[情報] Dominic Thiem 新年新戀情

看板Tennis標題[情報] Dominic Thiem 新年新戀情作者
時間推噓14 推:15 噓:1 →:7
小王子今天在自己的 IG 上確認了和 Lili Paul-Roncalli 的新戀情。


Dominic Thiem posts picture with new love interest Lili Paul-Roncalli
07 Jan 2021

World No. 3 Dominic Thiem has all but confirmed the rumors of his new romancewith Lili Paul-Roncalli. Thiem recently posted a picture of himself embracingPaul-Roncalli on his Instagram 'stories', captioned with a heart emoji.

This is the first post on social media featuring Dominic Thiem and Lili
Paul-Roncalli together. There had been a lot of speculation over the past fewweeks that the pair were dating, and now Thiem seems to have decided to make
the relationship official.

The 22-year-old Lili Paul-Roncalli is a 'contortionist and skater' who won
the 2020 edition of 'Let's Dance', a German reality show. No details of how
the pair met have been made public so far, and neither party has spoken aboutthe relationship.

Lili Paul-Roncalli won the Let's Dance show while partnering with Massimo
Sinato. She is the daughter of Bernhard Paul, the legendary Austrian circus
director and co-founder of 'Circus Roncalli'.

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deehsu 01/08 00:14 新女友相關介紹

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