PTT評價 Tonyx599026 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] 國王教練中場告訴球隊:雷霆是季後賽對手ABC10記者Matt George Doug Christie says he told the Kings at halftime that the OKC Thunder are going to be the team that the Sacramento Kings are going to play in the playoffs and at some point they have to fight. His team responded with that big 3rd quarter to give Sacramento a chance. 國王代理總教練Doug Christie賽後表示,他在中場休息時告訴球隊,雷霆將會是國王季後賽的對手,在未來的某個時間點,他們必須與之對抗。68
[情報] Demar Derozan達成生涯25,000分DeMar DeRozan becomes the 27th player in NBA history to reach 25,000 career PTS! Congrats, DeMar!! Demar Derozan是NBA史上第27位達成生涯25,000分的球員,恭喜!爆
[花邊] JJ: Beal命中率50/40場均18分, 期待更多?@azcentral記者 Duane Rankin "I'm not sure, from a production standpoint, what more would you ever expect f rom a third option in the NBA." JJ Redick on Suns guard Bradley Beal, who is averaging 17.6 points on 50.6% sh58
[花邊] 波士頓各個地方出現SGA個人專屬標誌Views from Boston, where Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s signature logo with Converse is being displayed across the city after a Thunder win tonight. 來自波士頓的風景:今晚雷霆贏球之後,SGA與Converse的個人專屬標誌出現在這城市的各個地方。76
[花邊] Westbrook送簽名球衣給韓國球迷Russ made sure to give a signed jersey to the fan who traveled from South Korea to watch him play. An incredible gesture and moment from @russwest44 Russ將今天的實戰球衣簽名,送給場邊一位從韓國飛去現場看他比賽的球迷。41
[花邊] 太陽三巨頭得75分以上的比賽,僅2勝6負Phoenix is now 2-6 when Devin Booker, Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal score 75+ points in a game. Just too many defensive lapses and not doing the little things down the stretch. Phoenix is now 2 games in the loss column behind 10th place Sacramento. @ESPNStatsInfo38
[花邊] Anthony Edwards:超人蓋火鍋Anthony Edwards, celebrating that he got that block on Shai “with a bad calf.” AE賽後在球員通道開心慶祝對SGA的致勝火鍋: 「小腿受傷還是超人蓋火鍋!」36
[情報] 火箭與灰狼,關鍵時刻勝場最多與敗場最多NBA on ESPN A tale of two teams Clutch time is the final five minutes of the fourth quarter or overtime when the score is within five points. 本季火箭關鍵時刻拿下的勝場:20場(聯盟最多)爆
[外絮] Tatum正追逐偉大,以Larry Bird為目標。Tatum has Larry Bird in his sights as he chases greatness with Celtics by Darren Hartwell 在塞爾提克大勝七六人的比賽中,Jayson Tatum完成個人生涯第4次大三元。賽後,他被問到是什麼理由讓他在去(2024)年6月得到NBA冠軍,登上頂點後,這季仍然保持著動力。 他的回答簡潔有力:他正試著成為史上最好的球員之一。45
[花邊] Riley在Herro贏三分球大賽冠軍時站著慶祝Miami Heat president Pat Riley reacts to Tyler Herro's 3-point contest win 熱火總裁Pat Riley在Herro贏得三分球大賽冠軍時站起來慶祝。 Tyler Herro to AP, after winning the 3-point contest and seeing Pat Riley: "I was happy I won, obviously. But I think it hit me after seeing Pat up there. We pointed to each other. I know how much he believes in me, for real. And that means a lot."31
[花邊] Dalton Knecht:我會對到Lebron,對吧?"I might play against Bron, right?" Dalton Knecht vs. LeBron in the NBA All-Star Game on Sunday 「我會對到Lebron,對吧?」 「可以對上隊友,然後嘗試有一些表現會很有趣。」85
