get in touch again and reacquaint yourself. Take a moment to get back in touch and see what the future might hold. Those old connections with deep roots can be very good for you. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/09/01你必須停止向後看著過去的某個時光,不要後悔或渴求再重溫一次。崇尚著過往或為之悔恨可以是毀滅性的,阿牛。如果最近你一直在心中回顧那個特別的地方和時光,你真正該做的是投身在當下。照這樣看來,你沒有辦法去重新來過或是擦掉那個時刻。這可能是來自於你永遠無法達到一樣快樂的想法,抑或是這個攤在陽光下的東西導致了如今的愁緒。無論如何,如果你放手,快樂自然是有機會的。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Sep 1 You need to stop looking back to a certain point in your past, and either regretting it or yearning to experience it again. Both adoration of the past or deep regret for it can be damaging, Taurus. If in recent days you have kept going back in your mind to one specific place and time, you need to invest yourself in the present instead. You can't recreate or erase that moment, as the case may be. This may be coming from the feeling that either you will never again have that level of happiness, or that what transpired caused the present unhappiness. Either way, joy will be possible if you let it go. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/31或許你要在工作上處理一個今天特別棘手的案子,阿牛。而且,既然你可能身處高位,壓力應該山大。內化這個壓力是比較簡單,但是最後這會反過來把你變成快要爆炸的壓力鍋。你將發現如果你在這中間用一些有效的方法來釋放壓力,而不是把壓力累積到臨界點的話,那麼你今天在任務的處理上會變得輕鬆許多,並且你也將不會不小心把壓力出在想幫你的人身上。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Aug 31 You may be at work on a project that is rather intense today, Taurus. And since you may be in a role of authority, the pressure could be huge. It would be easy to internalize that stress, but that will eventually turn you into a pressure cooker that is ready to explode. You will find that if you don't let it get to that point by releasing the tension along the way in some productive manner, then your tasks for today will be so much easier to handle, and you won't accidentally take your stress out on those who are helping you out. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/30是不是正在為某件事情尋求幫助呀,阿牛?不過,你真的有需要這個幫助嗎?你不是一再地對自己強調自己有能力去處理在眼前的事嗎?也許你現在沒有完整的自信,但是這也不會因為詢問他人的意見或協助而提升。只有自己獨力去做才有辦法真正地建立自信。你可能會犯錯。你可能會需要再試一次。但是世界不會就此滅亡。就去試吧。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Aug 30 You may be seeking help for something now, Taurus, but do you really need the help? Haven't you been telling yourself that you are capable of handling the matter in front of you? You may not have complete confidence at this point, but that surely won't come by asking others for their opinions or their assistance. The only way to truly build the confidence you need is to take this on by yourself. You could make a mistake. You might have to try again. But that certainly wouldn't be the end of the world. Try it. --3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/29有個你一直很依賴的人在負責回答生命中的難題。不是你不能獨立,你可以的,而且大部分的時候你都很獨立。不過,當某件事讓你摸不著頭緒或讓你心情低落時,親愛的阿牛,你常常跑去找那個你覺得很明理的人。也許你就要這麼做了,但是或許這次你應該先緩緩。這大概是你得自己去完成的拼圖。給你自己一個機會吧。在最後,這將帶給你更多的自信。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 29 There is someone you rely on for answers to life's tougher questions. It isn't that you can't be independent - you can, and you often are. But when something puzzles you or upsets you, dear Taurus, you often turn to a specific individual that you see as wise. You may be on the verge of doing that now, but perhaps you should hold back. This is a puzzle that you should probably figure out for yourself. Give yourself the chance to do that. It will eventually bring you a much greater level of confidence. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/28你是很樂意去完全拆解生活中的某個面向的。也許是你的住所,也許是你的工作。不管是什麼,阿牛呀,它每天都影響著你,而且如果你越去想,就越想要做出巨大變革。但是,改變不會自動自發地或是一次發生。其實,它幾乎不會如此。最好的改變就是全盤考量、計畫,並以有邏輯性的、合理的方式執行。你若是想要有很大的改變,就一步一步來。在你發覺之前你就會到達目的地。現在先不要迅雷不及掩耳地做出巨大改變。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Aug 28 You would love to completely overhaul some aspect of your life. Maybe it's the place you live. Maybe it's your job. Whatever it is, Taurus, it is something that affects you every day, and the more you think about it, the more you want a significant change. But change can't always happen automatically or all at once. In fact, it rarely does. The best kind of change is well-considered, planned, and enacted in a logical, reasonable way. If you want a big change, take that one first step, and then that second step, and so on. You will get there before you know. Don't try making a big change in one fell swoop right now. --13
[情報] Daily Horoscope 巨蟹座9月運勢這個月裡,一個大嘴巴的朋友有可能會透露一個之前你被排除在外的秘密。自然而然地,你的幼小心靈會玻璃心碎滿地,月之子,而這會讓人隱隱作痛。但是在你做出結論之前,想想其他相關的人。你也許正與某個因為真的不太懂你,而在你身旁小心翼翼的人交涉著,又或者是某人有點嫉妒你並想去握有主控權。如果你去思考一下這個人的個性,你將會發現沒有什麼好擔心或感到失落的。 假如你的戀愛運乏善可陳,本月將是非凡的月份來推動這個部分。你如果單身,一個看似理想的對象將會在最意想不到的地方或情形下出現,保持開放的心胸來面對新對象吧。而如果你已經心有所屬,你將可能發現愛人有意思又刺激的一面,使你靠得更近。 在九月的一個家族聚會,不管是正式場合或是尋常的拜訪,或許會有點棘手。你可能會發現家族中的某人稍微情緒化了一點,而且說錯話可能會挑動他們的神經。對於你所談論的話題謹慎一些,並且試著避免你覺得會點燃戰火的情形。在月底,你可能會是某種彩券的幸運兒唷。 Cancer horoscope for September A chatty friend may reveal a secret that you were excluded from sometime this month. Naturally, your sensitive soul bruises easily, Moonchild, and so this might sting a bit. But before you jump to conclusions, consider all of the players. You may be dealing with someone who walks on eggshells around you because they don't really get you, or perhaps someone who is quite jealous of you and wants to be in control. If you think about the personalities you are dealing with, you will know this is nothing to12
