PTT評價 Kai877 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] Kerr談到今晚的進攻和防守:這是我的錯Steve Kerr critical of the Warriors’ offensive execution and defensive breakdow ns tonight: “It’s my fault.” Called this as frustrating a night as they’ve had this season 勇士總教練Steve Kerr談到勇士今晚進攻執行力跟防守問題 :”這是我的錯”7
[CS2] HLTV 2024 TOP 20 Player+近期各隊官宣1. Russia Danil "donk" Kryshkovets 2. Russia Ilya "m0NESY" Osipov 3. France Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut39
[花邊] 龜龜談到洛杉磯野火:我的家人很安全Russell Westbrook on the Los Angeles fires: 龜龜談到洛杉磯野火: “My family is safe, but people that I know, close friends and family have lost their homes… Being from LA, never seen anything like this before. Not being abl30
[情報] Kidd :Daniel Gafford可能缺席一段時間Jason Kidd on Daniel Gafford's ankle injury: "Sprained ankle, I think it is. We' ll see how he feels. He's probably going to be out for some time." 獨行俠總教練Jason Kidd賽後受訪時談到Daniel Gafford腳踝傷勢:”我認爲是腳踝扭傷了 ,我們會看看他的感覺如何,他可能會缺席一段時間爆
[情報] Race to MVP Ladder1. Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets Last week’s ranking: No. 1 Season stats: 30.7 points, 13.0 rebounds, 9.7 assists69
[花邊] 老巴 : 我對太陽和七六人的信心是零“I have zero faith in the Suns and the Sixers. That hurts me to my heart to say that. I watched the Suns play for the last week. They stink. They stink." 我對太陽和七六人信心是零。這麼說讓我心裡很難過,我上周看了太陽比賽。他們很爛.他 們很爛。8
[閒聊] 當初跨年晚會上台打爐石有多尷尬轉眼間,已經快滿6年了 當時台北跨年晚會有下雨 底下的人都在看邰智源和Tom60229打爐石 大部分的人都看不懂台上在幹嘛爆
[花邊] 馬龍評價龜龜: 史上最佳控衛之一Coach Malone on Russell Westbrook: 馬龍賽後採訪談到了龜龜: "First ballot hall of famer, one of the greatest point guards to ever play the g ame."29
[情報] Race to MVP Ladder1. Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets Last Ladder: No. 1 Season stats: 30.7 ppg, 12.6 rpg, 9.4 apg 2. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Milwaukee Bucks40
[花邊] 雷霆溜馬第四節開始時裁判搞錯發球位置Refs gave Thunder the ball on the wrong side of the floor to start 4Q 雷霆與溜馬之戰的第四節開始時,裁判搞錯了發球位置,場上球員也很配合的一起搞錯,率 先反應過來的是持球的雷霆球員Mitchell,並在無人防守下拿下兩分,但隨後裁判宣布暫停 ,並判決得分無效,重新發球爆
[花邊] KD在賽後受訪時稱Jokic為史上前十的球員Kevin Durant called Nikola Jokic “arguably the best player in the world and a t op-10 player of all-time” during his ESPN postgame interview. Kevin Durant在賽後接受ESPN採訪時稱Jokic為世界上最好的球員和史上前十的球員 誰要被踢出top10?54
[花邊] 活塞自從2016-17賽季以來首次橫掃湖人PISTONS SWEEP SEASON-SERIES VS. LAKERS FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 2016-2017 活塞自從2016-17賽季以來首次橫掃湖人 LeBron James had his 8th triple-double of the season in the loss 心得 : CC有料,還有誰敢質疑?49
[情報] Jared McCain在YT宣布缺席本季剩餘比賽Jared McCain will be sidelined for the remainder of the season after having surg ery on his left meniscus tear, he announced on YouTube. 76人超級新人Jared McCain接受半月板撕裂手術後在自己的YouTube影片上宣布會缺席本賽2
