PTT評價 brian199524 過去發表過的文章
[閒聊] 富邦打線只剩張育成能看吧?各隊都在補強或是有潛力新秀準備卡位 結果富邦只剩一個張育成 明年看起來又是墊底的一年 雖然張育成存摺很滿 但球隊都在輸球的路上X
[討論] 富邦其實也很積極補強FA了是這樣的 大家都知道邦邦的外野薄弱 這次FA好不容易有三位好手進市場 然而朱確定到味全 富邦還是最後才進場詢價的 子豪看起來高機率續留90
[閒聊] Max Christie該振作了吧!?今天Max: 上場17分鐘1分0板0助2失誤2犯規 如果你說這是單場表現 那我們往回看前一場打鵜鶘 上場30分鐘 1/6 FG 0/3 3P 拿下2分3籃板1助攻2抄截。爆
[閒聊] 優付被建商取消?在房板群組看到的 原本付5%就到交屋 結果現在要求交屋前補15%? 一堆小資投客想靠優付5%賭蓋好後直接獲利了結46
[請益] 台中預售兩房格局請益各位房板板友好 這兩天看了預售兩房室內約18.多坪 廢話不多說 直接上圖84
[花邊] LBJ跟Nurse 在費城見面來源: Lebron and Nick Nurse spotted at Sky High in Philly Lebron 被拍到跟Nurse在費城的高級空中餐廳用餐。1
[外電] 湖人將安排首次面試JJ來源: After a dogged pursuit of Hurley over past weeks, Lakers will regroup and resume bringing in candidates for interviews with hope of hiring a coach by Draft, sou rces said. James Borrego is expected to remain part of group and Lakers could do爆
[情報] Delonte West被捕來源: Delonte West was arrested in Fairfax County, per @fox5dc Police say he was served a warrant for violation of conditions of release and ch arged with resisting arrest. Delonte west因違反釋放條件而被發出逮捕令,並被指控拒捕。1X
[外電] 今日Dl0來源: D’Angelo Russell tonight: 0 Points 0/7 FG 0/6 3PTX
[討論] 邦迷轉鷹迷很舒服吧?是這樣的 今天鷹邦之戰,身為球迷的我可以說是從頭笑到最後 一方面開心我鷹能有這樣的表現 一方面笑自己竟然有辦法支持邦這種球隊這麼久 值得慶幸的是已經不需要繼續困在邦迷輪迴裡了51
[討論] 管理層開始注意到Ham的執教問題!?因為不是知名記者等消息就用討論來分類了 近期4戰3敗眾所皆知Ham的調度存在很大的問題。 - - 這位RDAmbition雖不是知名記者但據說是跟湖人內部人員有關且帳號有藍勾,當初曾多次爆 料跟湖人有關消息且正確性不低,直至後來可愛事件才摔下神壇。45
[外電] 今日錢詹計畫LeBron James tonight: 30 points 5 rebounds 8 assists74
[情報] Anthony Edwards傷退Anthony Edwards walked off to the locker room after a scary fall AE在一次進攻中傷退,隨後進休息室治療。 心得:看落地後感覺非常痛,希望AE沒事。 --爆
[花邊] KG:AD看起來已經像40歲了Kevin Garnett on Anthony Davis: “AD looks 40 years old. When I watch Anthony Davis play, he looks like me.” (via @shobasketball) AD的表現看來已經40歲了,每當我看到他的表現就像看到40歲的自己。爆
[外電] Cam Reddish傷勢更新Lakers forward Cam Reddish, who left tonight's game after five minutes because o f a groin injury and did not return, will undergo further evaluation on Wednesda y morning to determine the extent of the injury, sources told ESPN. 紅盤在今天的比賽只打了五分鐘就受傷,當地時間週三早上評估完後才知道受傷程度。爆
[情報] Jordan Poole每場進球數及正負值Jordan Poole this season: 6/16 FG vs Toronto (-12) 5/12 FG vs Brooklyn (-22) 6/14 FG vs Charlotte (-17)爆
[討論] 目前14人名單及先發預測C : Anthony Davis Christian Wood Jaxson Hayes F:爆
[外電] #47+現金交易溜馬#40b_Vw The Los Angeles Lakers are acquiring the 40th pick from the Indiana Pacers for N o. 47 and cash, sources tell ESPN. #47+現金交易溜馬#40爆
[討論] Dlo不碰撞不對抗是怕受傷嗎?如題 整場比賽打最爛就Dlo 開局狂失誤 進攻也不對抗切入只會外圍打鐵 防守整天放入進入禁區 這是季後賽欸老兄?80
[情報] 獨行俠近八戰,只贏一場The Mavs are 1-7 in their last 8 games 過去八場比賽獨行俠只贏1場 心得爆
[討論] AD真的能接班?玻璃容易受傷就算了 關鍵場永遠都不能跳出來帶大家贏球 沒辦法帶隊贏球起碼不要搞 剛剛7秒贏4分 你AD可以搞到輸爆
[討論] 這個Play算龜龜還是Gordon的問題?忍者龜 在可愛上一場打完直接宣布這場休賽後 在今天對國王的比賽中一肩扛起快艇隊 傳統數據要多漂亮有多漂亮 27 分10 助攻2 籃板2 火鍋1 抄截75命中率 也在最後幾分鐘帶領快艇從13分差到最後逆轉超前爆
[情報] 快艇球員對龜龜的加入持開放的態度Several players on the Clippers would be ‘open’ to the idea of adding Russell Westbrook, per @TomerAzarly “There’s a belief among some that Westbrook wasn’t being optimized to the bes t of his abilities with the Lakers”13