[花邊] 灰狼主場觀眾喊SGA「free throw merchantSGA reacted to the crowd calling him a "free throw merchant" 灰狼主場觀眾在SGA罰球時喊他是「買犯仔」 SGA笑了爆
[花邊] Jokic這季平均三分出手距離為聯盟史上最file this under "cool but useless": Because Nikola Jokic leads the league in heaves he currently has the longest average 3pt shot distance for a single season in NBA history 很酷但沒什麼用的冷知識: 由於Jokic這季出手全聯盟最多的heaves(趕在壓哨前出手的遠距離三分),他目前有NBA歷史上單季最遠的平均三分球出手距離。52
[花邊] Luka談達拉斯球迷及Dirk今日出席看他打球Luka Doncic on the fan reaction in Dallas: “I saw the fans, obviously I really appreciate it … I will always appreciate that, but now I think we should focus on the next step. The way Lakers fans received me here is amazing.” Luka談到達拉斯球迷的反應: 「我都有看到,當然,我很感激…我永遠都會感激這些舉動,但我想,現在應該要專注在下一步了。」 「湖人球迷接納我的方式太棒了。」39
[花邊] Fox解釋交易原因及馬刺訪談時造成的誤會來源:Sacramento Kings on SI (節錄兩個重點,Mike Brown和Castle的部分) 在社群媒體上一整天的討論後,Fox解釋了休賽季的事還有被交易到馬刺後發生的事。 1. 關於休賽季以及Mike Brown:爆
[情報] Trae Young在老鷹的未來變得不明朗Trae Young’s future with Atlanta Hawks is becoming murky. Trae Young在亞特蘭大的未來變得不明朗 Chris Haynes:「Trae競爭心態很強,他想贏,考量到老鷹理解這點,我會說老鷹的方向非常的…特別。」 吹楊:一覺醒來隊友換了一大半71
[花邊] Fox賽前受訪:想贏這場,因為手上有鷹籤As far as playing against the Atlanta Hawks tonight, De’Aaron Fox says “We definitely want to win, because we still have their (draft) pick.” Fox seems very comfortable and ready to make his historic debut in a Spurs jersey tonight. 談到今日出賽對戰亞特蘭大老鷹,Fox似乎已經準備好迎接他的馬刺首秀: 「我們絕對想贏下這場,因為手上有他們的選秀權。」 Fox今天24分13助攻 馬刺隊史上 首秀最高助攻數87
[情報] 太陽現階段專注在提升球隊表現Multiple obstacles in the way to make a drastic change at the deadline, Phoenix Suns were always prepared to venture into second half of season with the core roster in place. With futures no longer in doubt for time being, the internal hope is improved play. 由於要在交易截止前做出重大改變有重重阻礙,太陽對於在核心陣容不變的情況下進入下半季,一直都有所準備。 現在球隊未來不再有不確定性,內部的希望就是在提高賽場上的表現。 不做大交易了 認真打球58
[花邊] 有些球隊避免交易大限結束時剛好在空中In light of major NBA movement recently, a few teams that are scheduled to travel on Feb. 6 of the trade deadline have adjusted itineraries after realizing the team would be in the air when the deadline passed. This is to prevent a potential awkward flight. 幾隻球隊原先規劃在2/6交易大限的日子移動。 有鑑於近期NBA的變動,有球隊改變行程,因為發現當交易截止時球隊將會在飛機上。 這是為了不要讓尷尬的情況發生。20
[花邊] Zion:覺得身體能打背靠背,但尊重鵜鶘決Zion says the Pelicans decided it isn’t ‘smart’ for him to play back-to-backs “If I can play in the back-to-backs, I would. Physically? Yes, I can. But I work for the Pelicans." (via @PelicansNBA) Zion回應自己是否出戰背靠背賽事:52
[花邊] Amen Thompson:我感覺像Kobe"I feel like Kobe." Amen Thompson channeled his inner Mamba on the game-winning bucket for Houston. 「我感覺像Kobe。」 Amen Thompson發揮心裡的曼巴精神投進致勝球,幫助球隊拿下勝利。14
[情報] Brandon Miller賽季報銷來源:Chris Haynes Charlotte Hornets guard Brandon Miller underwent surgery to repair a torn scapholunate ligament in his right wrist and will miss the remainder of the season. Brandon Miller接受右手腕韌帶修復的手術,將會錯過這季剩下的賽事。 早日康復56
