PTT評價 Childishan 過去發表過的文章
[問卦] 你們喜歡港仔嗎我本身不玩lol 第一次聽到對港仔的負評是在國中時期 玩lol的同學們對港仔是一陣大負評 開了我眼界 習得一形容詞 「死港仔超愛戳」3
[外電] LBJ成為隊史助攻第十名Sources: lakers Ig 來湖人6個賽季傳出2750個助攻 來到隊史第十多 恭喜LeBron! 就是在這退休了吧67
[花邊] LA雙星的防守溝通Source:bleacher report 這是湖人在季中錦標賽對陣灰熊,叫暫停時LBJ跟AD在討論如何防守,然後兩人就真的實現他 講的畫面。AD還連續搧JJJ兩鍋 Le分析師73
[花邊] LBJ : GTA6感覺很讚!Source: kingjames X GTA6 looks INSANE!!!! SHEESH with fire emoji 哇GTA6看起來超瘋狂!!!!! 底下超多人想跟他玩XDDD61
[花邊] 一張照片,77527分 !Source: ClutchPoints FB 兩個時代的最佳 前任得分王跟不是得分手 LBJ接下這個火炬也快一年了 時間真快 --33
[花邊] LBJ帶隊友及工作人員參觀house 330Source: ljfamfoundation ig 當地地陪 @kingjames 帶 @lakers 的隊友及工作人員深度體驗阿克隆市,從中瞭解我們基? 會是如何改變這個社會 * House 330爆
[花邊] CLE在湖人休息室放上奪冠照片歡迎LBJ回家Sourse: ClutchPoints FB The Cleveland Cavaliers put up a ‘Welcome Back LeBron!’ sign outside the Los A ngeles Lakers locker room to welcome the King back to Cleveland 騎士隊在休息室外面放上一張7年前驚天一冠54
[花邊] KG:LBJ就是我的GOATSource :clutchpoints KG近日在SAS節目提到他現在對老詹的看法 KG: “He’s my GOAT in all of this: the business, the everything. He’s the visi on of what every Black man should aspire to be,” Garnett said of the Lakers for41
[花邊] LBJ: 蝦米!?我比爵士教練老喔?Source:clutchpoints 有記者問到他對於爵士教頭年輕他3歲的感想 “I'm older than who?” LeBron James said. “I'm older than…oh, wow. Oh my goodness. I don't even mind. Yeah, that's a goo54
[花邊] 槍西:我們很幸運見證LBJ的生涯Source: clutchpoints LeBron James is going to turn 39 years of age on December 30, 2023, and tying hi s season high 35 points as the Lakers defeat the Trail Blazers 107 -95 , also hi s 108th 30pts game as a Laker.55
[花邊] LBJ:我從基德身上學了很多,除了一件事Source: yahoo sport LeBron James moved past Jason Kidd for 5th on the all-time triple-doubles list o n Wednesday, notching the 108th of his career. James said he has looked to emula48
[花邊] LBJ的賽前ASMRSource: Lakers official Instagram 56秒的Le地板檢測員 湖人今日季中錦標賽在LA做東爐主灰熊 以134:107大勝取得三連勝目前位居西區第七,特別? 得一提的是三分22-35,隊上雙星LBJ、AD三節下班場邊chill72
[花邊] KD與LBJ一同反擊酸民Source: Phx suns X 昨天湖人與太陽在西部A組錦標賽,太陽官方貼出了這張兩老對視在笑的圖片並打上:Respe ct 於是有網友又不滿了44
[花邊] LBJ將在家鄉開設自己職涯里程碑博物館Source: kingjames X This is still so crazy to me that this is happening!!! I can't wait for my fans all over the world to get a peek behind the curtain to see what we've built and where it all began. Ain't nobody better mess up my room either!! Only in Akron43
[外電] 明日湖王戰將是詹進聯盟滿二十週年來源: Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James made his NBA debut in Sacramento on Oct. 29 , 2003. 老詹在20年前的今天初入聯盟68
[花邊] 感覺全開!Curry成為安慕希代言人Source: Stephen Curry weibo 想擁有盡情運動,超越自我的熱血時刻?快來跟我一起來瓶@安慕希 ,感受清爽順滑的營養 美味,解鎖暢快體驗,我們#感覺全開 一起安慕希# StephenCurry的微博視頻 底下留言:喝完了投籃變特準,隔著八米把瓶子丟進垃圾桶29
[花邊] 曼巴日LBJ發出兩人古老照片Source:kingjames ig 姆斯:永恆曼巴(emoji) 這張很hood 應該是老大還只有3冠姆斯還沒進聯盟的久久久遠時期 --爆
