[問題] amazon 詐騙信疑問

看板e-shopping標題[問題] amazon 詐騙信疑問作者
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Dear Customer,

I am a Marketing specialist and we sell a lot of stores on Amazon.

Now I am contacting you to see if you are interested in testing & reviewing
our items without charge, we do have lots of products that need to be
reviewed, your feedback will help us sell more products.

You will get the item at no cost if you can write a review of the product on
And please understand that I'm not asking for a positive review...just an
honest one, you can write a review after you use the product so that you can
stand behind what you write.

Please reply to this email if you are interested, I will let you know the
procedure to place the order and write a review.
You can stop reading if you want, but I have one last thing, for some of our
products, if you write a review of the item, Not only can you get the productat no cost, but I will also give you a commission after the review is done.

To get the free samples:

1. You only need an Amazon account and a PayPal account.
2. And We will send you payment to your PayPal BEFORE you place the order!
3. We will send you the product list for you to choose from if you would liketo join us.

Wait to hear from you soon.

Have a nice day

10001 E. Evans Ave,#50A,
Denver, CO 80247

If you do not want to hear from me anymore, please reply "Nope" and I will
stop messaging you!


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fonzae 03/28 23:54寄信者?

Archangel585 03/29 00:09Irene -Aegend <[email protected]

wholesaler 03/29 00:16看到gmail 直接pass

fonzae 03/29 00:17官方的信只會從官方信箱伺服器寄出

fonzae 03/29 00:17所以一定不是gmail

Archangel585 03/29 00:35了解,感謝你~

Or3 03/29 01:53這不是amazon的信啊 是某公司市場開發吧

ashkaze 03/29 04:03這英文.....

maijine 03/29 06:18這是類似請你試用商品然後寫心得,我有

maijine 03/29 06:18收過玩具商的邀請

LenaKuo 03/29 06:45這種就是買評價呀!很多中國賣家在做。

LenaKuo 03/29 06:45請你先買它的商品留五顆星,然後再用payp

LenaKuo 03/29 06:45al還給你錢,萬一它被amazon抓包,你帳

LenaKuo 03/29 06:45號一起被鎖。

aeiou1015 03/29 09:44不是amazon官方啦 不用理,但這個市場

aeiou1015 03/29 09:44專員竟然還說可以先給你錢再買商品後

aeiou1015 03/29 09:44測試給評 也太…奇妙

Or3 03/29 11:20用paypal他可以之後拒絕啊:p