[情報] Cam Whitmore對自己的定位充滿不確定完整訪問在這 Cam Whitmore after scoring 18 points off the bench tonight against the Mavs: "I contributed a little bit, but it doesn't really affect anything. Doesn't really, you know, can't get me anywhere, but we'll see what happens, but just glad we got the win." 在今日對戰獨行俠的賽事,從板凳出發拿下18分的Cam Whitmore賽後接受訪問表示:70
[花邊] 尼克新秀Tyler Kolek 一日兩戰Tyler Kolek, who had 36 points and 11 assists earlier today in an overtime win for the Westchester Knicks, will be the first PG off the bench for NYK tonight vs Utah. 今日稍早才在G聯盟打完延長賽,以36分11助攻助隊拿下勝利的尼克新秀Tyler Kolek,由於Brunson與Mcbride今日無法出賽,故馬上又在尼克主場替補出賽。爆
[花邊] Giannis:今天拿到的獎金都花完了來源:NBA X Giannis says his money from winning the #EmiratesNBACup is already gone. Giannis說他打NBA盃拿到的獎金已經沒了: 「我才剛結婚,必須送老婆禮物…我有三個孩子,現在又快要過聖誕,所以得去採買一波;還有一個寶寶即將出生,尿布很貴欸,所以我的獎金都花完了,今天才拿到的獎金,全都沒了。」53
[花邊] TraeYoung假裝在尼克Logo上擲骰子Trae Young rolled the dice on the Knicks logo Next stop: Las Vegas Trae Young在今日比賽最後,假裝在尼克場中Logo上擲骰子。 下一站:拉斯維加斯。X
[花邊] Chet:Lu是DPOY,Shai是MVPChet is riding with his guys for MVP and DPOY: Lu for DPOY and Shai for MVP or we riot. Chet為隊友爭取MVP、DPOY:爆
[花邊] Josh Hart:下半場Brunson說他要DickJosh Hart: “Second half, Jalen Brunson kept saying, I want Dick. I’ll take Dick.” Josh Hart: 「下半場,Jalen Brunson不斷地說,他想要Dick,Dick我來(守)。」20
[情報] Devin Booker達成15000分Book joins Walter Davis as the only players in franchise history to score 15K points in a Suns uniform! Booker加入Walter Davis成為唯二在太陽拿下15000分的球員。 Book becomes the 9th youngest player in @NBA history to score 15K career points:35
[花邊] Dejounte Murray:該對今晚比賽感到羞恥(鵜鶘X上的Dejounte賽後訪問) (節錄本篇ESPN文章Dejounte 訪談重點) Boos rained down from a large and initially lively Thanksgiving eve crowd as they watched the visiting Toronto Raptors -- a team that came in winless in 10 road games -- take a 34-point lead in the second half.26
[花邊] Alperen Sengun覺得Gobert 「Too Small」Alperen Sengun今日對戰灰狼,在延長賽一次單打Rudy Gobert得手之後,幫助火箭拉開比分,然後比出了「Too Small」! Sengun今天大三元外帶三抄截三阻攻,太強啦 -----27
[情報] Malone成為金塊隊史例行賽最多勝總教練恭喜Michael Malone! 今日對戰湖人勝利後,拿下例行賽在金塊執教的第433勝,超越Doug Moe(432勝)成為金塊隊史例行賽最多勝的總教練。 這邊也是紀錄之夜,恭喜馬龍!爆
[花邊] Randle不傳給籃下空檔Gobert,三秒違例This frustrated Rudy Gobert sequence played a big role in the Wolves loss to the Raptors tonight. - Randle doesn't throw him the entry pass, and the Wolves take a 3-second call - Barnes, who is guarding Gobert, celebrates the call - A frustrated-with-Barnes Gobert hip checks him the following possession14
[花邊] Jalen Suggs覺得快艇的「The Wall」很酷Jalen Suggs shows his respect for The Wall at the Intuit Dome Jalen Suggs對Intuit Dome的「The Wall」展現敬意。 心得: 罰到一半就跟著搖,罰完還獻上飛吻,是多享受XD13
[情報] Elfrid Payton加入鵜鶘Free agent guard Elfrid Payton has agreed to a deal with the New Orleans Pelicans, his agent Darrell Comer of Tandem told ESPN. Payton attended training camp with the Pelicans and now rejoins the team amid a wave of injuries. 自由球員Elfrid Payton與紐奧良鵜鶘達成協議,Payton將重返鵜鶘隊。Payton曾參與鵜鶘的訓練營,現在揮別傷病以後便回到球隊。 shams p圖很快(喂)77