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 金牛座9月運勢與手足、某個家人或一個老朋友間的溝通最近一直有點困難。感覺好像每當你想討論連最簡單的事情,中間都會有隔閡,破壞你為了達到目的的付出。本月,這可能會開始緩和,阿牛,但且別太逼迫。也許有件事情必須處理,而對相關人士來說,這已經很明顯好一陣子了,儘管你毫無頭緒。問問一些無傷大雅的問題,而你將得到解決事情的答案。 在這個月裡,你或許會透過社群軟體或網路上的資源來發現一個跟工作或金錢有關的機會。這對你來說還不賴,倒是要如履薄冰般地進行,並確保你完全知道這需要什麼,你才能完善又深入地投入。 九月對於將環境打造得煥然一新是很好的。如果你發現在近幾週常常不太開心,想辦法在生活中添加一點顏色,比如一個新的衣櫃或是重新粉刷家裡某個你工作或玩耍的房間。你的前景正在撥雲見霧,而這能加快速度。 Taurus horoscope for September Communication with a sibling, some other family member, or an old friend has been a bit tricky lately. It may seem that whenever you try to discuss even the simplest of things, there is something standing between you, sabotaging your efforts to get through. This month, that may begin to ease off, Taurus, but don't push it too hard. There is probably a matter that needs to be dealt with, and to this other party, it has been apparent for quite some time, even though you may not have a clue about it. Ask5
[情報] Daily Horoscope 魔羯座9月運勢跟上司或某個位高權重的人有關的狀況可能已經讓你壓力很大一陣子了,魔兒。也許你完全知道問題出在哪裡,而你也有辦法好好解釋。不過同時,你知道這麼做是很有可能破壞某件對你來說很重要的事。這個月份,去尋求建議及好好看看手上的牌,尤其是當事情找上你時。是有個不是那麼高風險的方法的。 一個可乘之機或許會在這個月到來,使你能夠讓一段主要關係變得更好。這可能是透過共度時光的形式,並且儘管你一剛開始不是太喜歡這個念頭,擁抱這個機會可以是很棒的事情。說不定這個月你會被邀請參加一個團體或團隊,而這可以是很不錯的想法。但是,如果你打算在其中接受比這更重要的角色,要確保這個角色是有被定義清楚,才不會有任何誤解。 九月對於與你希望能夠更深入去認識的某人破冰是很好的月份。你可能覺得在你生活圈邊緣的某人很有意思。這也許是在你常去的地方天天都能看到的人,或是工作場合、家裡附近。慢慢來就對了,這樣你才能在沒有壓力的情況下認識對方。 Capricorn horoscope for September A situation involving a boss or an authority figure may have been causing you stress for a while now, Capricorn. You may know exactly what is wrong, and you may be able to express it quite well. But at the same time, you know that doing so could jeopardize something that is important to you. This month, seek out guidance and figure out your options, especially if things are really getting to you. There is a solution that won't be risky. An opening may come this month that will enable you to work at2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/27也許你正在試圖談定一個協議、合約,或者某種承諾,而你也發現這實在不容易。但別讓它再次阻擾了你,阿牛。儘管周遭氛圍對於你過去所想做的一直不佳,事情卻正在改變。就好比漲潮一樣,它為你帶來某種滿滿的好處。這次在你面對這件事情時,用堅定的心去應付它,而你將能成功讓它發生。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Aug 27 You may be trying to nail down an agreement, a contract, or a commitment of some kind, and you might realize it has proven to be difficult. But don't let that stop you from trying again, Taurus. Although the emotional climate may not have been great for what you were trying to do in the past, things are definitely changing. A good analogy would be that the tide is coming in, and it is full and laden with certain types of beneficial aspects for you. When you approach this matter this time, do so with the certainty that you will find a way to make it happen. --8
[閒聊] 西方極樂園出現台灣高鐵畫面?閒來無事重看一遍西方極樂園Westworld, 怎麼發現很熟悉的身影, 在第一季第七集第四分鐘, 出現了2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/26不管現在天空有多麼美、多麼藍,阿牛呀,你都能確定某處有烏雲在聚集。在附近有個地方,也許就在你頭頂上方,終將會受暴風雨侵襲。這是生命的一部分,就算是陰天或是大雨都有帶來生命的意義。你或許正焦急等待著私人生活中的一個難題。它也許不方便,但是它也有機會能為你的生活帶來好處。去思考一下它究竟是大雨還是甘霖,而你就能正確地解決它。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Aug 26 No matter how beautiful and blue the sky above you is right now, Taurus, you can be sure there are storm clouds gathering somewhere. There is a place nearby - perhaps right over your head - that will eventually break out in thunderstorms. This is part of life, and even dark skies and rain have life-giving benefits. You may be anticipating a problem in your personal life. It may not be convenient, but it also has the potential to bring something good into your life. Figure out what that might be, and you'll handle it correctly. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/25面對你生活中的某個人總是很困難,阿牛,不過現在,感覺好像比以往更困難了。你已經在等待著某些特定的情形或是行為方式,而你也總是為之武裝著自己。今天,花一點時間來分析你自己的設想,並看看你所設想的是否對於你和對方的連結有任何影響。比方說,在這個人面前你是否更加緊張或防備心很強?也許有某種方法能改變你的行為並使它更輕鬆、更舒服。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Aug 25 Dealing with a certain person in your life has always been difficult, Taurus, but right now, it might seem harder than ever. You have come to expect certain drama or behaviors, and so you always brace yourself for that. Today, take some time to analyze your own expectations, and to see if what you expect could have any impact on the way you relate to each other. For example, do you become tense or defensive in this person's presence? There may be some way to modify your own behavior to make it easier and more pleasant. --4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/24你也許在一個關頭上,要去做出一個能夠改變你生活中許多事情的決定,至少是有一部分的事情,或許還覆水難收。儘管你是很勇敢、大膽又直接的人,阿牛,這個決定的走向可能使你感到害怕。或許在改變上有很多方面無法去預測,自然而然地,這讓人擔心。但是,如果你夠想要你看上的東西,那麼這句話聽好了:你夠強,夠聰明,並且很能夠自我調整來成功地看待這件事,也能好好處理所有相關的變化。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Aug 24 You may be on the verge of a decision that could alter many things in your life-some of them, perhaps, irrevocably. Although you are a brave, bold, very straightforward individual, Taurus, the forward motion of this decision might scare you. There may be aspects of change that can't be predicted, and naturally, that's a concern. But if you want what you are aiming for enough, then you need this reminder: you are strong enough, smart enough, and adaptable enough to see this through successfully and deal with any of these changes. --3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/23大多數人類都是渴望安全感的。知道冰箱裡有吃的,水龍頭一開就有水,並且頭頂上方有牢固的天花板,代表著我們的基本需求是被滿足的。不過,你正渴望著的東西可不知這些,阿牛。你希望能知道不只是你的每日基本需求有被滿足。知道一個能激發你至更高境界的機會正向你走來是很美妙的。真的。但是,千萬別犯了以為它會自我顯現的錯,好像有神仙教母似的。