[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/12

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/12作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:2

Nothing is as straightforward as it seems, especially when it seems too good to be true. Or at least that may be the premise you are going by right now, dear Taurus. But sometimes things really are as they appear, and sometimes greatthings can come to a person in an easy way. This may be one of those times. That may not seem practical or logical, but it does happen. Don't be so skeptical that you miss out on a chance that really could be meant for you.
straightforward 簡單易懂、直截了當、坦率
premise 前提
practical 實際、實踐、務實、可行
skeptical 多疑、懷疑


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sherry422908/12 06:12especially when it seems too good to be true, and

sherry422908/12 06:12 sometimes great things can come to a person in an

sherry422908/12 06:12 easy way ;)

gipo77608/12 08:23謝謝

monsterwai08/12 10:19謝謝

pewq08/12 12:16謝謝

EiryoWaga08/12 12:38沒有好得不切實際的時候,天天烏雲罩頂打雷閃電(攤手

ioueioue08/13 02:28謝謝