[情報] Thiem退出溫網

看板Tennis標題[情報] Thiem退出溫網作者
時間推噓30 推:30 噓:0 →:11

Thiem IG:


After being forced to retire from his opening match at the Mallorca Open on
Tuesday due to an injury to his right wrist, Dominic Thiem travelled to
Barcelona and underwent further medical examinations. Tests found that there
is a ‘detachment of the posterior sheath of the ulnar side of the right
wrist’, an injury that will not allow him to compete in the circuit for
several weeks. Thiem will wear a wrist splint for 5 weeks before beginning a
progressive process of specific, functional rehabilitation to regain mobility as well as muscle strength in his wrist and ultimately return to training oncourt.

Dr. Angel Ruiz Cotorro and his medical team will supervise the progress of
the injury, as Thiem will undergo further MRI scans and tests, and will
decide when the player is fit to return to competition. “I’m going to do
everything the doctors say in order to recover as quickly as possible.
They’ve informed me that I might be out for several weeks, but I will do my
best to be back on court soon”, said Thiem. “I’m really sorry for pulling
out of the upcoming three tournaments I had in my calendar: Wimbledon,
Hamburg and Gstaad. They are very important tournaments for me. I appreciate
all the support from the fans in these difficult moments - I’m determined to
come back stronger”.


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※ 編輯: Joybena ( 臺灣), 06/24/2021 23:46:41

AlohaVC 06/24 23:47拜託不要有大礙 養好傷滿血回歸

ErnestKou 06/24 23:47等你回來

※ 編輯: Joybena ( 臺灣), 06/24/2021 23:48:37

ilovedank 06/24 23:48希望滿血回歸+1 今年真的不太理想

alex2426chen06/24 23:48要固定五周 那大概美網也難了

wawkli093 06/24 23:49希望滿血回歸

ericchen072506/24 23:50QQ 先好好休養吧

FUNyuyu 06/24 23:51嗚嗚嗚嗚

todd0101 06/25 00:03心理也順便恢復一下吧

todd0101 06/25 00:10滑脫聽起來比撕裂傷好一點 有沒有專業解答?

elevenjoyce 06/25 00:18QQ 好好休息 再重返球場

zaza302107 06/25 00:22流年不利

gp03dan 06/25 00:31保重啊

FantasyChopi06/25 00:33好慘.....

JustWinslow 06/25 00:43五周就七月底了 8月接著硬地兩個大師賽+月底美網

JustWinslow 06/25 00:43看起來不太妙阿!

JustWinslow 06/25 00:43跟豆一起奧運後復出吧

AlohaVC 06/25 00:45不必急著跟豆一起復出啦 自己傷養好滿血再上

clifflee 06/25 00:46該去拜拜……上教堂?

JustWinslow 06/25 00:49他2021 今年race才735分 第3X名 跟2020差真多

flamevein 06/25 00:53今年就好好養傷復健 明年再來

iamanidiot 06/25 01:07天啊 祝安好欸

sofisofi 06/25 01:17好好養傷 徹底放鬆一下吧

b99202071 06/25 02:14

bol4587 06/25 02:47小王子好好養傷QQ

joey0602 06/25 03:04有點慘...

ZaneTrout 06/25 03:09早日康復

kyleyu 06/25 03:54今年真是衰啊!流年不利......

jantim102 06/25 04:40OMG

hioat609 06/25 04:50希望王子早日康復QQ

nike923123 06/25 08:01早日康復QQ

Safin 06/25 08:01種子的排序會變動嗎?

asdfg5566 06/25 08:11專心養傷吧,加油!

fallonger 06/25 08:362021真的各種不順...好好養傷再出發

rayisgreat 06/25 09:52QQ

conanlovet 06/25 10:31這樣感覺會掉出TOP10... 希望滿血回歸!!

zcxvbb736 06/25 11:35保重

BroSin 06/25 11:36多災多難

leo960164 06/25 11:56好好復健 加油啊~

aQsoqli 06/25 12:45小王子~等你回來!

nice666 06/25 16:44拍拍 好好養傷

dexcom 06/25 17:06wow