你能夠更接近一個大目標的,只要你踏出腳步並碰觸它。開始計畫吧。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Aug 23 Most human beings crave security. Knowing there is food in the refrigerator, water available from the tap, and a secure roof over our heads means our most basic needs are being filled. You are craving something more than that now though, Taurus. You want to know that more than just your basic daily needs are met. It would be delightful to know a chance for you to aspire to something higher is coming your way. It is. But don't make the mistake of thinking it will just manifest, as with a fairy godmother. You can get closer to a big goal if you go out and meet it. Start planning. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/22是不是今天一開始就覺得心情像是坐雲霄飛車一樣?與其抵抗它,不如順著它吧,阿牛。在你心裡有很多事情需要釐清。去感受那些與心裡的念頭有關的情緒會對你很有幫助,使你去了解到你真正想要和需要什麼。如果你順著這些情緒,應該就有辦法解決一兩個牽絆著你的麻煩,然後你就能再次感到輕鬆多了。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 22 You may experience a roller coaster of emotions from very early on today. Instead of fighting it, just roll with it, Taurus. There are things you need to work through in your mind. Feeling the emotions that are attached to those thoughts will be helpful for you, enabling you to figure out what you really want and need. If you roll with those feelings, you should be able to work through a problem or two that has been holding you back, and then you should feel much lighter once again. - Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/21你可能限縮了一段比你想的還要有富有潛力的關係。你和某個特定人士之間的連結以某種型態展開著,也許是依照你的角色或你原先的想法進行。但是這其中是有許多可能的。如果你覺得你認識的某個人很討人喜歡或是有趣,阿牛,那就沒有理由不去進一步跨越原有的關係。今天是一個好日子來好好探索那個你覺得有興趣的人。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Aug 21 You may be limiting a relationship that has a great deal more potential than you realize. Your connection with a certain individual may have started out in a certain way, perhaps based on your roles or on your original perceptions. But there are greater possibilities here. If you find someone you know to be likable and interesting, Taurus, then there is no reason not to go beyond the established connection you have. This is a great day to find out more about someone you find interesting. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/20放輕鬆吧,阿牛。如果你沒注意到今天出現的其他訊息,至少這個能好好提點你。你正開始要進行,或者已經深深涉入著對你來說很重要的付出,由於其重要性,或許你覺得壓力很大、焦慮,又擔心不能把它做好。但是,如果你從一個緊繃的心境做為出發點來面對你所做的,你將無法如你所能地富有生產力。你也無法保持開闊的心胸來看待有辦法讓你事半功倍的事情。放輕鬆吧,親愛的阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Aug 20 Relax, Taurus. If you heed no other message today, this one will serve you well. You are approaching or maybe you are already involved in an effort that means quite a lot to you, and because of its importance, you may be feeling stressed, anxious, and worried about getting it right. But if you approach what you are doing from a state of mind that is tense, you won't be as productive as you could be. You also won't be open enough to consider things that could enhance your efforts. Relax, dear Taurus. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.2
[吃草] Day horoscope 2021/08/19是不是有個人在跟你說他們想要什麼,並用著一種強硬的方式?不過,阿牛,這可能有更深層的意涵。他們要不是害怕去揭露自己真正在追求著什麼,就是連自己真正需要什麼也不知道。或許你今天必須得像一個教練一樣,多多激勵某人的目標和夢想,以及幫助他們想出辦法去實現。但這也是一件好事。也許藉此也能幫助你釐清自己的目標或夢想呢。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Aug 19 Someone may be telling you what they want, and they may be doing this very emphatically. However, Taurus, there may be a lot more to it. Either they are afraid to reveal what they are really going after, or they aren't even aware of what they want themselves. You might have to be almost like a life coach today, coaxing out someone's goals and dreams and helping them figure out how to get there. But that can be a pretty good thing. It might even help you clarify your own goal or dream.4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/18你或許很快就要更深入的了解生命中的某個人,而他也一樣。一切都始於一個簡單的談話,但是這個談話可以引領至一個親密的無間關系,只要你順其自然讓它發生。這類的談話可以是尷尬又不自在的,因為它會使你感覺很突出或脆弱,但是沒關係,它方能為你敞開大門到十分精彩的交談,這個最終能帶給你更多舒適度及快樂到你生命中的交談,阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Aug 18 You may soon come to a greater and much deeper understanding of someone in your life, and vice versa. It may begin with a simple conversation, but that talk could lead to an intimate closeness if you allow it to happen. Conversations of this kind can be awkward and uncomfortable because they can make you feel conspicuous or vulnerable, but that's okay because it can open the door to an exchange that is very rich, one that can eventually bring greater comfort and joy to your life, Taurus. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/17在一段重要關係中,某人正試著透過支持與關懷來給你你現在所需要的。不過,連你自己都不確定你到底需要什麼。沒關係。別急。不要因為想當好人而隨便給答案。誠實去面對你並不是全知的,對於你自己及他人。你正在經歷著從某種信念中蛻變,阿牛。這是一直以來伴著你的一個信念。但是啟發是需要時間的。你將會知道你需要什麼,一旦你承認你還不知道。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Aug 17 Someone in an important relationship is trying to give you what you need right now through their support and caring. But you may not even know yourself what you need. That's okay. Don't rush it. And don't fill in the blanks just to be nice in return. Be honest about your lack of knowing - with yourself and with others. You are in a time now of evolving away from a certain notion, Taurus. It is one you have lived with for some time. But enlightenment can take time. You will know what you need if you admit that you don't know yet. --- 或許你不了解某人現在最深層的狀況。或許你不能理解他們為什麼悲傷、壓力大、失望、敏感、情緒化,諸如此類的。其實,如果你開始去東問西問,阿牛,這可能會讓事情變得更糟糕。你現在能為你所關心的某人做的,就只是待在他們身邊,以及讓他們知道你是有在關注並準備好要提供協助與幫忙。目前你並不需要去瞭解事情的全貌,畢竟,他們自己也不是完全瞭解。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Aug 16 You may not understand someone's deepest issues right now. You may not be able to figure out why they are sad, distressed, upset, emotional, moody, and so on. In fact, if you start questioning these things and digging around, Taurus, it might make things worse. All you need to do for someone you care about right now is to just be there and let them know that you care and are ready to offer help and assistance. You don't need to really understand everything at the moment, for they may not understand it themselves. --
