[討論] 外國說中國馬匹數居世界前列 有1100萬匹

看板Warfare標題[討論] 外國說中國馬匹數居世界前列 有1100萬匹作者
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:11

The age of mounted combat has generally been viewed from a European
perspective, since it was there that infantry was overthrown and that the
greatest and most far-reaching changes in cavalry tactics occurred. But it
was by no means an exclusively European phenomenon; indeed, the mounted
warrior's tactical supremacy was less complete in western Europe than in the
vast Asiatic steppes that bordered China. Evidence from the region suggests
that horses were first mounted about 4000 BC, but their role in warfare was
trivial until the Han dynasty.

The fame of the large Parthian warhorses reached the Chinese imperial court
and led the emperor Han Wu Ti to send an expedition westward as far as
Fergana to bring back specimens of the new breed in 101 BC. These were mated
with the sturdy Mongolian horses, and for the next several centuries the
Chinese emperors employed both horse archers and armored horsemen to guard
the borders against barbarian incursions and the vital Silk Road caravans
from raiders. Ironically, the invading Mongols would eventually turn these
against Chinese rulers themselves.

China leads the world in terms of horse population, having nearly 11 million
horses within its borders. Once the discovery of the stirrup made its way to
China, heavy cavalry soon followed. As the Chinese found out first-hand when
the Mongols invaded in the 12th century, it is better to have heavy calvary
than to be attacked by them.




最早的雙馬蹬出現在東晉時期 中國的騎兵是否為世界史上第一個具有真正義意的騎兵?


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PANZER04/22 20:09"真正意義的騎兵"是指什麼?

Edison117404/22 20:09亞歷山大大帝:我忘記我是騎甚麼征服波斯帝國的呢?

bcs04/22 20:17項少龍:我養的啦

o0760804/22 20:40亞歷山大當然是騎夥友R

zeumax04/22 21:36蒙古草原應該居多,再來新疆西藏雲南也都有大量牧馬

fw190a04/22 22:08原來是文明三給中國特殊單位的解釋

fw190a04/22 22:10以國家投入資源的方式大規模使用騎兵,的確是中國在時間與

fw190a04/22 22:10規模上有突出之處

fw190a04/22 22:12不過這條目細節還是很多詭異之處

fw190a04/22 22:242007還有七百多萬匹,並且逐年降低,說不定civ3時真的能

fw190a04/22 22:24對應這數字

overno04/23 08:09宋代騎兵不過萬啊

cht123404/23 17:47蒙古 東北女真 遼 算是廣義的中國的話或許有吧

atteleitus04/23 17:55這id 在隔壁板洗外宣假新聞被桶 現在改來這邊問這種

atteleitus04/23 17:55問題 根本不是要認真討論吧

atteleitus04/23 17:56更正 這種google就知道的問題