[情報] 金德偉IG - 關於不能出賽原因

看板basketballTW標題[情報] 金德偉IG - 關於不能出賽原因作者
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:0

My time in Taiwan has been cut short because my former Taiwan team didn’t
apply for a work permit for me and I still played. As a result I will now be
banned from playing basketball in Taiwan for 3 years. The consequence for
this petty technicality is unfairly harsh, and devastating to an athlete as
our time is limited. The inability of the Taiwan government to use
judiciousness to work around this technicality lacks common sense, and
ethical fairness. It is utterly disgraceful to be punished this severely for
the wrongdoing of another party. I will return home with my head held high
knowing I did everything in my power to have a successful season. This
situation was completely out of my control. No one is a winner in this
situation but I would still like to thank the leopards for giving me the
opportunity to play this season. This is not their fault.

我在台灣的時間被縮短了,因為我的前台灣隊沒有幫我申請工作證,我仍然打球。 結果現在要被禁止在台灣打籃球3年了。 這種小技術的後果是不公平的,因為我們的時間有限,對運動員造成破壞性。 台灣政府無法利用司法在這種技術上工作,缺乏常識、道德公平。
因另一黨的不義而受到嚴懲,真是太可恥了。 我會昂首昂首挺胸回到家,知道我盡了自己的力量,才能獲得成功的賽季。 這情況完全失控了。 在這種情況下沒有人是贏家,但我還是要感謝雲豹們給我機會
這個賽季有機會玩。 這不是他們的錯。




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