[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/20

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/20作者
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:0


Daily Horoscope for Thursday 01/20
You can go out about your daily routine and cross paths with someone who seems familiar. Although you may recognize their face, you might not remember their name. This can be embarrassing, of course, but it happens to everyone, and it is certainly understandable. You may be upset by a recent faux pas of some kind, Taurus. Don't let it get to you. Don't beat yourself up over it. It wouldbe silly to make more out of an ordinary mistake or lapse of memory. Give yourself a break.
faux pas 失誤;失言
lapse of memory 失憶


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gipo77601/20 08:06謝謝

※ 編輯: qpeter2243 ( 臺灣), 01/20/2022 10:31:43