[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/30

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/30作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:1

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday 03/30
The balance in a personal relationship may seem out of kilter. You may be more of a giver, while someone else may be too much of a taker. Or you may be doing more to keep the relationship afloat. But wherever the imbalance lies, Taurus, it probably won't just straighten itself out on its own. You need to address inconsistencies and areas that need improvement. The other party might not even notice what's wrong until you point it out but will probably be grateful to you for doing so.
kilter 順利
afloat 漂浮的;維持
straighten 好轉;整頓;澄清
inconsistency 不協調;不一致;矛盾


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haibarajdi03/30 06:42謝謝建議

gipo77603/30 08:59謝謝

hito8068603/30 12:03好準

support00003/30 12:22真的有點失衡了…而且會有付出被當理所當然的fu

EiryoWaga03/30 16:40是不平衡,也是一個新功課新考驗,會想辦法調整der

monsterwai03/30 20:26謝謝

blackafrit03/30 21:20哭,失衡最累T.T

sa12e303/30 21:30今天這算準 但是接下來不會再準了!