Re: [國中] 111 年國中會考英語試題:有3題不止一個

看板Teacher標題Re: [國中] 111 年國中會考英語試題:有3題不止一個作者
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:6

Peter Whittle
I'm afraid I have to disagree. I would not accept "It took me lots of time
preparing". It takes time to do something, not doing something. You can say
"I spent a lot of time preparing", but it is not correct usage (in the UK at
least) to take time doing X. It should be take + time + infinitive or spend +time + gerund. There's also a good case to be made for arguing that only the
present continuous tense is appropriate for the second of the questions,
since if the past continuous tense ("was looking") is used, it can be taken
to imply that he is no longer looking, and therefore there's no point in
approaching him about getting the job. However, I would accept that "was
looking" is just about passable, since it suggests the speaker knew he was
looking, and maybe hasn't yet found anyone, so it might still be worth
approaching him about it. As for the third question (18), I strongly disagreethat "it" is acceptable. The subject is "buses", plural, so cannot be
referred to by the singular pronoun "it". Only "one" (one of the buses) is
appropriate here. If the sentence had been written as "The bus only comes" or"There is a bus (singular) every hour", then "it" would be correct, but
that's not how the sentence in the cloze test is written.



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ostracize:轉錄至看板 Eng-Class 05/23 20:51 ostracize:轉錄至看板 teaching 05/23 20:52

dominoY 05/23 21:09事實上就是連母語者都有不同的答案了,拿去問10個

dominoY 05/23 21:09母語者大家的回答都會不一樣,我隨便問了美國同事就

dominoY 05/23 21:09和上面回文作者看法不一樣了,還順便問 “台灣的考

dominoY 05/23 21:09試都在考這些嗎”

dennistao 05/23 21:33母語者不一定文法好喔,像第18題就是文法跟邏輯阿

transiency 05/24 00:14也不是每個台灣人國語考試都滿分,考個字音字形就倒

transiency 05/24 00:14了。英語母語人士也沒有英語個個滿分的。