[花邊] 七六人今日賽後與巫師並列聯盟爐主76ers are tied with the Wizards for worst record in NBA after dropping to 2-11 如題,今日賽後戰績為2勝11負的七六人與巫師隊並列聯盟最差戰績。 (BR附圖,有夠吉巴)45
[花邊] 談國王新的吉祥物 Fox:這他X的是什麼The Kings introduced new mascot Roy Al to go with their Royals-inspired City Edition jerseys. 國王隊有了一個新的吉祥物「Roy Al」,其靈感來自今年有種皇室風格的城市版球衣。 De'Aaron Fox看到之後說:60
[花邊] 球迷讓Lebron知道自己差一籃板大三元LeBron acknowledged a fan who reminded him that he was 1 rebound away from a triple double. 在今日對上暴龍的比賽中,第四節場邊一位球迷對Lebron大喊,提示他再抓一個籃板就能達成大三元。 當Lebron抓下第十個籃板後手指向該球迷,向對方示意自己有收到。56
[花邊] Redick本賽季給AD的目標:贏下MVP來源: JJ Redick談到開季前跟AD說了什麼: 「(我告訴他)去贏下MVP。」68
[情報] Jamal Murray腦震盪,本場比賽不會回歸來源: Injury Update: Jamal Murray will be out for the remainder of the game due to concussion protocol. 如題,Jamal Murray傷退,本場比賽不會回歸。22
[情報] Dejounte Murray預計缺席四到六週Pelicans guard Dejounte Murray has undergone successful surgery on his fractured left hand and will miss four-to-six weeks, sources tell ESPN. 根據消息來源,Dejounte Murray已完成左手骨折傷勢的手術,將會缺席四到六週。 心得: 傷的是非慣用手,應該算不幸中的大幸85
[花邊] Haliburton發「特別的」影片應援50 centTyrese Haliburton from the Pacers sent 50 Cent a SPECIAL video congratulating him on his Vegas residency. 溜馬球星Tyrese Haliburton發了一段「特別的」影片給50 cent,恭喜他接下來在拉斯維加斯的演唱會。 「現在凌晨四點,剛從夜店回來,但我要支持我的兄弟」39
[情報] Harry Giles與黃蜂簽下一年合約來源: 內容: Free agent center Harry Giles has agreed to a one-year deal with the Charlotte Hornets, his agent Daniel Hazan of Hazan Sports Management told @TheAthletic. The Duke alum and North Carolina native returns home for a chance to compete for a roster spot with the Hornets. 中鋒Harry Giles與夏洛特黃蜂簽下一年合約,得到了一個競爭進入家鄉球隊輪替的機會。54
[花邊] Tatum將他的All Star MVP獎盃刺在身上JT的snapchat NBA Central發的文 Jayson Tatum是2022-23賽季的全明星賽MVP,近日他將這個獎盃(The Kobe Bryant Trophy)刺在身上。78
[花邊] Tatum IG story轉發:我們會為JT復仇Jayson Tatum限時動態轉發饒舌歌手Vince Staples X推文: WE WILL AVENGE JAYSON TATUM. 我們會為Jayson Tatum復仇23
[情報] Luke Walton加入活塞教練團The Detroit Pistons are hiring Luke Walton as the lead assistant on new head coach JB Bickerstaff’s staff, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Walton spent the last two years as an assistant in Cleveland after five-plus seasons as head coach of Lakers and Kings. 根據消息來源,底特律活塞將聘請Luke Walton作為JB的首席助理教練。Walton過去兩年在騎士擔任助教,在此之前則是有五年以上的總教練資歷(湖人、國王)。 心得:活塞教練團+133
[花邊] Brunson:聊天時不小心打給Thibs,結束了Just butt dialed Thibs while having a conversation with the fellas. Yeah it’s over yall it’s been real. 剛在跟兄弟們聊天的時候屁股撥號給Thibs,對,一切都結束了,這是真的。 (pc: bleacher report)55
[情報] Woj:尼克仍想留下OG來源: The Knicks are still determined to keep OG Anunoby in free agency, sources tell ESPN, but the ability to resign center Isaiah Hartenstein becomes more difficult now. The Knicks are loading up on wings to match up with the NBA champion Boston Celtics. 根據消息來源,尼克仍決心在自由市場中留下OG Anunoby。但如此一來續留Isaiah Hartenstein的難度就更高了。尼克在堆積鋒線戰力以面對冠軍塞爾提克隊。 短評或心得:尼克衝了38