[閒聊] 有沒有可能裁判其實是在救統神?這場好險是蹦闆贏了 所以只有被一群小弟嗆+尻頭而已 萬一這場換成是統神贏了 統神不知道有沒有辦法走出場外 或者可能在外面被一群小弟欺負61
[情報] Race to MVP Ladder1. Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets Last Ladder: No. 1 Season stats: 32.3 ppg, 13.6 rpg, 9.8 apg 2. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Milwaukee Bucks40
[花邊] Schroder : 我兒子是Curry的忠實粉絲Dennis Schroder said his six-year-old son was super excited after they got the t rade news because he’s a big Steph Curry fan Dennis Schroder說他即將6歲的兒子得知他被交易的消息後非常興奮,因爲他的兒子是Curr y的忠實粉絲。爆
[情報] 公鹿評估Portis的交易價值尋求陣容升級The Bucks have gauged the trade market on Bobby Portis to find rotational upgrad es. With Milwaukee over the second apron, they can’t take back salaries totaling mo re than Portis’ $12.6 million.48
[閒聊] CS2上海Major冠軍:Team Spirit年僅17歲的天才少年donk 率隊打敗強敵FAZE 獲得生涯第一座Major6
[閒聊] Team Spirit拿下CS2上海Major冠軍年僅17歲的天才少年donk 率隊打敗強敵FAZE CS電競史上最強步槍手28
[閒聊] G2新的陣容能走更遠嗎?G2新陣容: 上路:BrokenBlade 打野:SkewMond (BDS二隊 中路:Caps 下路:Hanssama爆
[花邊] 威少賽後感謝快艇的致敬影片及艇迷掌聲Caught up with Russell Westbrook postgame. He was very appreciative of the tribu te video and ovation he got from Clippers fans last week. 今日賽後,快艇記者JoeyLinn訪問了Westbrook,Westbrook說他非常感謝上週快艇為他製作 的致敬影片以及快艇球迷的熱烈掌聲37
[情報] Race to MVP Ladder1. Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets Last Ladder: No. 1 Season stats: 32.3 ppg, 13.6 rpg, 10.2 apg 2. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Milwaukee Bucks46
[閒聊] 小丑牌怎沒沒被出征?宇宙機器人已經被中國網友罵翻了 但小丑牌也一次擊敗鳴潮跟絕區零這兩個中國大作拿下年度行動遊戲 結果現在看起來好像完全沒事? 是因為好玩到讓中國網友也服了嗎? --35
[閒聊] CFO的陣容是不是不輸PSG兩邊陣容攤開來看 CFO : 上路:Driver , Rest 打野 :台灣野王Junjia 中路:超級大物新人 HongQ9
[花邊] 李凱爾和Anthony Edwards賽後交換球衣family always. 離開狼狼了還是好麻吉 --34
[情報] Race to MVP Ladder / Rookie LadderMVP Ladder : 1. Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets Last Ladder: No. 1 Season stats: 29.9 ppg, 13.4 rpg, 10.4 apg66
[情報] Lebron說他認同JJ在賽後說的所有東西LeBron said he agrees with everything JJ Redick said postgame, and it’s clear w hat they should be doing. Said it’s on the players. LeBron說他認同JJ Redick在賽後說的所有東西,而且很清楚他們應該做什麼,說這是球員 的責任。20
[花邊] 本季至今各隊攻防效率The 3 best regular season teams we’ve ever seen: 1995-96 Bulls: 87.8 Win%, +13.4 Net 2015-16 Warriors: 89.0 Win%, +10.6 Net 2024-25 WAS opponents : 89.5 Win%, +15.0 Net22
[情報] Terance Mann左手中指骨折,明接受評估Clippers injury news: Terance Mann has fractured the middle finger of his left hand. He will be further evaluated tomorrow. 快艇球員Terance Mann左手中指骨折爆
[情報] 娛樂公司藝人已被通知4日起停止參與活動機翻: 尹錫悅總統於3日下午晚些時候宣布戒嚴令,全國範圍內的節慶與活動接連傳出取消消息, 甚至連年底的音樂會等活動是否能如期舉行也充滿變數。有評論指出,這可能成為娛樂業年 末與新年的最大危機。47