[花邊] 魔獸談到LBJ跟Kobe 的不同Source:clutchpoints X “LeBron's almost at like somebody from the south side of Georgia. We actin' kin d of like twins. Joking, silly, have a good time. We get on the court, we still gonna have a good time but we're gonna dominate. Kobe, he not bulls**ting with n爆
[花邊] LBJ與Bryce開練Source: kingjames insta It’s my job to always remain strong & to show them the blueprint regardless of the outcome! #JamesGang #BryceMaximus #MyTwin 我的職責就是保持強壯且將腦中的藍圖交給他們,不管結果如何!#姆斯家族 #Bryce #我的96
[花邊] LBJ感謝大家近來的關心Source: kingjames Twitter I want to thank the countless people sending my family love and prayers. We feel you and I’m so grateful. Everyone doing great. We have our family together, sa fe and healthy, and we feel your love. Will have more to say when we’re ready b88
[花邊] LBJ祝賀波波Source: kingjames Twitter POP!!!!!! Congrats on the new deal. Next wine dinner on you! 波波!恭喜五年8000萬新約,下次貴的給你請喔 詹皇也很為POP開心爆
[花邊] LBJ IG STORYSource: 隨著湖人佩總神操作完成,老詹覺得開心於是想發限時動態,他是去Google 一個一個找圖嗎 XDD --21
[花邊] LBJ新紀錄片將在六月推出Source: kingjames Twitter My BROTHERS 4L!!! 一輩子的兄弟!!! Shooting Stars 講述的是高中的James 如何跟他的隊友們一步步主宰、並贏得全國的關注。92
[花邊] AR菜鳥時期的「菜鳥義務」Source: clutchpoints 我們都知道,社會上就是有學長學弟制,在遙遠的NBA也不例外,現在就來看一下最近打出? 熱表現的Austin Reaves 跟他的湖人學長們發生什麼事。 AR在Evan Turner的podcast 節目說到:63
[花邊] AD回應一些外界謠傳他跟LBJ不和的事Source :clutchpoints 近日湖人球星LeBron 親自開噴所謂的「消息」後,隊友AD也有話想說 “From the outside looking in, they don’t know,” Davis says, per ESPN writer a nd Lakers beat reporter Dave McMenamin.爆
[花邊] SGA: 我從來都沒有喜歡LBJ的比賽Source: clutchpoints “I never liked [LeBron’s] game,” Gilgeous-Alexander said when asked about how James influenced his growth as a player. “To me, when I was younger, he was ju st super athletic, I wasn’t that. He was 6’8”, and super strong and I wasn’t40
[閒聊] 理想國對於「慢走不送」限時動態的回應理想國的回應,不愧是專業公司 J個回應94專業,雖然還是會有部分粉絲感到不滿,但是基本上就止血了。小編只是忘記切? 號,又不是犯下什麼滔天大罪,假切割一下並且做一下樣子說會查證是不是假圖,這操作很 合理12
Re: [討論] 呂蔡瑜倫ig喔不超級可悲,我不是說呂菜,是說雲豹球團。 不是啊,這種事為什麼要回應阿?回就算了還打悲情牌,我很好奇這篇這是他自己想的還是 雲豹球團允許他這樣做欸? 為什麼抄NBA都不會抄阿,人家JR當初有發文打悲情牌嗎,甚至騎士球團都沒發文了,這種? 龍就是隨時間讓他淡忘就好了,以後也只是茶餘飯後的話題。人家NBA怎麼做你就怎麼做啊?29
Re: [花邊] KI沒拿Dillon Brooks 的球衣KAI賽後回應有點可愛 Ki: “yeah~ I saw that after the game. I’ll probably get it next time. Probably next time. Not this time. I was really onto the next thing, thought process-wis e,” Irving said in his postgame presser, per Grant Afseth of Dallas Basketball2
Re: [情報] Klay Thompson想讓灰熊知道他有四冠看到他們的一些垃圾話內容,覺得實在搞笑 Dillon: 我在加州有一堆房地產跟權狀 我亂翻我更正:我簡直住在灣區勇士們的腦海裡 Klay: 我不覺得狄龍在退休後還有人會討論他欸- 謝謝,剛剛又集滿一桶沙拉油,準備去村口賣油、順便耍帥了。 我無意要戰,只是我真的覺得你的文章發人深省。 首先我覺得你有很棒的外國經歷,酷斃了。但本井蛙好奇外國女生大多都買單這種油滋滋的 說法嗎?請問可以在板上開一個外國把妹小教室嗎,有天井蛙我可能會有機會跟外國美女一 起做菜,而下廚需要油。
[問卦] 國一新竹塞車有掛ㄇ餓死抬頭啦 小妹今天興沖沖的驅車從天龍國下來 開著國一 聽著我家子瑜婆的歌 嘻嘻 準備來去紫色的台中 行經新竹一段塞爛59
[花邊] AD歡慶30歲生日 被LBJ說老Source- clutchpoints fb Ig 今天是湖人球星Anthony Davis的30歲生日,開了一個趴,湖人隊友們應該都在場 唱完生日快樂歌…….. LeBron: Old AsS NiGGa~26