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/15自我懷疑動機和決定確實是明智之舉。在做出更多的投入以及採取實際行動之前,這對於重新檢視你所考量著的是很好的方法。不過,當這變成一個習慣,而不是邏輯性思考之下的產物時,這可以開始吞噬你的自信,瓦解自己很有實力,並且好東西是為你而生的信念。如果你在今天發現自我懷疑的太多了,阿牛,退一步並去認知到你已經打好了基礎,而現在,你必須自信地向前邁進。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 15 Questioning your motives and your choices can be a wise thing to do. It is a great way to review what you are considering before making a commitment or taking concrete steps. But when this becomes a habit rather than the result of a logical process, it can start to erode your faith in yourself and your belief that you are very capable and that good things are meant for you. If you find yourself questioning yourself too much today, Taurus, step back and recognize that you have already done the groundwork, and now you must proceed with confidence. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/14如果你跟著直覺走,那麼一個突破將會降臨,就算這跟其他人一直在告訴你的不一樣。或許你已經花了好一陣子掙扎著訂正一個錯誤或是去討個公平,阿牛。這感覺像一路上都在辛苦地爬坡,但這有可能是因為你用著傳統的方法,而不是有創意一點。如果你感覺還有一件事可以去嘗試,即使它不是標準做法又何妨?你比你所想的要更靠近。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Aug 14 A breakthrough will be right around the corner if you follow your intuition, even if it goes against what other people are telling you. You may have struggled for some time to right a wrong or to get your fair share of something, Taurus. It could have felt like an uphill battle all the way, but that may be because you have gone along with a conventional approach, rather than being creative about it. If you are inclined to feel that there is one more thing you should try - even if it isn't the standard - then what can it hurt? You are closer than you think. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/13某人可能正在提供你一些跟你為了某個特定計畫所採取的方向有出入的訊息。這可能讓人感覺很煩,畢竟很多事情已經超前部署完畢,更何況你之前還因此覺得胸有成竹。但是出現變化時,阿牛,你必須正視這件事只會強化你早就已經在進行的。試著將新發現視為禮物吧。它已在千鈞一髮之時向你前來。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Aug 13 Someone may be providing you with information that does not conveniently fit in with some direction you are taking toward a certain plan. This is probably irritating, since things may already be in place to head off in that direction, and what's more, you may have felt settled and confident because of that. But if a change arises, Taurus, you need to see that it could only enhance what you are already doing. Try to see new knowledge as the gift that it is. It has come to you just in the nick of time. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/12我們所走的每一步都指著某個方向,就連我們所沒有興趣去走的也是一樣。我們常常因為生命的航程是一步接著一步,而不是依照有遠大藍圖的計畫走,而抵達一些地方,不過親愛的阿牛呀,我們很有可能會透過這樣的方式,達到我們人生中最好的目的地或是目標。你或許正覺得好像在一趟重要的路途中有點脫軌。但是,如果你是腳踏實地的一步一步來,你當然不會懂自己終將走到哪裡去,那麼你也不會知道或很確定自己是走在錯的路上。現在就儘管向前行吧。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Aug 12 Each and every step we take points us in a certain direction, including the steps we don't intend to take. We often wind up in places because much of life's navigation is done step-by-step rather than by a big broad overview type of a plan, but dear Taurus, we may reach some of our best destinations and goals in life this way. You may feel as though you have been derailed somewhere along the way on an important journey. But if you are taking one step at a time, you can't possibly know your final destination, so you can't know or be sure that you are on the wrong path. Just keep going forward for now. --5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/11就算是最善良、最溫柔的人都可以有情緒起伏的時候。我們都是人,而我們會犯錯和踏出錯誤的腳步。你或許正因為你但願自己沒說過的話或做過的事,而處罰自己,阿牛。你所能做的就是盡己所能並從錯誤中學習。如此一來,你就能在人生意義上滿足重要的一環。你是能夠去懷抱偉大情操及愛心的,而這是當前必須去正視的。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Aug 11 Even the kindest, most gentle person can have a temperamental moment. We are only human, and we all make mistakes and take missteps. You may be treating yourself harshly over something you said or did that you wish you had not said or done, Taurus. All you can do is do your best and learn from your mistakes. If you do that, you are fulfilling a big part of your purpose. You have the capacity for great kindness and compassion, and that's something that is important to recognize now. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/10說到你目前可能面臨之各種競爭,阿牛,你有能力和決心來讓其他人望塵莫及。即使如此,跟緊其他人還是對你有好處的。你也許能了解到他們做了什麼樣的計畫,甚至從中學習到某種能幫你大步邁進的事物。知識就是力量,尤其是當它有可能成為你所沒有的一小片關鍵資訊。盡力去學習,而你將能很快地來推動自己。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Aug 10 When it comes to any form of competition you may be facing right now, Taurus, you have the talent and the determination to leave everyone else in the dust. Even so, it might benefit you to stay closer to the pack. You may pick up on what they have planned, and you might even learn something that can help boost you even further. Knowledge is power, especially when it might be the few small slivers of information that you are missing. Learn all you can, and you'll propel yourself forward pretty quickly. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/09就因為你認識的某人害怕去挑起你所感興趣的重擔,並不代表你也就要感到害怕。大家常常會採取在生活圈子裡信任的人以及前輩的建議。但是,我們都有著不同的成長背景和生活經驗,而僅只是某人不願接受挑戰,不表示你就無法成功做到,親愛的阿牛呀。如果你真的有強烈意願去執行某個任務,別讓恐懼阻礙了你。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Aug 9 Just because someone you know is afraid to take on a role that you might be interested in is no reason for you to also be afraid. People often take their cues from those in their world that they trust and from other people they believe know more than they do. But we all come from different backgrounds and experiences, and just because someone else is not up to a challenge, does not mean that it won't work out for you, dear Taurus. If you really have a strong desire to take something on now, don't let fear stand in your way. --- 你或許在想著你生命中的某人是否值得重來的機會。也許在過去,他們曾經侮辱過你或是讓你失望。而你自問,最近一個遞上橄欖枝的舉動是否會落得跟之前一樣慘。有些問題是你可以先去釐清的,阿牛。這是你第一次給他們重來的機會嗎?他們看起來像是想要變得更好嗎?而最重要的是,這個人能讓你的生活變得更好,還是更壞?用這樣的方式搭配其他想得到的問題來分析。如果你實際地去思考將能看得清清楚楚。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 8 You may be wondering if someone in your life deserves a second chance. Perhaps they have burned you or let you down in the past, and you wonder if a recent attempt to get closer is going to end in the same way it has before. There are questions you could ask yourself, Taurus. Would this be the first second chance you have given them? Do they seem genuine in wanting to be better? And most of all, does this individual make your life better, or worse overall? Analyze this in the way you would (*with) any other kind of question. You will see it in a much clearer way if you approach it practically. --
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/07如果去遊樂園玩的時正想坐上雲霄飛車,你得先信任一些東西。你會假設雲霄飛車蓋得很好、園方會好好地操作,而且在坐完一趟回來之後,你可以安然無恙地離開。你不會在坐上去時想著最壞的可能。現在,你或許在私人領域中正冒著一點風險。但是如果這是你所做的抉擇,阿牛,不要讓自己被擔憂給吞噬了。享受過程吧。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Aug 7 If you were to take a ride on the roller coaster at an amusement park, you would have to trust in certain things. You would assume it was well-constructed; you would assume that the operators would handle it properly and that at the end of the ride, you would walk away unharmed. You would not go into the ride assuming the worst would happen. You may now be taking on a small risk in your personal life. But if you have chosen to do this, Taurus, don't allow yourself to be consumed by worry. Just enjoy the experience. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/06你現在可能需要某人的幫助,阿牛。但是同時,你也可能在心裡醞釀著對於跟那個人有關的事所帶來的不滿。不過,由於你的需求正迫在眉睫,你還是會去跟他尋求幫助。在你這麼做之前,先處理一下你的怒氣或是敵意。找到方法來了解你為什麼有這種感覺,並且試著解決它,至少也要跟自己和解。如此一來,你將不會在壓抑因為自己的情緒所產生的反對意見或評論上有太大的困難。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Aug 6 You may need someone's help now, Taurus. But at the same time, you might be harboring resentment over something connected to that individual. Because your need is pressing, though, you may ask for the help anyway. Before you do, it would be wise to work through your anger or dislike. Find a way to understand why you feel as you do, and make an attempt to resolve it - within yourself at the very least. That way, you won't have a hard time suppressing criticism or remarks that stem from your emotions. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.- 是不是在向某人告解或坦承某件事情,並希望他們能夠體諒你,那麼你就能好過一點呀,阿牛?但是,這跟別人怎麼想無關。這跟你怎麼想和經歷過了什麼,以及你如何能找到方法來渡過一個讓人失望的時刻有關。喔對了,你是可以的,而且你也會。不過,別讓自己的認知或喜怒任憑別人的意見。找到自己的方式來過渡並盡可能地學習吧。這一切都是關於如何提升自己到更高的境界。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Aug 5 You may be confiding or confessing something to someone hoping they will be accepting so that you can feel better about it, Taurus. But this is not about what someone else thinks. This is about what you are thinking and going through, and how you can find a way through an upsetting moment. You can, by the way, and you will. But don't make your acceptance or happiness dependent on someone else's opinion. Find your way through and learn what you can. It is all part of ascending to your higher self. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/04不只要乘興而行,阿牛,也要盡興而返。今天記得這句話。你又急又那麼匆忙地想要到達某個地方,卻完全忘記在出發點及目標之間之路途上的美好。有那麼多值得一看,值得學習和體驗的事物。時候到了你自然會抵達終點。但是,在你努力向前行時,試著去注意沿路上的所有風景吧。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Aug 4 It's not just about the destination, Taurus. It is also about the journey. That is an adage to keep in mind today. You may be hustling so fast and so hard to get to a certain point that you are forgetting all about the loveliness that exists on the way between your point of origin and your goal. There is so much to see, learn, and experience. You will get there when you get there. But as you strive ahead, try to notice all the scenery along the way. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/03打破承諾,ok嗎?身為一個備受信賴的金牛仔,你大概不覺得。事實上,你曾經含辛茹苦地去守住你所做的承諾過,即使在最後那些承諾並沒有成為你所想的那樣。不過現在,你正試著去做出超出能力範圍的事情,因為那些諾言,或因為這隱約代表著屬於你的責任。但是,如果這實在不是你需要去承擔的,你可以透過快速及大膽的反應來找到其他方式處理它。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Aug 3 Is it ever okay to break a promise? As an honorable Taurus, you probably don't think so. In fact, you have probably gone out of your way in the past to follow through with commitments you made, even when they turned out not to be what you thought they would be. But right now, you may be trying to endure the unendurable because you either gave your word, or it is implied that this is your responsibility. But if it isn't truly your burden to bear, you can find another way to handle it if you act quickly and assertively. --5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/31你也許答應了某人的要求,來參與你視為「豬也會飛」那般不可能達到*又高風險的付出。