[花邊] Dirk被路人灌在頭上(失敗)Almost took Dirk out last night Dirk差點被人一波帶走… NBACentral:德佬以後不會自願上去做這種事了24
[花邊] Lebron舊推特稱讚Hurley/湖人選帥花邊He’s so DAMN GOOD!!! Along with his staff. Super creative with their O! Love it 四月Lebron曾發推稱讚過Dan Hurley: 他(還有他的團隊)太厲害了!他們的進攻體系非常有創意,愛了。21
[情報] Tim Connelly續留灰狼2024-25球季消息來源:Shams Charania X After run to the Western Conference Finals, the Minnesota Timberwolves and president Tim Connelly have agreed to a restructured contract, locking him in for the 2024-25 season, sources tell me and @JonKrawczynski. Connelly’s opt-out clause has been moved to next year. 灰狼在競爭西冠的旅途結束後,明尼蘇達灰狼與其籃球營運總裁Tim Connelly同意調整合約,使後者24-25賽季繼續留任。Connelly的逃脫條款被移到明年。 心得:有活塞想挖角的消息,灰狼(今年)把人留下來了71
[花邊] Shams的冠軍賽看點NBA Finals: Celtics vs. Mavericks - Jayson Tatum/Jaylen Brown or Luka Doncic will earn first championship - Kyrie Irving: Aiming for his second championship - Kristaps Porzingis and Irving face their former teams48
[花邊] Rich Paul:Bronny不會簽雙向合約來源:Chris Haynes Rich Paul says his client, Bronny James, will not sign a two-way contract which allows players to be on an NBA and G-League team Rich Paul表示,他的客戶(Bronny James)將不會簽下雙向合約。 “Yes, that’s absolutely true. Teams know that. I’m not doing that.” Rich Paul on Bronny James not signing a two-way contract.爆
[花邊] Jonathon Givony :Bronny試訓表現優異Jonathon Givony 一口氣發了好幾篇 Bronny James showing off his smooth stroke at the NBA draft combine in Chicago. Good showing for him in the 3-point shooting drill. Bronny在芝加哥NBA聯合試訓中展現了柔順的投射手感,在三分球投籃訓練中有所表現。91
[花邊] 金塊球迷又唱「Who’s your daddy?」"Who's Your Daddy?" chants to close out Game 1. 今日金塊湖人G1末節現場金塊球迷唱起: 「Who’s your daddy?」 心得:從開幕戰喊到季後賽53
[花邊] Josh Hart以章魚哥比喻Mikal Bridges的處A brutal quote from Josh Hart on Mikal Bridges, who is losing in Brooklyn as the Nova Knicks are playoff bound: “It’s like that SpongeBob meme when Squidward is looking out the window and he sees SpongeBob and Patrick having fun. [Mikal] is Squidward.” 對於Mikal Bridges在布魯克林輸球,而大學隊友在尼克備戰季後賽,Josh Hart發表了粗暴言論:51
[花邊] Austin Reaves ig:我是小李,加我好友!繼哈利魔術之後,Austin Reaves也來了,這次是「叫我小李15」。 心得: Reaves簽約(甚至入股)中國品牌,不是被盜(吧)21
[花邊] 談Quickley學習Holiday,Darko:他要吃NBA on ESPN IG Raptors HC explained how Immanuel Quickley can get like Jrue Holiday. Darko Rajakovic談Immanuel Quickley要如何變得像Jrue Holiday。 (記者:Immanuel Quickley最近談到在防守端學習Jrue Holiday,他能如何達到Jrue的程度?)46
[花邊] 湖人主場球迷投進半場投籃贏得十萬美金This fan hit a half-court shot for $100K and D-Lo couldn’t believe it. 暴龍-湖人比賽中場活動,一位球迷投進半場投籃,贏得十萬美金的獎金,Dlo在旁邊都不敢置信。 太舒服啦!有得玩又有得拿33
[情報] Brian Adams加入活塞教練團ESPN Sources: Detroit Pistons coach Monty Williams is fortifying his staff, bringing on former 76ers and Clippers assistant Brian Adams as a coach: 前七六人、快艇助教Brian Adams加入活塞教練團。 心得:台新戰神總教練,稍早請辭獲准。 -----