[討論] 磚塊人IG
AQUAS fans
After over 3 years with the team, I have decided it is time for me to move on. Thank you for making Kaohsiung feel like home! It has been a memorable time in my career and I feel all the love and support that you have given me on andoff the court. Thank you to my teammates and the entire Aquas organization! Iwill cherish all the bonds I have made and the amazing people I have met. -JB5
在團隊工作三年多後,我決定是時候離開了。謝謝你們讓高雄有家的感覺!這是我職業生涯中難忘的一段時光,我感受到了你們在球場內外給予我的所有愛和支持。感謝我的隊友和整個 Aquas 組織!我會珍惜我所建立的所有情誼以及我遇到的那些帶給我驚奇的人。-JB5
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[情報] 林書豪IG:宣布加入新北國王To Kaohsiung and the Steelers, thank you for giving me some of my best times a nd memories as a basketball player. I will forever cherish the short, but amaz ing, time we had together. I hope that through last season, Ive impacted you a ll as you have impacted me. There will forever be love for the Steelers in myh54
[花邊] Hayward TwitterTo the city of Boston, thank you for embracing me as your own these last 3 yea rs. I cannot say thank you enough to all the fans, my teammates, coaches and e veryone in the organization I built such strong relationships with. https://t. co/xsxD05EVKz51
[情報] Perry Jones 加入高雄全家海神Perry Jones signed with the Kaohsiung Aquas in Taiwan, sources in Taiwan confi rmed 根據記者Emiliano Carchia的消息,瓊斯加入高雄全家海神 --39
[分享] 萊公主FBThank you Taiwan. Thank you for all the amazing memories that will last a lif etime. I came here 4 years ago to play baseball and now it is a place I consi der my second home. I want to thank the CTBC brothers and the front office for taking a chance on me 4 years ago. Thank you for making Taiwan feel like home for me and my fami22
[情報] D.J. Augustin 退休消息來源: 內容: Today, I’m officially announcing my retirement from the game I’ve loved for so long. Basketball has been more than a sport, it has been a journey filled with unforgettable memories, friendships, lessons and experiences beyond the court.17
[情報] 歡慶首冠 Aquas Store 全館享8折封王優#AquaNation 歡慶首冠 Aquas Store 全館享8折封王優惠 歡慶球隊贏得隊史首冠,為感謝 #神隊友 一路以來的支持,Aquas Store 推出限時感恩優 惠。自 6/5 12:00 起,全館所有商品享隊史首冠價 8 折,(含電繡球褲及一卡通),此外 更推出聯名手機殼買一送一的活動,優惠活動為期一週,請 #神隊友 千萬不要錯過!18
[情報] 高雄全家海神續約本土壯漢勤明慶在高雄全家海神隊 Kaohsiung Aquas — #AquaNation 持續厚植禁區強度 高雄全家海神續約本土壯漢勤明慶 高雄全家海神隊今日宣布續約 #勤明慶 ,儘管兩季上場時間有限,不過在團隊配合及 訓練上始終保持高積極度,具備球團所看重的特質。11
[影片] AQUAS STORE 一日店長/特派員143出任務#AquaNation AQUAS STORE 快閃倒數最萌身高差一日店長直擊 143搭配球員的最萌身高差組合,挑戰 Aquas Store 一日店長任務! #KTownAquas5
[情報] 高雄全家海神FB-hOhOTD人氣冠軍-吳曉謹#AquaNation 恭喜阿美ㄘㄨˋ客曉謹 獲得聯盟hOhOTD人氣票選冠軍 恭喜曉謹 ,感謝小林與子軒用心準備,#助海編 聽說多看帥氣照片有益身心健康 #神隊友 趕緊儲存起來2
[情報] 漢神 高雄全家海神主場首戰勝利優惠漢神百貨11/27限時優惠 高雄全家海神隊 Kaohsiung Aquas 我挺你 恭喜拿下主場首戰勝利,立刻送上慶功優惠