這個嘛,阿牛,豬說不定真的有一天會飛唷。你永遠不會知道。牠們有可能成為第一個去殖民某個充滿著松露的遙遠星球。說真的,你真的永遠不會知道。而且,你還會發現自己越來越無法解釋地被你過去認為高風險的事情所吸引。不要去無視這種感覺。這可能是你的直覺在告訴你有些東西改變了。在你掌握機會之前先瞧瞧吧。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Jul 31 You may have answered someone's request to become involved in what you see as a risky endeavor with the story line "when pigs fly." Well, Taurus, pigs may one day fly. You never know. They could be the first to colonize a far-off planet filled with truffles. But seriously - you really do never know. And you may find that you are inexplicably growing fonder of something you once thought was too risky. Don't dismiss that feeling. It might be your intuition telling you that something has shifted. Check it out before you take the leap. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/30某人可能會暗示或甚至是直截了當地告訴你,他覺得你在新的計畫上進行得太快了。到你耳邊,阿牛,這可能會被詮釋為那個人覺得你所冒的風險過高,或者是你正在淌一個不值得你的時間的渾水,又或者是他不相信你有辦法去搞定。但是,與其去分析你對他們的話中有話是怎麼想的,在他們的意見或指示對你而言是很有份量的前提之下,怎麼不直接去問清楚呢?也許你能就此消弭他們的擔憂。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 30 Someone may be implying or even telling you directly that they think you are moving too fast with a new endeavor. To your ears, Taurus, this might be interpreted as that person thinking you are taking too big of a risk or getting involved in something that is not worth your time - or maybe they don't believe you can handle it. But rather than analyzing what you think they might be saying - assuming their opinion or guidance is important to you - why not ask directly? Perhaps you can dispel their fears. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/29是不是感覺到某件你在努力著也有著期待的事情,將會以非常正面的方式為你運作呀?感覺也好,直覺也好,不管是什麼,你都感覺到,或是至少應該要對於成功感到確定。你正在意識到好事,這很理所當然。但是不要就此打住了,阿牛。你需要確保自己是完全地瞭解自己在做什麼,這樣才能向其他人傳達你的信念。即使你自認不是當局者迷,旁觀者清,倒不盡然。想出一個具體的做法來讓大家相信,那麼你將能迎來更大的成功。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jul 29 You have a feeling that something you are working on that you have hopes for is going to work out for you in an exceptionally positive way. Call it a vibe; call it intuition, but whatever it is, you feel - or should feel - certain of success. You are picking up good things, and that's as it should be. But don't stop there, Taurus. You need to make sure that you also fully understand all that you are doing so that you can convey your faith to others. Even though you "know" it - they don't. Come up with a concrete way to get others to believe, and you can have even bigger success. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/28你正在根據過去獲得的資訊來做一個當前的決定。既然你很明白該去期待什麼,阿牛,你大概覺得就這麼下決定應該很安全。但是,如果你所獲得到的資訊改變了呢?這會影響到你現在想做的嗎?在你決定掌握機會之前,你需要重新回到那個當下去檢視自己所知道的,並且找出有沒有其他事情是應該要知道的。新的資訊不一定會讓你停下來,不過它可能會需要你去重新調整你的做法。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jul 28 You are basing a current decision on information that you have from the past. Since you are well-acquainted with what to expect, Taurus, you probably feel safe going ahead with this. But what if the information you have has changed? Could it have an impact on what you want to do now? Before you take that leap, you need to go back and review what you know, and find out if there is anything else you should know. New information may not stop you, but it might require you to adapt your approach. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/27,你應該很清楚知道自己的某個部分在自我設限著。也許是難改的積習。也許是某種恐懼。不過你已經很努力在跳脫這個束縛。你可以是很固執又堅毅的,所以當你下定決心去做一件事,親愛的阿牛,只有你能讓你自己停下腳步。最近,你可能遭遇了一些阻礙,因為要突破這些限制有時候是真的很困難,但是你就要抵達終點了。而且,你越去嘗試,就會變得越簡單。繼續努力解放自己。這會很值得。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Jul 27 You are probably very aware of something about yourself that limits you. It may be an idiosyncrasy. It might be an old habit. It might be a certain fear. But you have been trying hard to free yourself from this. You can be quite stubborn and forceful, so when you make up your mind to do something, dear Taurus, the only thing that can stop you is you. You might be experiencing a bit of discouragement recently because of how hard it sometimes is to go against this limitation, but you are almost there. And the more you try, the easier it will get. Keep working at freeing yourself. It will certainly pay off. --3
[情報] Daily Horoscope 巨蟹座8月運勢你是喜歡感覺被需要的人。儘管如此,直到某人開始變得很煩,期望你去做一些他們自己就可以做得很完美的事。別讓感到被感激的需求以及告訴某人你不是工具人的需求互相抵觸。可能有人總是把你的付出視為理所當然,又或者甚至是一直在利用你善良又大方的天性。這個月,如果這個情況持續下去,是時候喊停了。表明在真的需要幫忙時,你是願意出手的,但是你也有自己的人生要過。並保持堅定,月之子。 在你的生活中有個你很倚賴的關係。本月,你必須把這個人放在第一順位。所有的關係都是需要被滋養和維持的。這可能是關於配偶或是伴侶,但即使是關於其他人生方面的重要角色,你都需要對他展示你的決心,也多真情流露一些。他們現在也許需要多一點的關注。你也許有一個很花時間的雜務或是責任,常常佔了太多你的寶貴時間。這個月,藉由寫寫日記來檢視一下你是怎麼管理你的時間,那麼你就能找到方法來更有效率的完成你所需要做的事情,也就能留更多的私人空檔給自己。 Cancer horoscope for August You are someone who likes to feel needed. That is, until someone becomes a pest by expecting you to do things they can do perfectly well for themselves. Don't let the need to feel appreciated collide with your need to tell someone you won't be a doormat. Someone may have been taking you for granted or even taking advantage of your kind and generous nature. This month, if it continues, it is time to put a stop to it. Be clear that you are willing to help when help is genuinely needed, but you have a life too. And stick with it, Moonchild. There is a relationship in your life that you rely on. This month, you need to make that person a priority. All relationships require nurturing and maintenance. This may be a spouse or a significant other, but even if there is some other relationship that is an integral part of your life, you need to show your devotion and share more of yourself with this person. They may need extra attention now. You may have a time-consuming chore or obligation that often takes too3
