[推薦] The Body Keeps the Score
The Body Keeps the Score
主要是在講創傷的書 個人還沒看完 不過很棒的是
藉由那些有創傷的故事可以去理解各種暴怒 或是一些非常態情緒 應對的根源
其中講到老兵 戰後的創傷 或是一些人被侵犯 得到精神分裂症等等
整本書知識點非常多 跟一般人想像都不同 很棒的書
這邊分享一些觀點 創傷是會上癮的!!
聽起來很不可思議吧 這麼痛苦 陰暗的體驗怎麼會上癮
事實上創傷這種"超常刺激" 帶來的體驗在一般生活中難以複製
Freud had a term for such traumatic reenactments: “the compulsion to
就像運動先會很累人 最後又會感覺很棒 跳傘很嚇人 完成後也是感覺很棒
這種身體的平衡 在創傷的回憶有類似現象
Fear and aversion, in some perverse way, can be transformed into
反常的 厭惡跟恐懼是可以被轉換成喜悅的
另外 強烈的情緒可以止痛
有個實驗發現老兵看戰爭片會分泌類似嗎啡的物質 15分鐘相當於治療胸痛的份量
reexposure to stress might provide a similar relief from anxiety
Trauma isn’t just something faced by war veterans – it’s far more prevalent
in our society than we realize. The truth is that trauma can happen to anyone,and it’s time we found out what this really means.
不只戰後老兵 每個人都可能有創傷
Traumas result from an experience of extreme stress or pain that leaves an
individual feeling helpless, or too overwhelmed, to cope with adversity.
Experiences involving war typically result in traumas, but violent crimes andaccidents cause them too.
經歷過痛苦 絕望 無法應對逆境後就會有創傷
不只是戰爭會導致創傷 暴力犯罪 意外也會導致創傷
Rape and child abuse are terrible events, and they are also unfortunately morecommon than you might think. Reports reveal that 12 million women were victimsof rape in the United States in 2014 alone, and that more than 50 percent of
those women were under the age of 15 at the time of the assault. Every year inthe United States, there are 3 million cases of child abuse.
These traumatic experiences can change the lives of those affected, as well asthe lives of their friends and family. Traumatized people often suffer from
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can lead to depression and
substance abuse.
In addition, traumatized people tend to mistrust anyone who hasn’t experienced the same suffering they have, and assume that nobody can understand them. This was illustrated in one of the therapy groups the author set up for Vietnam
除此之外他們會覺得沒人能理解他們 除了那些經歷相痛創傷的人
While the group helped the veterans find friends and share their experiences,those who weren’t traumatized by the war were considered outsiders by the
group – including the author. It took weeks of listening, empathizing and
building trust with the veterans for them to accept him.
Establishing a rapport with someone suffering from PTSD is a challenge on itsown, so just imagine trying to maintain a marriage, a close friendship or a
stable parent-child relationship. Traumatized people find it difficult to trust even those who love them most, including partners and kids. This can be verytough on friends and families, often leading to estrangement or divorce.
因為無法信任別人 通常會導致與伴侶離婚 家人不合 夥伴的隔閡
這本科學的書真的超棒的 後面還講到腦袋 神經的研究更深入 料真的很多!
[情報] Djokovic譴責溫網:運動員沒有錯Novak Djokovic slams Wimbledon call to ban Russian stars – 'It's not the athl etes' fault' "I will always be the first one to condemn the war," he told reporters in Belg rade. "As a child of war, I know what kind of emotional trauma a war leaves. U26
Re: [討論] 能接受伴侶有精神疾病嗎以我自己的經驗來分享一些想法。 我從有印象開始就一直是一個很敏感的人,對周圍的氣氛,別人的眼光,還有他人的批判 。 我沒有去看過精神科或是諮商,我想自己手臂上紅腫的刀疤已經說出非常肯定的答案。 邊緣性人格,至少我自己看許多心理學的書是這麼診斷的。20
[Vtub] Kiara昨天在廚房發生小意外hello, sorry for the worries!!!!!!!!!! i had a small fire in my kitchen so and am a bit traumatized now but all is good and no damages, just mentally aaaaaaaa8
Re: [討論] 大家會去看性別平等相關的書嗎?分享一下前陣子看的一本書 書名是《女子の人間関係》(女生的人際關係) 這本是2014年出版 當初剛出來是在旅行途中路過在書店發現 翻了一下發現是教戰守則類型的書7
[討論] 因為我喜歡你 類似PTSD之恐血症上一篇有大概稍微帶到一些關於我對「總裁們」的人設心得,這篇想和大家探討有關於類似 PTSD的症狀。 在【因為我喜歡你】中,貫穿全劇的除了女主的運動員生涯歷程外,另一個最受矚目的應該 就是男主方至勝的恐血症了。4
[心得]第一本複雜性創傷後壓力症候群自我療癒聖《第一本複雜性創傷後壓力症候群自我療癒聖經:在童年創傷中求生到茁壯的恢復指南》 :從CPTSD認識療癒自我 複雜性創傷後壓力症候群CPTSD是個蠻新的心理學病症,2019世界衛生組織年首度將CPTSD 納入了疾病分類標準中,如果你有以下情況,或多或少你可能也有CPTSD: 有過不快樂的童年、與父母關係欠佳、4
[問題] 請教《羞辱創傷》《穿梭超時空》延伸閱讀標題是有些奇怪,先向大家說聲不好意思 這兩本是我最近剛讀完的書之中特別感興趣的兩本 《羞辱創傷》提及到cptsd與反覆侮辱的情緒傷害 《穿梭超時空》提及時間旅行與平行世界 想請教這兩本書的主題有無更進一步的深入閱讀可以推薦?4
[問卦] 死神裡雛森怎沒有被砍PTSD雛森桃 五番隊副隊長 奶小、嬌小 喜歡藍染, 被大家當雛森刀鞘使用,2
Re: [新聞] 一戰法軍頭盔的防爆性能優於現代美軍頭盔推 zeumax: 除非炸彈在頭頂上方高處炸開,這特點感覺並沒有比防彈好 02/20 12:59 → scotch: 一戰壕溝戰75%的傷亡都是砲擊,當然防震波最重要。作戰型 02/20 14:53 → scotch: 態轉變防的東西不一樣 02/20 14:53 Sci Transl Med:退伍軍人中的與爆炸有關的腦損傷2
[問卦] 驚!俄羅斯方塊居然可以減緩創傷後遺症肥肥剛才看到聽說有研究報導 說給有創傷後遺症(PTSD)的患者玩俄羅斯方塊 有助於幫助減緩他們的傷痛的樣子 (好像是美國哈佛大學做過的研究)