[問題] AirPods Pro 加保Apple care+疑問大家好,近期跟親友購入尾牙抽中的AirPods Pro 以下是目前的疑問 1.因為是獎品所以沒有附上購買證明或發票,無從得知是從何時起算60天內加保AC+,想請問 有板友知道這部分是怎麽認定嗎? 2.Apple care+到期前,如果「不小心」用壞左右耳機以及充電盒,只需花900就可以換全新90
[情報] 杰倫:我跟Tatum是攻防一體球員裡強的兩來源: “I think me and JT are probably the best two-way players in the league.” - Jaylen Brown (Via @ScoopB ) 杰倫:我認為我跟JT是聯盟裡,攻守兼備的球員中最強的兩位。91
[情報] 三位球星來到洛杉磯後的出賽數來源: Games played since joining LA in 2019: Anthony Davis - 157 games Paul George - 149 games Kawhi Leonard - 114 games爆
[LIVE] 溜馬 vs 湖人LBJ、AD都會打。 連結: 圖卡: --爆
[LIVE] 湖人 vs 太陽先發: Patrick Beverley Austin Reaves Lonnie Walker IV Troy Brown Jr.爆
[情報] Kawhi Leonard右腳踝扭傷來源: Clippers‘ Kawhi Leonard has a right ankle sprain and will miss Wednesday's game vs. Warriors. 可愛右腳踝扭傷,將錯過週三對勇士的比賽。 -爆
[LIVE] 馬刺 vs 湖人先發: Beverley, Reaves, Walker IV, Brown Jr. ,Davis. 連結: 兩隊圖卡資料:45
[情報] PJ Tucker連續三場0得分PJ Tucker over his last 3 games: 0 points (33 min) 0 points (32 min) 0 points (30 min)爆
[外電] 湖人正關注Miles Bridges來源: The Lakers and Pistons are monitoring Miles Bridges’ situation, per @ShamsChara nia 湖人正關注Miles Bridges。 -85
[情報] Curry 半場31分 4顆三分來源: Steph at halftime 21min 31 PTS 10-13 FG10
Fw: [情報] 湖人戰績聯盟墊底作者: arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] 湖人戰績聯盟墊底 時間: Sat Nov 12 13:54:52 2022 Lakers are now tied with the Rockets for the worst record in the NBA. 2-10.31
[方案] 中華 5G 599方案 or 4G 699方案1.當前資費和到期日期: 台灣大哥大 4G 599方案於2022/11月到期 2.使用需求: 網路一般使用者(看YT、傳LINE),不需要熱點分享,市話每月約30分鐘。 3.常出沒地區:台中11
[閒聊] ARS-90K II 上市販售來源: 號稱勝利最好打的球拍90K,停產後一拍難求 10月二代上市後,已經可以在勝利經銷商購買了。 前兩天手刀下訂90K II 4U,今天取拍了!爆
Fw: [情報] 天空貝在場上要開會 龜龜不想參加作者: pneumo (超☆冒險蓋) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] 天空貝在場上要開會 龜龜不想參加 時間: Thu Oct 13 12:20:48 2022 來源:ClutchPoints 網址:43
[外電] 名單上的所有人都出現在迷你訓練營來源: The Lakers’ players-led minicamp tipped off in San Diego this morning. Every player on the roster is present, sources told ESPN. Training camp opens up off icially on Monday with Media Day in El Segundo. 湖人名單上的所有人都出現在由球員自辦的迷你訓練營中,湖人官辦的訓練營會在美國時47
[情報] 塞爾提克總教練Udoka可能被禁賽來源: ESPN Sources: Boston Celtics coach Ime Udoka is facing possible disciplinary a ction – including a significant suspension – for an unspecified violation of organizational guidelines. Discussions are ongoing within the Celtics on a fi nal determination.21
[問題] MagSafe 手機支架請益支架需求是攜帶方便,於是目前在蝦皮看到以下兩種類型的支架。 1.卡夾式的支架 (不知道是否穩固) 2.指環式的支架24
[討論] SwitchEasy透明手機殼請益大家好 預購完iPhone 14 Pro Max了 要來替他找件衣服 爬文看大家推薦的透明手機殼 有魚骨的Alos 但實際去官網選購發現有兩款透明殼X
[討論] 14 Pro 顏色選擇這次14 Pro推出四個顏色 銀色 太空灰 金色 深紫色 想請問這次有想換機的各位 會買那個顏色呢? 或是大家覺得哪個顏色最好看?14
Fw: [情報] 天空貝:同樣的LA ,不同的尊重作者: brian199524 (brian199524) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] 天空貝:同樣的LA ,不同的尊重 時間: Wed Sep 7 13:25:03 2022 來源: Patrick Beverley on going from playing for the Clippers to the Lakers: “Very26