[情報] Daily Horoscope 魔羯座8月運勢在這個月份裡,一個等待已久的對話可以帶給你從來沒考慮過的新發現。就算這可能會讓你用不同的角度來看待一個計畫,這可不是不好的角度唷。說真的,這可能會開啟一個新的大門來做你沒想過會有機會的事情。這些內部消息也許不會馬上到來,不過,就在你開始去思考什麼是有機會的事之後。八月也將會是一個很棒的月份,來把與家庭相關的計畫提升到下個階段,不管是賣房子、裝修或是重新佈置。樂在其中吧,也要小心不要讓壓力來攪局。這一切都是關於你的家,一個敞開雙臂歡迎你的避風港,記著。藉由在計畫的同時活在當下來為它帶來溫暖的氛圍。 一件金錢方面和別人有關的事,或許是專長財會的會計師、朋友或家人,將會帶來一些驚喜。你可能會改變你保留文件的方式,或者是對於財務的想法。但如果你願意學習,這也是某種可以變成大大的好事。稍後在本月裡,某個老朋友的造訪或許能帶給你一個機會來促膝談心,並能回到你曾經享受過的深刻交流。 Capricorn horoscope for August This month, a long-overdue conversation could result in a revelation you had not even considered, Capricorn. While this may cause you to see a certain plan in a different light - it isn't a bad light at all. In fact, it might open a whole new door to doing things you hadn't even thought were possible. These insights might not come immediately, but rather after you start thinking about what could be possible. August will also be a great month for taking a home-related plan to the next level, whether this is selling your abode, renovating, or redecorating. Have fun with the process, and be careful not to let stress come into the picture. It is all about your home, which is supposed to be your welcoming sanctuary, so keep that in mind. Set the tone for a warm space by being present throughout any planning. A money matter that you go over with someone, perhaps an accountant or a friend or family member with financial expertise, could have some surprises. You may alter the way you keep records or the way9
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 金牛座8月運勢財運方面已經有好一陣子不太順利,存錢這件事一直以來也為了一個接著一個冒出來,又無法避免的開銷而有點棘手。但是這個月,阿牛,你可以簡化支出並想出一個在每個禮拜存下一定金額的存款計畫。一旦你開始了這個習慣,它會變得很簡單,而且你也不會覺得自己有被剝奪什麼。好好想一想自己是為著什麼努力。如果你覺得自己總是在沒頭沒腦地兜著圈子,試著把事情完成,也許是時候更好地去掌握你的行程,才能在較短的時間內,以較少的焦慮變得更有效率也更有效果。你可能會發現,自己在原本不覺得會被反對的計畫上面臨質疑。但如果你是堅定又冷靜的站得住 腳,並且一再提醒自己(必要的話,越多次越好)為什麼你對於自己的計畫有信念,最後仍會得到支持。 如果你在本月稍後得到一個遲來的道歉,可不要頑固了起來。你可能會偏向心懷怨恨,因為你討厭這個道歉拖了那麼久才姍姍來遲,抑或者僅僅是因為需要被道歉的緣由。然而,如果道歉的人是你很樂意去重新與之產生連結的,千萬別怕被賞第二個巴掌,把左臉也轉過來再試一次吧*。 *註:馬太福音5:39 "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/26你或許迷失在一連串的噪音裡,每個聲音都在吵著告訴你一個不同的角度,關於你將來必須決定的事情。這可能跟家庭有關,如果真是如此,那可能會變得更棘手,因為他們知道你的弱點,也知道怎麼成功地影響你和操控你。而且,就算他們是為了你好,阿牛,這個決定操之於你,也只有你能決定。別被恐懼或壓力所操弄了。找到一個你聽不到雜音的安靜的地方,並為自己做出決定。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Jul 26 You may feel lost in a cacophony of voices, each arguing a different point in a matter you will have to eventually decide on. This may be related to family, and if so, that might make it even harder because they know your weaknesses and how to successfully get to you and manipulate you. And even though they may have the best of intentions, Taurus, this decision is yours and yours alone. Don't be influenced by fear or pressure. Find a quiet place where you can't hear those voices, and decide for yourself. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.- 是不是很有決心要在今天解決一個待辦事項呀,阿牛?以致於你忘記要給自己一點休息時間。你是很堅強也很有毅力的,就像代表你星座的那隻牛一樣,但也要小心不要當一隻蠻牛。如果你一直進逼自己去想出辦法來解決這個待辦事項,即使你根本不在正確的心境中,那麼你只會變得心累,而且也沒辦法用對的方法來處理它。可以再試一下,但也做好心理準備來放手一陣子。解決辦法可能會在之後自然地來到你面前。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Jul 25 You are probably very determined to resolve an outstanding issue today, Taurus, so you may not give yourself a break. You are tough and forceful like the bull that is the symbol of your sign, but keep in mind the metaphor of a bull in a China shop. If you keep pushing yourself to come to a resolution about an outstanding matter - even though you aren't in the right state of mind to do so - then you will only become frustrated, and you may not address it in the right way. Try for a bit, but be ready and willing to let it go for a while. It may come to you more naturally afterward. --
[ 微好雷 ] Zola先說微心得, 就算我是直女, 但是看到兩位女主角跳鋼管舞或是穿小短褲還是阿嘶!! 然後在電影院吃爆米花好快樂, 好久沒有了嗚嗚嗚2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/14你的心可能會被拉扯到一個你的理智正在告訴你這並不符合邏輯的地方。通常,你有辦法在保持合理性和追求心之所向之間找到平衡,不過現在,阿牛,理出頭緒可能會變得超級困難。你一直試圖告訴自己應該要離陷入某種困境或是做白工越遠越好,但是有個東西一直讓你前進不了。在你說服自己之後如果還是有這樣的情形,也許其實很值得去放手探索一番。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jul 14 Your heart may be pulling you in a direction that your mind is telling you is illogical. You have a good balance of being reasonable and following your heart, Taurus, but right now, it may be incredibly hard to figure out what is happening. You keep reasoning that you should stay away from a certain situation or endeavor, yet something keeps leading you back. If this happens even after you talk yourself out of whatever it is, then maybe it is worth exploring after all. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[心得] 戴夫Dave S1+2 爆好看!!!之前聽男友放lil dicky的歌時, 想說怎麼有這麼奇葩的人, 如果還沒聽過他的歌, 請先服用Pillow Talk feat. Brain(也就是他自己)4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/13今天,你所接受到的一個正面訊息將會使你笑得嘴巴都要裂開了。不管是關於工作、金錢、家庭方面的好消息或是任何事情,都會為美好的一天奠定基礎。既然你現在磁場這麼好,阿牛,來執行讓你覺得充滿樂趣又滿足的事情吧!來自宇宙的正向力場與你同在,你需要好好去利用它。好事正等著你,你越去主動推動好事的發生,越能好上加好。