[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/12
You may be thinking about trying to alter the rules of a venture you are currently working on, Taurus. But you might be much better off finding creative ways to work within those rules. Not only will it challenge you more and make the experience more educational and more enjoyable, but you will show an authority figure or decision-maker how tough, flexible, and innovative you can be. It's not difficult to act contrary to the rules. Making something great out ofalimited opportunity, though, is truly impressive.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 8/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 13 2021 You are not afraid of new or adventurous situations, Capricorn, but you don't necessarily seek them out either. In fact, you might be more inclined to opt for an activity or pursuit that offers a smoother experience. But every now and then, it is good to go beyond your comfort zone, even if you don't feel7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/24你可能試著為自己量身打造某些東西,以獲得別人的欽佩或認可。這可能只流於表面,但 或許會是更加深層的東西。不過你真的不該改變那些為你帶來舒適感或自我認同感的事物 。 如果有人希望你改變成他們想要的樣子,那麼他們想要的並不是你的本質,阿牛,你應得 的是更好的。你就是你自己,而你是因為做自己而偉大的,在今天要記住這點。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/10如果你今天有選擇的話,阿牛,你該採取最簡單的路線。雖然你可能想炫耀你的能力和展 現你在面臨挑戰時的智慧來打動別人,但如果你能夠證明自己知道一個最簡單且最有效的 方法來解決問題的話會更令人印象深刻。此外,用簡單的方法完成一件事,它所帶來的狀 況就越少,而這才是你的終極目標。你知道自己該怎麼做! ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/19你即將參與一個能讓你的未來更加光明的某件事裡。阿牛,你唯一的問題可能是這將會需 要某種投資,可能是財務或時間等資源的投資。如果你試著把這當成是對你自己的投資, 那麼他將是一個相當容易做出的決定。你現在所做的能夠幫助自己建立一個更強大、安全 且愉快的未來。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/31有件正在飛速發展中的事情帶來了新的冒險或計劃,阿牛。這並不是你所預期的,但這確 實是個好消息。儘管你可能還沒準備好進展的這麼快,但你需要後退一步,認知到你是多 麼幸運才能讓事情發展的如此順利。或許你覺得自己還沒準備好,但如果你準備出一種什 麼事都難不倒你和靈活的方法來迎接這件事,你就能夠走上正軌。這是件好事。 ——2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/03你對於他人想獲得的東西看起來比他們還熱心,或許會感到受傷或幻滅,但這並不是你能 改變的事,阿牛。你能像往常一樣,讓對方知道,在傾注心力為一個可能根本不在乎的人 付出之前,你需要更深入了解對他們來說什麼是重要的事。但如果你退一步,可能會感到 訝異。這件事對他們來說可能比你想得還要重要。 ——1
[情報] 12/02 the daily horoscopeThe advice that you seem to be hearing now may not be the advice you were hopi ng to hear. You were wishing for something more impressive or exciting, but it is turning out to be pretty simple and possibly somewhat disappointing. But i f taking this advice can help you solve a problem, Gemini, then you need to li sten. Your goal is to resolve a problem, and even if the resolution isn't the