Re: [問題] 這是真的假的,求證實

看板cat標題Re: [問題] 這是真的假的,求證實作者
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※ 引述《z739 (極)》之銘言:

: 剛剛刷斗音看到的
: 不知道是真的假的
: 各位貓咪吃go有出問題嗎
: 我家吃go挺好的


Thank you so much for taking the time to get in touch about your concerns. I can assure you that Petcurean takes quality control and customer concerns veryseriously. Our stringent quality control process and thoroughness in investigating consumer inquiries reflect our overriding concern for the safety, health, and well-being of pets. We apply the same care and attention to detail in everything we do.

The authorized distributor for Taiwan is Super Coddle (click here to view their info). I can also assure that we are working diligently with our Chinese distributor to determine the scope of the inquiries here. Petcurean conducts specific testing on all of our recipes to ensure toxins are not present. This includes a wide variety of tests on incoming ingredients and final products, including mycotoxins and pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella and E coli. In addition to our own rigorous testing, Petcurean meets or exceeds governmental standards for pet food in Canada, the United States, and more than 35 other countries where our food is sold including many European Union countries that have some of the strictest regulations in the world. It is important to note that each batch is tested to ensure it falls within our standards before being shipped. We also track all incidents closely should any trends develop.




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bigbowl01/29 12:21對岸進口了才分裝 誰知道會不會混甚麼來減少成本

powerjr01/29 13:38我家的貓不是吃這個但也是很常這樣吐,但不會血便就是