[情報] WTA 賽季結束

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時間推噓18 推:19 噓:1 →:11

林茲打完後 WTA 2020 賽季也宣告結束,由於今年沒有年終賽所以年終排名相關資訊今天直接在官網以文章的形式列出。那因疫情的緣故今年的年終是取 22 個月的排名做為依據,所以巴蒂等於今年一整年沒打什麼賽事也是單打年終第一。謝淑薇同樣也因 22 個月的排名首次取得雙打年終第一的寶座,因去年與妹妹在大阪的 305 分無法被取代且持續計分 (去年則是 Strycova 憑與 Vondrousova 的澳網四強積分領先謝淑薇),今年輪到謝淑薇坐。

WTA releases 2020 year-end rankings (WTA 公布 2020 年終排名)

The WTA released the 2020 Year-End Rankings today after a season that
traveled through 14 countries and regions to a total of 27 events in a
pandemic impacted season.

ST. PETERSBURG, FL, USA - The WTA (Women's Tennis Association) today
released the 2020 Year-End Rankings after a season that traveled through 14
countries and regions to a total of 27 events, including three Grand Slams
and three WTA 125K Series events, in a pandemic impacted season.

Traditionally, the WTA Rankings are based on a 52-week system with results
from a player's best 16 tournaments for singles and 11 for doubles. As the
Tour came to a halt in March due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the WTA
Rankings became frozen, allowing ranking points to extend beyond the
traditional 52-week window so that a player's world ranking would not be
impacted due to the suspension. Under the revised system, a player's ranking
is comprised of her best 16 results in singles and best 11 results in doublesbased on the points earned between March 2019 through December 2020 and
includes the “Better of 2019 and 2020” points earned at Tour-level and
Grand Slam events.

WTA 今天公布了本賽季的年終排名。因疫情緣故今年只有在 14 個國家舉辦 27 場賽事。

一直以來 WTA 排名都是依據過去 52 週的最佳 16 (單) 及 11 (雙) 項比賽成績做為標準。今年因為 COVID-19 疫情導致排名於三月凍結,也為了保護球員因疫情無法參賽,排名所計時間也延長超過 52 週,以 2019/03-2020/12 的最佳 16 (單) 及 11 (雙) 項比賽成績做為標準,其中巡迴賽等級以上的相同賽事則取兩年中較佳的成績做為計分標準。



Australia's Ashleigh Barty finishes the year as the WTA Year-End World No.1
for the second straight year, having first cemented her place as No.1 on June24, 2019, bringing her total weeks atop the singles rankings to 50. Since the2019 season, Barty has appeared in seven finals, winning two of her biggest
titles at 2019 Roland Garros and the Shiseido WTA Finals Shenzhen. She went
11-3 in 2020, having kicked off the season by lifting the trophy on home soilat the Adelaide International and making back-to-back semifinal runs at the
Australian Open and Qatar Total Open (Doha).

澳洲的巴蒂繼去年獲得年終第一後,今年再次取得。巴蒂自 2019/6/24 起就盤據在第一名,到本週已經邁入第五十週。去年巴蒂打進七場賽事的決賽,並在法網及深圳年終賽折桂。今年他則是在阿德萊德奪得冠軍、並在澳網跟多哈晉級四強,11勝-3負。

Hsieh Su-Wei of Chinese Taipei earns the WTA Year-End World No.1 Doubles
Ranking for the first time in her career, and is into her 26th
non-consecutive week as the No.1 doubles player. Partnering with Barbora
Strycova, who finished the year at No.2, the pair reached a Tour-leading fivedoubles finals in 2020, posting a 23-2 win-loss record by capturing the
titles at the Brisbane International, Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships,
Qatar Total Open (Doha) and Internazionali BNL d’Italia (Rome). They also
finished as runners-up at the Australian Open.

謝淑薇今年第一次成為雙打年終第一,目前盤據第一 26 個非連續週數。
◇謝淑薇於 2014/5/12 首次位列雙打第一,當時搭檔彭帥。

搭檔 Strycova (今年位居第二),謝淑薇與 Strycova 今年打進五場決賽為本賽季次數
澳網。今年雙打成績是 23勝-2負。

Despite the limited amount of play this season, the WTA Tour produced
plentiful memorable moments highlighted by emerging stars and new Grand Slam
champions Sofia Kenin and Iga Swiatek, dominant runs from established talent
such as Simona Halep and Naomi Osaka, and inspiring comebacks from tour
veterans Victoria Azarenka, Kim Clijsters, Tsvetana Pironkova and more.

雖然今年比賽打得十分有限,但 WTA 巡迴賽也創造了許多美好回憶,包括新科大滿貫
得主 Sofia Kenin 及 Iga Swiatek,擁有強勢成績的 Simona Halep 及 Naomi Osaka,還有許多振奮人心的復出 (Kim Clijsters 及 Tsvetana Pironkova),而 Victoria
Azarenka 應該是要歸類表現回春吧?



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deehsu 11/17 06:10

deehsu 11/17 06:10

cruisewu200311/17 07:38難忘的一年

Eeli2008 11/17 07:58名字字體也太不清楚了@@

mio2002185 11/17 08:20還是覺得Rybakina好可惜,疫情前狀況超好。但是今年

mio2002185 11/17 08:20確實越來越多新面孔值得注意。

todd0101 11/17 11:15賽道女王

todd0101 11/17 11:20跟翠就差一場,是謝謝的泛太平洋賽亞軍抵美網

todd0101 11/17 11:21不過也恭喜啦,也算蒐集一個抬頭!

mnyan0503 11/17 11:38恭喜淑薇 又蒐集一個成就

atprob19 11/17 12:00謝謝妹妹成全

jasonyeh 11/17 12:53翠姨去年拿了,今年換淑麗拿

joey0602 11/17 17:56恭喜淑薇

Eeli2008 11/17 19:11

seaofgod 11/17 20:04他的書真的不值得買

imperium 11/17 21:12封面好像是雞湯書愛用字體

hadesky 11/17 21:24醫療用書:如何搭長榮機艙治療中暑

hadesky 11/17 21:28長榮機艙是你所需要的一切

paotzu 11/17 23:29地震的事到底是要講多久

todd0101 11/18 00:04乃哥提的地震文,倒也不是作者主打

todd0101 11/18 00:05反正就是加減賺的意思,心靈雞湯餵對味的粉絲

todd0101 11/18 00:06希望裡面不要一堆假掰寫真照湊頁數

ashin1069 11/18 08:26這種也在出書 昏倒 真格的浪費地球資源

todd0101 11/18 10:43出個教練書 怎麼樣撈到辛吉絲的經歷

mnyan0503 11/18 11:26最好出本書 教後輩們怎麼抱大腿抱好抱滿

jasonyeh 11/18 11:50921地震的受災戶大概只剩他到現在還掛在嘴邊

todd0101 11/18 15:25大部分受災者都不願再面對 只有她當作光環一樣

joe10227 11/18 16:39一日受災,一輩子攏欲講乎人知....

nakatsu 11/19 03:33樓上戳中笑點

wqcftgv 11/19 08:19本書重點是要如何快速從中暑中恢復嗎

Nishikori 11/20 08:54積蓄還能再打三年球,然後在哭窮?