[外絮] Danny Green 對於灰熊的看法來源 clutchpoints danny green wonders if he could’ve done more for Ja Morant during his short tim e with the Memphis Grizzlies. D.Green 覺得他其實可以在這短暫的灰熊生涯幫助Ja更多13
Re: [外絮] 認為LBJ是GOAT的球員阿哈,抱歉你掰扯的東西我不予置評啦,給予尊重 小皇帝是直翻little emperor 來的。 但既然你提到LBJ的nickname— kingjames 那我們可以來看一下,這個綽號到底是不是他自封的? 這邊有一篇關於他的很多綽號的解釋84
[花邊] LBJ再次喜發推Source via kingjames Twitter YESSIR!!!!! #LakeShow @AntDavis23 you’re a ANIMAL!!! 水啦!!!!! #Lakeshow @AD 你他媽野獸!!! 超讚 as a 詹迷 實在是巨開心能看到無詹湖漸漸起飛!49
Re: [討論] LBJ充滿爭議就是因為不夠強大?*手機排版難搞,請小力鞭 不探討這篇文引戰不引戰,雖然突然洗LBJ到了這個念頭還要證明什麼的文實在很怪,但我? 忠球迷還是願者上鉤,以上。 LBJ早就不用證明什麼了,他所做的所有事情不是為了讓看不起他的人看得起的。 我超級推薦各位詹粉詹酸無聊可以去看Brian Windhorst (沒錯就是那個溫胖)寫的一本書68
Re: [花邊] LBJ:Bronny絕對比聯盟的一些小貓還好看到推文有鄉民說cats,cat in slang 並不是指小貓,於是好奇查了一下,我想這個來自Da ilyRapFacts的解釋應該就是姆斯跟當初KD的原意,有錯誤再請指正 來源: The slang terms “Cat” or “Cats” are nouns, which is used by rappers in hip-h op/rap music and rap culture to reference niggas, other rappers, or a group of p49
[花邊] LBJ走道騎著滑稽單車Via BR 湖人今日不敵灰狼,110:102惜敗。中場LBJ被補捉到一個騎著助輪車的滑稽畫面,BRON 將? 三週內再進行一次傷勢評估。 Le借我過一下29
[情報] LBJ的腳傷沒有需要動手術Via Chris Haynes Twitter Sources: Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James will not require surgery on his fo ot. On latest #thisleague UNCUT with @TheSteinLine, we discuss what Lakers have to do to help his rehab process, Kevin Durant’s debut with Suns, Clippers, Warr9
[音樂] 頑童-速命道6193 又一首非常頑童的童謠,Beat其實蠻搭,整首歌我覺得還算可以,但是電影不會進場支持 --23
[情報] HBD! Luka magicSources: Dallas morning news Happy birthday, Luka Doncic. The Mavericks star turns 24 years old on Feb. 28th, which is almost hard to beli eve when you remember that he was originally drafted by the Mavericks as a 19-ye51
[花邊] 有球迷在昨天湖人作客達拉斯帶來詭異LBJVia clutchpoints Twitter Yeah, we aren’t sure what to think about this, but at least we can acknowledge that this has a new level of creativity among NBA fans. On the other hand, it is quite creepy to look at and generated a flurry of racist comments on social med28
[花邊] LBJ : it’s Dame timeVia kingjames Twitter After witnessing Lillard’s 71-point eruption, James took to Twitter to share hi s reaction. As mentioned, he wasn’t really able to say anything, only sending o ut a watch emoji to share his amazement for the Blazers star. Everyone knows wha51
[外電] LBJ賽後腳瘸瘸的Afterward, Darvin Ham provided a somewhat encouraging update on LeBron. “He’s good. Our medical people are looking at him right now. He’ll get reeval uated again in the morning. And so once we get some type of official word tomorr ow, we’ll go from there. But, as of right now, he’s good.”77
[外電] 老詹給天空貝一些在家鄉打球的意見來源:clutchpoints Patrick Beverley made his much-anticipated debut for the Chicago Bulls on Friday and it resulted in a mind-numbing 44-point victory for the Bulls over a hapless Brooklyn Nets side. He was not exactly the star of the show for Chicago, but th22
