[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/12

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/12作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:0

It is possible that you feel as though you have been dropped in the middle ofa thick forest. Taurus, you may feel completely bewildered about how you arrived at a particular location emotionally, but you shouldn't place the blame onyourself for getting there. Even though there is a lot of confusion around you and you may be surprised by the behavior of certain people in your life, youwill soon start to see your way through the tangle of information that you are picking up here and there. This will occur despite the fact that there is a lot of confusion that is swerving around you. You are going to emerge victorious from this situation, and it is going to make sense in the end. Put your faith in that.
bewildered 不知所措;困惑
tangle 混亂;糾結
swerving 突然轉向;偏離方向;急轉直下
emerge 出現;產生;誕生;浮現;暴露


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ioueioue09/12 01:13謝謝 我有信心

haibarajdi09/12 04:05謝謝,蒐集資訊 要有信心

goodcial09/12 04:52謝謝!

gipo77609/12 06:29謝謝

MAXZ09/12 07:10謝謝

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tinabjqs09/12 07:47謝謝