[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/26
Taurus horoscope for Thursday Aug 26
No matter how beautiful and blue the sky above you is right now, Taurus, you can be sure there are storm clouds gathering somewhere. There is a place nearby - perhaps right over your head - that will eventually break out in thunderstorms. This is part of life, and even dark skies and rain have life-giving benefits. You may be anticipating a problem in your personal life. It may not be convenient, but it also has the potential to bring something good into your life. Figure out what that might be, and
you'll handle it correctly.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/16親愛的阿牛,事情正在朝著好的方向發展,或至少它給你的感覺是這樣的。也許你無法確 定具體會發生什麼變化,但你應該對你的生活與未來有種正向的預感。然而,你是個眼見 為憑的人,你通常會需要證據來證實一些事物。試著用信念代替吧,你的驗證只是種為了 讓自己放心而產生的良好感覺而已。但你的確正朝著正確的方向前進著。 ———9
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/26在你的世界裡,可能有個新來的人身邊圍繞著神秘的氣息。事實上,阿牛,現在你的生活 中可能有種一般意義上的神秘感,因為現在正發生著一些你無法解釋的事情。和善的宇宙 正注視著你,也許它在你的生活中投入了一些特殊與幸運的元素,這或許會為你提供一個 新的機會。某個有著神秘光環的人可能與此有關。你是被祝福的,這是個能讓好事發生的 時機,也許這會使你的生活有著更大的保障。8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/25阿牛,某些有關金錢或個人利益的新機會可能會到來。然而,其中一個或複數個機會可能 會使你想在社交生活中所做的事黯然失色。你是否該把賺錢的機會放在一旁,以享受跟家 人朋友待在一起的時間?生活中真正的寶藏是你和他人的關係。而現在這些關係可能會和 財務的可能性發生碰撞。不過這次你可能會找到一個可能性去融合兩者,如果做得到的話 ,你的確該這麼做。也許生活中的某些時候,你終究能夠”擁有一切”。7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/11你可能擔心現在想對你生命中的某人所說的話會導致衝突,所以說出來會有一定的風險。 但說出心裡話可能會使你們的關係更加深入。如果你說出真心話,阿牛,你的誠意將會是 顯而易見的,沒有一個值得在你生命中佔有一席之地的人能夠為此感到不安。甚至你可能 會發現,說出你所想的將會被感激的接受,因為它將為另一方開闢出相同的道路。 ———6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/24這是個提醒,阿牛。不要太拘泥在一個問題上,以至於你把自己塞進了無望的感覺中。其 實有條出路,但也許你忘了。如果你一直想著什麼是錯的,那會讓它看起來更糟糕。如果 只專注在這個問題可能帶來的負面因素,你會讓它比生命更重要,你就會給它力量。你是 負責任的。與其糾纏在可能出錯的地方,不如開始思考解決方案。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/09你或許已經考慮到一個在遠處可能會發生的事,它等同於稍近的未來。但因為你想了很多 ,阿牛,所以它看起來更真實也更靠近了。 但這只是一種印象、一種想法,而不是現實,所以不要把一件可能永遠不會發生的問題投 射到自己身上。如果你這麼做的話,幾乎等於邀請這個問題在你的生活中挑起混亂。你可 以有一個能夠處理任何問題的計劃,但不要花費時間去思考如何解決這個問題。1
[情報] 11/06 the daily horoscopeWe don't always know how truly great something was until it is gone. Once we l ose something - a relationship, a job, a friendship, and so on - we may not re alize how beautiful the space it occupied really was. If you are on the verge of losing something, Gemini, perhaps because you don't recognize its benefits, take another good look. What does it add to your life? What will be missing f1
[情報] 11/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeLooking for a rainbow will not cause one to suddenly materialize, Moonchild. We don't have that kind of power over nature no matter how positively we think. But if you start looking for rainbows, you are more likely to notice them when they do appear. And what's more, you begin to recognize that another rainbow will appear at some point in your life,1
[情報] 01/14 the daily horoscopeWhen you see dark clouds gathering on the far horizon, you can tell that a sto rm is moving in. The darker and more ominous the clouds, the more turbulent th e storm, right? Yes, Gemini, it often happens that way - but not necessarily a ll the time. You may be able to see signs of something that is frightening you now, and it seems to be coming your way. But just like those gathering clouds- When the sky becomes very dark suddenly, and the wind rises and shakes the branches from the trees, we might assume that the day will be a bad weather day because stormy weather is coming. But in reality, the clouds could break apart soon enough, revealing a blue sky. The wind could slow down to a soft breeze. And the day could become quite enjoyable. Don't