[討論] 小草發起挺柯國際連署!快要達標了!

看板HatePolitics標題[討論] 小草發起挺柯國際連署!快要達標了!作者
時間推噓26 推:27 噓:1 →:39




簡單來說就是台灣人挺柯 拒絕司法迫害 反對非法搜查 訴求立即釋放

目前有接近8,000連署 快達到10,000門檻了

Taiwan 911 / Retaliation Against the Former Mayor of Taipei, Taiwan

We stand here today to bring attention to the unjust treatment of the former
mayor of Taipei, Taiwan, the leader of the third political party, who has
been unfairly targeted for his commitment to public service and integrity.
During his eight-year term as mayor of Taiwan’s capital city, he
consistently made decisions in the best interest of the public. The meeting
minutes from his term, which are available for public review, clearly
demonstrate that his actions were taken with transparency and a genuine
concern for the citizens he served.

Despite his exemplary service, his presidential campaign ended without
victory. However, the newly elected leader has since misused the justice
system to retaliate against him. Under false pretenses, his home and office
have been unlawfully searched, and he has been subjected to an inhumane
19-hour interrogation without rest. These actions are not just an attack on
him but a blatant abuse of power that undermines the principles of justice
and democracy.

We are here outside the facility where he is being held to raise awareness
and draw attention to this grave injustice. We demand fair treatment and due
process for a leader who has served his city with honor and dedication. We
call on all who believe in fairness and democracy to join us in seeking his
immediate release. This is not just about one man; it’s about the future of
justice and fairness in our society. Let us stand together to ensure that no
one is persecuted for doing what is right.

We urge the media, international observers, and all concerned citizens to
help shine a light on this situation and hold those in power accountable. We
will not rest until justice is served, and he is set free.

這篇新聞讓你覺得? ψdiabloq13 ▲▲▲▲∥████◤∥
-⊙—⊙- -⊙—⊙- -⊙—⊙- -- -- ----◤∥

. 沒感覺 有點生氣   生氣   很生氣  非常生氣 超級生氣   爆氣


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jabari 09/01 16:06畢竟需要俄羅斯人灌票

wilson200106 09/01 16:07台灣911 XDDDDDD

wawaking1 09/01 16:07連署後哪個國際組織可以干預台灣?當

wawaking1 09/01 16:07美國爸爸膩

wawaking1 09/01 16:08社底小草沒藥醫有夠好騙

star88 09/01 16:08網路連署,好好笑,到時候一定操作一波,

star88 09/01 16:08我們連署高達xxx份,證明xxx人如何如何…

x0845 09/01 16:08司法判決貪污就7414。不是,嘴的人快7414

star88 09/01 16:09結果都是佔國廁

Jetty 09/01 16:09

kokopi 09/01 16:09一群智癱的白蓮教

ppkkll 09/01 16:09達標之後能幹嘛??

zxcvbn123456 09/01 16:10戰狗廁幾萬個帳號 分分鐘就搞定

mouscat 09/01 16:10這連署聲明有夠噁心 對台北市的奉獻?是

mouscat 09/01 16:10對財團的吧?

julia66 09/01 16:10機器人連署瞬間達標

bread220 09/01 16:10直接在館長聊天室投票最快

colin0612 09/01 16:10那一個人要300元 什麼灌票

ppkkll 09/01 16:11洨草是希望美國介入嗎?可是你們一堆疑美

ppkkll 09/01 16:11份子耶!柯文哲就更別說了,你們真的都以

ppkkll 09/01 16:11為ait死透了嗎?

Terminals 09/01 16:12一萬也沒很難,好歹是過去的第三大黨

Sawilliam 09/01 16:12已連署 要讓國際知道 民進黨獨裁政府

Terminals 09/01 16:12老本吃到現在不至於沒一萬,再晚一點我

Terminals 09/01 16:12就不敢說了~

mouscat 09/01 16:13連署要300 是把捐款支持平台混為一談?

JioJoin 09/01 16:13小草該不會以為達一萬就會放人

a58461351 09/01 16:13我宣布連署已經80億人了,全球救阿北

shoube 09/01 16:13一堆小丑,你發國際聯署誰會理你

shoube 09/01 16:14更不用講一堆假帳號就能洗的東西

rockheart 09/01 16:14連法院都還沒上……小草 急了

shoube 09/01 16:14國際知道的是柯文哲涉嫌貪汙被羈押審問中

AndrewWiggs 09/01 16:14對台北市的貢獻XDD結果總統開票最低

AndrewWiggs 09/01 16:14,柯憐

shoube 09/01 16:15請雜草們去參考日本&韓國的新聞,嘻嘻

bvg2536452 09/01 16:15要不要順便開支持柯文哲關到死的連署

Terminals 09/01 16:15維尼: 這顆(柯)棋子沒用了

star12614 09/01 16:16笑死 網軍連署嗎www

phoinixa 09/01 16:17白癡還在那邊瞎吹捧阿北

RiverMan1 09/01 16:17北七...吃飽太閒

metro721 09/01 16:17國際連署 哈哈哈 怎麼沒有簡體字版

peterw 09/01 16:18丟臉丟到國外,夏夕夏景

pupu20317 09/01 16:20丟臉丟到國際去

HcrnyDragen 09/01 16:22小草一票抵一萬票 已經八千萬了 挖草

mimimoumou 09/01 16:23這可以幹嘛?

Hirano 09/01 16:23哈哈哈哈哈哈小草真的有夠丟臉

shoube 09/01 16:23讓我想起了總統大選期間的國際記者會 丟臉

geordie 09/01 16:24他們真的知道啥是911嗎?

geordie 09/01 16:24阿北給他們灌了啥垃圾概念....

hong414 09/01 16:24笑死 國際勒 當初台派搞這些國際東西 他

hong414 09/01 16:24們不是笑很爽

keltt 09/01 16:25沒有10億連署,我可是不在意唷

geordie 09/01 16:26那位大人快把這垃圾連署撤回好嗎,我覺

geordie 09/01 16:26得很丟臉,人家會以為台灣人很低能.....

geordie 09/01 16:26哪位

bill4051326 09/01 16:33割一波韭菜

onthehill 09/01 16:36內文寫得很虛無飄渺欸 連阿北是因為什

onthehill 09/01 16:36麼被指控都故意避開,第一段全部在歌功

onthehill 09/01 16:37頌德......

salvador1988 09/01 16:39怎麼可能民調10%沒一萬人

wison4451 09/01 16:44XDDDDDDDDDDDD

alanjiang 09/01 17:13太好了 國際救援就要來惹

Arthurseed 09/01 17:41可以選總統了?

redbeanbread 09/01 17:56剛好讓世界看見 感謝

brian6212 09/01 17:58智商堪憂

pivotalHarry 09/01 20:22保底14億票

zardmih 09/01 21:15機器人連署沒破億還敢拿出來讓人笑 XDD