[情報] Embiid因傷勢管理及個人因素明天不打Sixers center Joel Embiid will remain sidelined for Tuesday night's game vs. the Charlotte Hornets with left knee injury management and personal reasons. 76人隊中鋒Joel Embiid因左膝傷勢管理及個人因素將缺席美國時間週二晚上對上夏洛特黃 蜂隊的比賽。- Steph Curry on the 13-man rotation: “Do we need to shorten it? We probably need to be more predictable on a night-to-night basis so guys can get a little bit o f a rhythm. Is that shortening it one or two guys? Maybe.” Curry談到13人輪替:我們需要縮減輪替嗎,我們可能需要更多的是根據每晚比賽的狀況來
[情報] Race to MVP Ladder1. Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets Last Ladder: No. 1 Season stats: 29.7 ppg, 13.1 rpg, 10.6 apg60
[花邊] 開季至今各隊的上籃和罰球表現Layups and Free Throws, the two easiest shots in basketball. Here's how well tea ms have done each so far this season. 越右邊代表上籃終結的能力越好,反之則越差 越上面代表罰球越好,反之則越差6
[問題] M4 IPad Pro能放心更新到18.1.1了嗎之前新聞才說M4 IPad Pro 更新到18會變磚頭 不知道有沒有版友已經更新到18.1.1了 想更新 但又很怕變磚 -- Sent from my iPhone 15 Pro Max28
[情報] Jaxson Hayes今日復出又傷退,傷勢惡化The Lakers say that Jaxson Hayes reaggravated the same ankle issue that kept him out of the lineup for two weeks. His status will be updated tomorrow afternoon ahead of the second night of the back-to-back in San Antonio. 湖人表示內線球員Jaxson Hayes腳踝傷勢惡化。之前因為腳踝受傷休息兩週,今天復出後在79
[花邊] Tyrone Lue 賽前談到Tatum奧運被DNPTyrone Lue, Jayson Tatum’s cousin and coach at the Olympics, on Tatum’s DNPs: “It's hard to see him the way he felt. I know he wanted to play… My job as a c oach and a family member is to make sure he stayed positive… It was tough. You don't want to see anyone go through that.”18
[討論] 四爺怎麼臉看起來超不爽現在中華隊已經回來了 粉絲都非常熱情接機,唱歌 就在剛剛四爺和其他人拿起布條要大合照的時候 四爺好像不是很想拿 而且好像還對某個方向的人說了什麼東西- 看到中華隊今天還是這坨 就想到之前奧運男籃的日本隊 雖然最後是無緣晉級八強賽 但最後差點打贏法國足以證明日本的進步(覺得最後日本被黑慘了) 面對擁有斑馬和狗貝的法國
[情報] 奧術製作人透露有三部新作在開發階段'ARCANE' Co-Creator Christian Linke has confirmed that three new League of Legen ds shows are in development, with the next one in development for over a year They will take place in the Demacia, Ionia, and Noxus regions 奧術的製作人Christian Linke表示有三部英雄聯盟的新作正處於開發階段,其中下一部新43
[情報] Grant Williams 十字韌帶撕裂 本季報銷Charlotte Hornets forward Grant Williams has suffered a season-ending torn ACL i n his knee, sources told ESPN. Williams averaged 10.4 points, 5.1 rebounds and 2 .3 assists this season. 夏洛特黃蜂前鋒Grant Williams ACL撕裂,賽季報銷,本季場均能貢獻10.4分, 5.1籃板, 2爆
[討論] 讓日本拿鴨蛋才是最誇張的吧日本或許不是派最強的 但至少都是日職一軍主力的年輕選手 可能大家賽前有想過能獲勝 但把他們完封應該沒人想到吧 決賽吞鴨蛋,東京慘案爆
[討論] 我就問 龍貓是不是台灣史上最強教練媽的勒,12強前還一堆在酸龍貓的 也根本沒什麼人覺得台灣能進複賽 甚至奪冠 結果咧!龍貓直接把中華隊帶到冠軍了 還直接送個日本鴨蛋 拿到台灣史上三大國際賽第一個冠軍62
[花邊] 小皮朋 :在爸打球的地方30+10太瘋狂了“it’s a dream come true. it’s crazy to say i put 30 and 10 up in the gym wher e my dad had played.” Scotty Pippen Jr. on his career night “對我來說真的夢想成真,我在我老爸以前打球的地方拿下30+10,這真的太瘋狂了。50
[情報] Race to MVP Ladder1. Nikola Jokic , Denver Nuggets Last Ladder: No. 1 Season stats: 29.7 ppg, 13.7 rpg, 11.7 apg34