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Jul 13 A positive message you receive today should leave you grinning from ear to ear. Whether this is about a job, money, good news from family, or anything else, it will set the tone for a marvelous day. Since the energy is so good for you now, Taurus, you should work on whatever it is that makes you feel the most joyful and fulfilled. The positive force of the universe is with you, and you need to capitalize on that. Good things are in store - and they will be even better if you start actively pushing for good things. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/12是不是感覺還有很多目標,甚至是遠大的夢想是你應該去追求的?然而,你卻也感覺到深陷在不作為的泥沼中?你的夢想或許有如一灘死水,而你可能也不覺得有必要去改變現狀,即使你是渴望去得到更多的,阿牛。有時候,靈感會莫名其妙地乍現並帶給你動力。可惜的是,這並沒有發生,你得要自己去追尋靈感。當你保持開放的心胸並不斷地追尋,它就會來敲門。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Jul 12 You probably feel like there are a couple of goals, or even a really big dream, that you should be pursuing. But you also may feel stuck in the quagmire of inaction. Your dreams may be stagnant, and you may not feel compelled to go beyond this current state - even though you are longing for more, Taurus. Sometimes inspiration comes out of the blue and gets you motivated. But if that isn't happening now, you need to go out in search of inspiration yourself. It will come to you if you are open to it and are actively seeking it. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/11對於某人跟你分享的事情,你可能會基於你們之間的關係做出評斷。由於你認為對方很可靠又正直,你可能會覺得他們說的都是對的。不過,即使是可靠、正直的人還是有可能會弄錯一些細節,或是傳達出錯誤的資訊。今天花一點時間思考你所得知的消息,並自己找出真相吧,阿牛。這或許會跟你聽說的有所出入。差之千里,失之毫釐。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Jul 11 You may be making a judgment about a story someone has shared with you based on your relationship with that individual. Since you find them reliable and honorable, you may be just assuming that it's all true. But even a reliable, honorable person can get their facts mixed up, or they can receive and then share information that is incorrect. Take some time today to reflect on what you have learned, and seek out the truth on your own, Taurus. It might be a bit different from what you were told - and that could make an important difference. --3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/10我們都經歷著許多的起起伏伏。事實上,你大概能夠對於人生就像雲霄飛車的比喻感同身受。但是,人生本來就不是一趟舒適的旅程。若是的話,我們又如何能從生命裡的考驗及磨難中學習或得到無數經驗呢?你目前可能正在穿越艱難的境地,阿牛,這卻是個可以帶給你智識和閱歷的寶貴經驗,只要你有心從中學習的話。這個體驗很快地將會使你生命的其他面向變得閃耀又精彩。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Jul 10 We all experience ups and downs. In fact, you probably can identify with the metaphor of life being like a roller coaster. But life is not meant to be a comfortable ride. If it were, how would we ever learn or have the vast experiences that are available to us all through life's trials and tribulations? You may be going through a rough stretch at the moment, Taurus, but this is a rich experience that is giving you knowledge and insight, as long as you look for it. This experience will brighten and enrich another area of your life in the very near future. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/09不尋常的人事物很有可能帶給你一個獨特又非常誘人的機會。由於你是保守地懷抱著合情合理的期待,你通常不太會被奇怪的東西給吸引,阿牛。說真的,你甚至或許會快速地選擇另外一條路來走。但是當事情感覺有點吸引人的時候,你必須保持開放的心態來面對這又新又不一樣的東西,因為一旦你挖掘越多,你越能夠看到它將帶來的許多好處。敞開心胸面對新的機會吧! Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 9 An unusual person or experience could lead you to a unique and highly desirable opportunity. Because you are more of a traditional person with reasonable expectations, you don't always gravitate to things that are out of the norm, Taurus. In fact, you might even walk the other way rather quickly! But you need to remain open to something new and different that is a bit intriguing, because the more you explore it, the more you will see the many benefits it offers. Be open to new opportunities. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/08在已經看到新的跡象、做過功課,並學習到以前不知道的東西之後改變主意完全沒有錯。事實上,這是一件很勇敢高貴的舉動,阿牛。它顯示出大腦的彈性之潛力,是很棒的特質。但是,如果你在一件重要的事情上改變主意是因為別人覺得你應該這麼做,抑或是因為這麼做能對你來說比較簡單,那麼改變主意就不算是什麼好事。今天你可能會處在對某事改變主意的邊緣。在這之前,先想想什麼對你來說是最好的。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jul 8 It is never wrong to change your mind about something if you have seen new evidence, done new research, and learned something you didn't know before. In fact, it's quite a brave and noble thing to do, Taurus. It shows the brain's elasticity potential, which is a good quality to have. But if you change your mind about an important matter because others think you should, or because it will make something easier for you if you do, then it probably isn't a good thing to do. You may be on the verge of changing your mind about something today. Before you do, figure out what will be best for you. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/07看起來,有個比你還要強勢的人正在試著說服你去做某件事情,或是敦促著你去接受你寧願不要的事情。你不是不能說不,阿牛,只是你可能覺得來自對方的壓力很大,而你只想從中解脫。即使如此,如果你想要的話,你完全可以也應該說不。不要讓焦慮纏身。這可能正是那個煩你的人所想要的。焦慮並不會帶來任何好結果的。保持堅定。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jul 7 It may seem that someone with a more assertive personality than yours is trying to push you into doing something, or urge you to go along with something you would rather avoid. It isn't that you can't say no, Taurus, but you may feel that you are being pressured, and you want relief from that pressure. Even so, you can and should say no if that's your preferred response. Don't let anxiety get to you. That may be what the person bugging you is counting on. But anxiety does not make good decisions. Stand firm. --