[外電] Natalia,Bianka & Bron 合影Via lakers official ig 今天在鹽湖城舉辦的全明星賽,場中有一個honor LBJ成為歷史得分王的簡單儀式,儀式過? 湖人名宿Kobe Bryant 的大女兒Natalia也祝賀了LBJ 這非凡的成就。 圖為kobe三女兒與Bron 在場邊觀眾席合影6
[外電] LBJ 成為歷史出賽場數第9名來源:yardbarker Via NBA Twitter : "Congrats to @KingJames of the @Lakers for moving to 9th all-t ime in regular season games played!" NBA官推祝賀James成為史上例行賽出賽場次第九多的球員爆
[外電] 火腿:LBJ下一場九成會上來源:clutchpoints LeBron James has missed the Los Angeles Lakers’ last three games due to a conce rning foot injury, and considering his age, it’s not a surprise why the Purple and Gold are being cautious of his health. But with the team playing their final53
[花邊] LBJ抱怨超級盃裁判Via kingjames twitter BRON : 我只是一個sports fan 然後這是我的專業意見,這一場這麼讚的競爭不該由這種爭 議吹判來決定最終結果。35
[情報] Rob表示LBJ腳傷樂觀來源:clutchpoints The good news for Lakers fans everywhere is that there appears to be no structur al damage on LeBron’s foot. Team general manager Rob Pelinka revealed the resul ts of the tests on James’ foot, and it sounds like the newly-crowned all-time N43
[外絮] Malik Beasley對到湖人打球感到興奮來源:Lakersnation One clear emphasis for the Los Angeles Lakers at the trade deadline was adding s ome outside shooting with the team currently ranking 26th out of 30 teams from b eyond the arc at 33.9%.爆
[情報] LBJ,AD 明日再次出戰成疑來源:clutchpoints sports The big news for the Los Angeles Lakers is that D’Angelo Russell and the rest o f their newly-acquired players from their furious NBA trade deadline dealings ar e all set to make their debuts on Saturday against the Golden State Warriors. Un67
[花邊] LBJ向老婆討handshake 失敗來源:BR IG 看詹嫂的臉,全世界的夫妻都一樣XD 很喜歡他家的氣氛 --爆
[外絮] 賈霸親自解釋為何不在意LBJ破他的紀錄Sources: clutchpoints sport Los Angeles Lakers icon Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is not one bit bothered by the fact that LeBron James surpassed his all-time scoring record, and for good reason. 湖人的標誌性人物賈霸,一點都不在意LBJ已經破了他的總得分紀錄的事實,對此他給出了?63
[情報] LBJ對公鹿將不會上場來源:Michael Corvo‘s Twitter 5Y_Y6J1SGxJg LeBron is OUT for the Lakers vs. the Bucks. Not surprising considering how his f oot soreness prevented him from closing the OKC game & the fact that he partied91
[花邊] 可愛對KD去太陽的感想來源:BR ,clutchpoints sport “Oh.” 「噢」82
[花邊] Nike送LBJ的破紀錄客製鞋款來源: 隨著老詹破紀錄,Nike跟洛杉磯當地專門客製鞋款的The surgeon 做了一雙1 of 1的LeBron 20送給這位與Nike簽下終身合約的超級球星。爆
[外絮] Kanter 發推diss LBJ嘗試首次發翻譯文,翻譯錯誤請指正 來源: LeBron James finally established himself as the NBA’s all-time leader in points scored thanks to a scintillating offensive performance Tuesday night against th e Oklahoma City Thunder. The Los Angeles Lakers lost the game, 133-130, but the10
[花邊] LEBRON In all black tonightVia Kingjames ,NBA official IG 不知道分類在花邊對不對。如圖,今日Bron進場穿了超帥的全黑西裝配上墨鏡,儼然的大明