[情報] (花邊) 鄰居檢舉Thiem在家錄謎片

看板Tennis標題[情報] (花邊) 鄰居檢舉Thiem在家錄謎片作者
時間推噓39 推:39 噓:0 →:15

資料來源: Marca


Thiem reported by neighbours who thought he was recording a porn movie


His neighbours called the police to come to the property where the tennis
player was staying. They were fed up of hearing continuous moaning for more
than an hour and thought that a porn film was being recorded there.


The local police went to Thiem's house. Once there, they were able to
ascertain that the sounds were the product of the two-time Roland Garros
finalist's training every time he hit the ball.


"It's not the first time this has happened to me. It's always funny and I
even understand it, because sometimes when I train I scream a lot and make
weird noises," said the Austrian in the interview to 'O3 Radio'.




"Luckily he was not accompanied with Azarenka. It would have been more
- 如果跟Aza一起練,就真的是謎片了lol。。

"That's why I don't watch women's tennis. Gets arrested all the time"
- 所以我就不看女網啦。

"Imagine being Sharapova’s neighbor"
- 想像一下鄰居是莎娃(汗)

"We all wish it was true"
- 我們都希望這是真的!(流口水)

"If this was the reason for him getting arrested. Then Rafa would
have been serving a life sentence.
(Btw I am a Rafa fan)"
- 如果這樣就要被抓去關,那Rafa就要終身監禁了。

" Dominic u naughty man"
- 侯~~~Thiem你小壞壞。


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f222051618 06/21 15:14整天嗯嗯啊啊的 也不管人家受不受的了

kakashi71 06/21 15:15這也太好笑了吧XDD話說以前我用手機看女網比賽時

kakashi71 06/21 15:15真的有被別人以為看謎片,從此看女網一定戴耳機

FUNyuyu 06/21 15:33"We all wish it was true" XD

apple8335 06/21 15:43XDDD

room1301 06/21 15:49整天嗯嗯啊阿的

a069275235 06/21 15:58笑死 有認真訓練給推

unred 06/21 16:08XDDDD

sherlock082506/21 16:11好歹也說美網冠軍吧,兩次法網亞軍是三小

rocke 06/21 16:12美網冠軍的頭銜不好嗎 為何是兩次法網亞軍XDD

unred 06/21 16:17欸對耶 我想到Thiem真的不會想到美網冠軍...

unred 06/21 16:18倒是真的會很直接想到18 19連續法網亞軍

kenclyde 06/21 16:22可能沒有Big3的美網冠軍不純吧

o0991758566 06/21 16:25兩屆法網亞軍跟一屆澳網亞軍 過程中有擊敗囧納印象

o0991758566 06/21 16:25才深刻阿~ 決賽又輸給納囧

kendan88 06/21 16:34連續兩年在法網決賽輸給納豆,這個紀錄應該比美網冠

kendan88 06/21 16:34軍還厲害 哈哈

leviva 06/21 16:35可能錄到沙巴的比賽 (誤)

kendan88 06/21 16:35大家都自動遺忘那年美網決賽,畢竟沒什麼記憶點?

ozakiinptt 06/21 16:43好想看(誤

sunsirr 06/21 16:45好想聽(威

b99202071 06/21 16:59笑死

qk3380888 06/21 17:07笑死

mnyan0503 06/21 17:10那年美網決賽超有記憶點啊 近年最難看的決賽內容

freeview 06/21 17:11鄰居不能因為近況不好就這樣黑他啊啊

bdgg 06/21 17:12史上最純的法網亞軍阿 除囧後拿豆一盤

joyce31022 06/21 17:12還蠻好笑的

DflowerT 06/21 17:12XDDDDD

calculus9 06/21 17:19一小時耶(重點誤)

kakashi71 06/21 17:24兩次法網亞軍的成就大於美網冠軍嗎XDDD

HawkEyes 06/21 17:27明明美網冠軍奪冠途中,四強直落三贏Med, 除非是大家

HawkEyes 06/21 17:27想貶低Med我也沒辦法~

Eeli2008 06/21 17:32是叫多大聲XD

gp03dan 06/21 17:34美網是冠軍賽內容差強人意~

unred 06/21 18:16連2年只輸豆 19年還先過囧 隔天拿豆一盤 真的強

godzillalala06/21 18:17其實我也不敢中午在餐廳吃飯的時候看女網(?)

Safin 06/21 19:02我也覺得叫聲很像A片

EMANON231 06/21 19:20笑死

applewarm 06/21 19:21笑死,有夠扯。搞笑電影情節

YiHW 06/21 20:24笑死XDDDD

lumy0721 06/21 20:33哈哈,女網叫聲有像,而且分貝超高,勿忘澳網決賽Az

lumy0721 06/21 20:33a對莎娃

spec55959 06/21 21:44笑死

CaminoI 06/21 21:45被鄰居舉報噪音就算了 理由竟然是懷疑在拍A片 XD

CaminoI 06/21 21:46現場聽過Aza的叫聲 那個環繞音場效果比電視上還響亮

ysh 06/21 22:09羽球馬琳的叫聲也很淒厲=_=

GordnHayward06/21 22:20滿可憐的 法網幹掉小丑決賽輸豆 澳網反過來一樣亞

domoto0101 06/21 22:52因為比鄰居久,就被投訴了

VJ2004 06/22 09:35最後兩句笑爛XDDDD

trainmay 06/22 23:02兩次法網都敗給豆

nice666 06/23 00:27這篇好笑XD

yvklej 06/23 02:30笑死XDD

iPolo3 06/25 03:42阿斯(>_<)

wanderlust 06/25 10:08太好笑了哈哈哈,小王子肯定覺得無辜