[閒聊] Xbox Series S–1TB 9月1日發售 349鎂

看板XBOX標題[閒聊] Xbox Series S–1TB 9月1日發售 349鎂作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:6

Available Worldwide September 1
Launching September 1 (just in time for Starfield), pre-orders for Xbox Series S – 1TB start later today for $349.99 ERP. We’ll be adding more retailers and regions in the weeks to come.

On behalf of Team Xbox, thank you for making Xbox the best place to play and wecan’t wait to enter the future of console gaming with you. For more information, visit
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e4952306/12 02:55但我想要白色無光碟機版的XSX

linyue06/12 06:59不曉得有沒有把記憶體也稍微加大或改變CPU製程全開繪圖性

linyue06/12 06:59能。

NovaShin06/12 07:53那就買xboxx啊 = =

riddickwu06/12 08:03是不是怕xss連一個星空都裝不下

horseorange06/12 08:25微軟也來秀刀工

howshue06/12 09:20我也想要無光碟的xsx

SaberMyWifi06/12 16:53早點出黑色,我就能無痛升級XSX了,現在XSS白色想偷

SaberMyWifi06/12 16:53換成XSX都沒辦法qq

freaky258606/12 17:52台灣賣10580元,MOMO上架預購

freaky258606/12 17:54抱歉更正還沒開始預購,是XSX單機可以在桃子買了

freaky258606/12 17:54

StevenMan06/13 19:02白色XSS就像藝術品一樣的放在客廳,若有白色1T我就來

StevenMan06/13 19:02訂第二台讓我和兒子各玩各的。