[花邊] N.Young想跟D.Russell來一場拳賽來源: Nick Young says he wants to get in the boxing ring with D’Angelo Russell: 尼克楊想跟Dlo來一場拳賽。 事情是這樣的 想當年Dlo還是新秀,老尖在隊上扮演老大哥的身份照顧Dlo,感情好到不要不要的。92
[外電] Nunn恢復的進度比預期緩慢來源: Kendrick Nunn's ramp-up process has reportedly been 'slower than anticipated.' Nunn恢復的比預期緩慢。 真的快吐血,新賽季到底能不能上... --爆
[外電] 珍妮:龜是上賽季湖人隊最佳球員來源: Jeanie Buss: “From my point of view, (Westbrook) was our best player last yea r.” Sam Amick: “… I decided to send Buss a note asking if this was her actual be lief.”57
[情報] 2000年後最多敗場數前四球隊來源: Most losses in NBA since 2000-01 Knicks 1,041 Timberwolves 1,023 Wizards 1,013爆
[情報] Phil’s All-Time vs Popo’s All-Ti來源: Phil Jackson’s all-time team vs Gregg Popovich’s... Which team would win in a 7-game series? 禪師執教第一隊 vs 波波執教第一隊31
[情報] 雷霆向聯盟申請傷病補償來源: The Oklahoma City Thunder have applied to the NBA for a Disabled Player Except ion worth $4.95 million due to the season-ending loss of Chet Holmgren, per so urces. 由於Chet整季報銷的原故,雷霆向聯盟申請4.95M的傷病補償。63
[閒聊] 8 or 24 你喜歡哪個背號的Kobe?來源: Different animal, same beast. #8 #24 10 Seasons 10 Seasons 24/5/5 26/5/544
[情報] 老鷹向籃網報價以獲得KD來源: The Atlanta Hawks offered John Collins, De’Andre Hunter and a draft pick for Kevin Durant, per@ShamsCharania Collins+hunter+選秀籤 for KD 心得:爆
[情報] 史上單季1000助攻次數來源: Most seasons with 1,000+ assists: 7 — John Stockton 1 — Everyone else 史上單季1000助攻以上爆
[情報] Harrell、Schroder到目前都沒球隊青睞來源: Montrezl Harrell and Dennis Schroder were the top vote getters for 2019-2020 S ixth Man of the Year award. Both are currently out of the league. 海螺、德軟這對19-20賽季最佳第六人票選第一二名的球員,到目前為止都還沒球隊青睞 。爆
[外電] 湖人願意付出兩首輪換KI來源: REPORT: The Lakers are now “willing” to include both 2027 and 2029 first-rou nd picks in a potential deal for Kyrie Irving. 湖人現在願意付出27、29年的首輪來換取KI。 心得:93
Fw: [情報] 湖人管理層與教練團與LBJ會面作者: liefuchen (liefu) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] 湖人管理層與教練團與LBJ會面 時間: Wed Aug 10 11:17:54 2022 消息來源:Chris Haynes 網址:爆
[外電] Nunn尚未獲准參加5對5訓練來源: 擷取部分原文內容 Los Angeles Lakers guard Kendrick Nunn reportedly has not been cleared to part icipate in five-on-five play yet this offseason. Nunn missed the entire 2021-22 season with a bone bruise in his knee, and whil爆
[外電] Woj :湖人後續可能還有交易來源: Woj: "I think the Lakers will make a deal, maybe more than one deal. It may no t be for Kyrie Irving, it may not be for an All-NBA player, an All-Star…It’s not completely dead with Brooklyn, but I think so much depends on what happen s with Kevin Durant.”43
[情報] 現役球員單場得40分以上次數排名來源: Most 40-point games by active players: 101 — James Harden 69 — LeBron James 62 — Kevin Durant29
[情報] KI將在Drew League 上場比賽來源: Kyrie Irving is expected to play in the Drew League in Los Angeles today at 11 a.m., Drew League commissioner Dino Smiley told ESPN. LeBron James is expecte d to play at 1:45, per Smiley. Yahoo earlier reported James’ plans to return to the Drew for the first time since 2011.爆
[情報] LBJ是自2000年後季後賽勝賽數最多的球員來源: Playoff leaders since 2000: Points — LeBron James Rebounds — Tim Duncan Assists — LeBron James