[討論] ModelS 改 6.2V8

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Electric cars have opened up a new world of modding, but I’m not sure anyon
e expected “V8" and “Tesla” to end up paired together. Yet, Rich Rebuilds
is here to do just that, and his 6.2-Liter LS3 V8-powered Tesla just had it
s first start!

The last time we checked on Rich Benoit of the Rich Rebuilds YouTube channel
, he was in the beginning stages of building what appears to be the first-ev
er V8-powered Tesla. He gutted a couple of donor Tesla Model S vehicles and
test fit the LS3 V8 lifted from a Chevrolet Camaro SS. He’s made a lot of p
rogress since then from installing the donor Camaro’s manual transmission t
o working through a labyrinth of wiring just to get the car’s computers to
fire up. But now the time has come to breathe new life into this dead Tesla

Now, a common question about this build is: why? Why would Benoit make a Tes
la slower and powered by gas? The answer is pretty much because he can. I re
spect that.

To get the car — named ICE-T (and yes, it means Internal Combustion Engine
Tesla) — running, Benoit and his friends hooked up a standalone ECU system
from Haltech. That was coupled to a fuel pump scavenged from a Miata with a
fuel filter from a Corvette, which fed fuel from a bucket. The setup was as
hilariously janky as it was epic

Benoit explained that there will be two integrations keeping the vehicle run
ning. The first is the standalone Haltech Elite 2500 ECU, which starts, runs
and monitors the engine. A screen will allow monitoring of the engine’s vi
tals. The other integration allows the Tesla to still be usable as a real ca
r. The sunroof will work, as will the body control module, speedometer, door
s and more. Basically, this V8-powered Tesla will still work like a Tesla, o
nly it’ll be powered by internal combustion.

Things got even more sketchy as the guys used residential light switches to
control fuel, ignition and starting. But not only did it start, it sounds aw
esome. That engine is good for 426 horsepower, so the completed project will
be able to run burnouts for days

Benoit and his buddies still have a lot of work to do. ICE-T is going to get
a side exit exhaust pipe and the shifter for the manual transmission will s
prout out where the car’s cupholders would normally be.

This is going to be a working Tesla with a V8 and a manual transmission, whi
ch is easily one of the coolest projects on YouTube at the moment. Watch mor
e Rich Rebuilds to see this thing come to life!

後來裝了一台GM的LS3 V8 6.2


要看這台 ICE-T上路還有得等
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joiedevivre 05/21 19:52XDD 難得看到電改油

sm981512 05/21 20:01天天跑加油站vs天天超充

a152508 05/21 20:18把哀鳳12改成有鍵盤手機的概念

cychung 05/21 20:30他把S5改成純電車很酷

suitup 05/21 20:31笑死 要被踢出特斯拉群組了w

suitup 05/21 20:32會把汽車比喻成手機的 大概也是把車子當工具而已

wang960615 05/21 20:38ICE-T 樓主很懂w

wang960615 05/21 20:38但是有點不太精確 因為ICE-T有T/TD

asdhse 05/21 20:55這才是真正的特粉,喜歡特斯拉但是不拘泥於油或電

asdhse 05/21 20:56那些一直吹噓電動車但是連手冊都看不懂的只是跟風仔

asdhse 05/21 20:58此外這篇文也證明特斯拉並不是不怕水,該壞的還是會

asdhse 05/21 20:58壞,請各位特粉不要神話他

Transposon 05/21 20:59美國合法改車,反觀台灣雞巴法令

kazami 05/21 21:00太厲害了...

lancelot123 05/21 21:26在台灣,首先你要能先弄到一台過得了法規的6.2 V8引

lancelot123 05/21 21:26

DUNA 05/21 21:51我怎麼覺得改裝這個也會比一台新車貴XD

humaisme 05/21 22:10車子不是工具不然是飛機杯嗎?

bmw530li 05/21 22:23特斯拉拔掉電池以後,車身剛性跟底盤有特別突出嗎

bmw530li 05/21 22:23?是說改完以後會不會公差比原廠還小…XDD

lpgaga5566 05/21 22:30會!

DYE 05/21 23:04小屁孩才炫耀買來的玩具

DYE 05/21 23:05成年人拿來炫耀的是自己成分的東西

DYE 05/21 23:06開世界上獨一無二的車的價值遠高於原廠車

ian41360 05/21 23:06改成油車後,FSD還可以用嗎?

qazwsx6107 05/22 00:40這樣還要繳稅嗎?

yanzistart 05/22 02:40底盤? 除了車殼 底下全不同了

GalaxyX 05/22 03:26這就是我要的

a152508 05/22 05:59汽車不是工具不然是什麼 老婆嗎

skywingyang 05/22 09:32這感覺根本像是把apple watch 拿來裝機械錶機心一樣

DYE 05/22 12:22車是工具的話 怎麼這麼多人要粉 這已經投入情感

suitup 05/22 12:44看車板的留言大概也知道 來嘴砲的而已居多

suitup 05/22 12:44說對汽車多有興趣 算了吧

Gauss 05/23 11:32馬3不是工具是什麼?藝術品嗎