[花邊] 爵士總教練Will Hardy賽後吐槽自家球員Will Hardy: "In the second half, it seemed like everybody in the gym knew that D alton Knecht was going to shoot the next shot, with the exception of a few peopl e. The problem was that those few people were on our team." 爵士總教練Will Hardy賽後吐槽自家球員爆
[閒聊] HLE這陣容明年要走到哪才算及格上路 : Zeus ,神王.叛徒之王.史一上 打野: Peaunt,國內王.無冕王.老花生.老刷生. 中路: Zeka,冠軍中路.LCK的未來 下路: Viper,世一AD.韓國羅傑 輔助 : Delight ,胖胖戴眼鏡的輔助.胖尺81
[花邊] Embiid : 吉巴是聯盟中最佳的球員之一I talked to Joel Embiid about Jimmy Butler tonight: “One of the best players in the league. Probably top five. Probably the best ac tually.” 今天賽後Joel Embiid談到Jimmy Butler :42
[情報] 湖人將為Pat Riley 建立雕像One of the greatest coaches of all time — The Lakers are proud to announce Pat Riley's legacy will be cemented and his statue will find a home on Star Plaza 會將雕像建在Crypto Arena外面90
[討論] 中職水準是不是突破2A了記得之前國外給中職的評價大概落在1A-2A 經過這次的12強 國外對中職的評價應該上升不少了吧 打日本隊這年輕日職一軍隊伍就有鑑別度了 打起來不輸多少75
[花邊] Harden : 沒有人能超越Curry的三分紀錄Can James Harden pass Steph Curry in three-pointers? Harden: “I’m one of the most confident guys that we have in this league. But n o. I probably won’t catch Steph. I don’t think anybody will… He can shoot the shit outta the ball.”20
[閒聊] 羅傑or傑寶是不是有買機器人啊?剛剛阿傑打爐石明明才五.六千人 結果工商到現在已經變萬人台了? 太玄了吧? -- Sent from my iPhone 15 Pro Max26
[情報] 公鹿黃蜂戰主裁判賽後談到最後關鍵判決今天賽後,公鹿黃蜂的主裁判Curtis Blair受訪時談到最後關鍵吹判 QUESTION: What did you see on the foul called on Giannis with 7.3 seconds remain ing? Q : 比賽還剩7.3秒時,你們看到了什麼而吹了字母哥犯規?51
[花邊] LBJ超越老史成為NBA史上出賽場次第五多Congrats to @KingJames of the @Lakers for moving into 5th all-time in GAMES PLAY ED! 這季沒意外應該至少能超越VC成為第三名惹71
[情報] 海盜提offer想換Paul Skenes 首秀親簽卡To the lucky person who finds this card… We’d love to bring this card home to PNC Park to share with all Buccos fans. 給抽到這張卡的幸運兒,我們想要把這張球員卡帶回PNC球場並與海盜球迷分享。 Here’s our offer:57
[花邊] NBA球隊近十場的攻守效率排行The Efficiency Landscape. What Jumps Out? 斜線右半邊代表綜合效率為正,反之則爲負 發現西區球隊大多效率爲正,東區球隊大多爲負38
[情報] Kyrie Irving右肩扭傷,今晚不會上場Kyrie Irving (right shoulder sprain) and P.J. Washington (knee sprain) are out t onight vs. Jazz. Luka Doncic will play, though, despite his right knee contusion . Kyrie Irving右肩扭傷,PJ Washington膝蓋扭傷,今晚對爵士的比賽都不會上場。Luka Don8
[花邊] Jaxson Hayes左腳踝扭傷 一到二週後評估Lakers injury update: Jaxson Hayes had an MRI to confirm a left ankle sprain tha t occurred during practice Tuesday. He will be re-evaluated in around one to two weeks. Jaxson Hayes照了MRI後,確認於週二訓練時發左腳踝扭傷,將會在一到二週後重新評估21
[情報] Wood左膝酸痛,四週後重新評估,AD明天…JJ Redick said Christian Wood developed some soreness in his left knee during hi s return-to-play progression. They’re going to slow that progression down out of an abundance of caution, and reevaluate Wood in 4 weeks.61
[情報] Damian Lillard 進入腦震盪協議Mikeaukee’s Damian Lillard has entered the concussion protocol and is out vs. T oronto on Tuesday. 小李進入腦震盪協議,會缺席明天打暴龍的比賽 心得:拜占庭