Re: [討論] Notability 明年將需付費訂閱!

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Why the best iPad app for handwritten notes is going freemium

For those who prefer taking digital notes by hand instead of typing, Notability has long been an iPad must-have.


The app lets users take handwritten notes on an iPad, ideally with an Apple Pencil. It supports an array of brush styles and paper formats, and it has a killer audio recording feature for lectures and interviews: Recordings and written notes are synchronized, so you can tap on what you wrote and hear the audiofrom that exact moment. (The app is also available for iPhones and Macs, where it’s mostly helpful for reviewing existing notes.)

該應用程式允許使用者在iPad上手寫筆記,最理想上是使用Apple Pencil。 它支援一系列筆刷風格和紙張格式,並且具有用於講座和訪談的音訊錄音功能——錄音和寫筆記是同
步的,因此您可以輕點您寫的東西,並聆聽當下的音訊。 (此應用程式也適用於iPhone和Mac,主要用來幫助閱讀既有筆記。)

But after 11 years of selling the app for an up-front price—most recently $9
–developer Ginger Labs is leaving that model behind. Notability is now free to download, and will require a $15 per year subscription—or $12 per year for
a limited time—to unlock all of its features.

但在以單一價格——近期而言是9美元銷售該應用程式11年後,開發商Ginger Labs正在拋
下該模式。 Notability現在可以免費下載,並需要每年15美元的訂閱——或限時特價每

Non-paying users will have limits on how many times they can edit a note and how many brushes they can save as favorites, and they’ll no longer be able to
automatically sync notes to iCloud or other online storage services. K-12 schools will get the full version of free, but existing non-education users won’t. Instead, they’ll get one more year to use the app without restrictions.

非付費使用者將被限制可以編輯筆記的次數以及可設為喜愛的筆刷數,並將無法再自動將筆記同步到iCloud或其他線上儲存服務。 K-12學校將獲得免費的完整版本,但現有的非教育使用者不會。 相反地,他們將獲得一年無限制使用該應用程式。

The switch to a subscription model may not sit well with all of Notability’s
15 million users, but Colin Gilboy, the lead engineer at Ginger Labs, says it’s necessary to serve a larger goal: By getting more people to try the app, the company is hoping to create an ecosystem where users can share notes and templates with one another.

轉向訂閱模式可能不太符合Notability的所有一千五百萬使用者的需求,但Ginger Labs的首席工程師Colin Gilboy表示,為實現一個更大的目標有必要如此實施:透過吸引更多人嘗試該應用程式,該公司希望建立一個使用者可以相互共享筆記和模板的生態系統。

“It’s not really driven by revenue or profits, so much as how we want to exp
and and increase our reach, and build a broader ecosystem,” Gilboy says.



The centerpiece of this new push is a gallery where users will be able to find notes that others have uploaded. Students, for instance, might use the gallery to look up notes on a certain study topic. It could also be a place to discover new note-taking formats or coloring pages. Users will then be able to download, edit, and highlight those notes for themselves.

這個新策略的核心是Gallery,使用者將能夠在那裡找到其他人上傳的筆記。 例如,學生可能會使用畫廊查查特定學習主題的筆記。 它也可能是發現新的筆記格式或上色頁面的地方。 然後,使用者將能夠自行下載、編輯和螢光顯示這些註釋。

Overall, it sounds like a nod to the way apps such as Notion and Coda are building communities around shared document templates. Both of those services offer free tiers as well, the idea being that it helps promote a bigger ecosystem.

總的來說,這聽起來像是致敬Notion和Coda等應用程式圍繞共享文件模板構建社群的方式。 這兩項服務也都提供免費的會員等級,其想法是它有助於促進更大的生態系統。

Last year, Notability tried a different approach, selling templates, planners, themes, and stickers to its users through an in-app shop. A “Feel Good Journal,” for instance, offered coloring pages and other mindfulness exercises—Gi
lboy says it was the store’s most popular offering—while a “Digital Life Pl
anner” provided an array of calendar views and goal-planning pages. Notability also sold extra features such as handwriting recognition and math conversion.

去年,Notability嘗試了一種不同的方法,透過應用程式商店向其使用者銷售模板、規劃器、主題和貼圖。 例如,「Feel Good Journal」提供上色頁面和其他正念練習——Gilb
oy說,這是商店最受歡迎的產品——而「Digital Life Planner」提供了一系列日曆檢視
和目標規劃頁面。 Notability 還出售了額外的功能,如筆跡識別和數學式識別。

Those features will all become part of the new subscription plan, but Gilboy says he’s more excited to see what users will come up with on their own.


“We see the future of Notability as being more focused on collaboration and sharing,” he says.


Still, Ginger Labs wants to nudge users toward subscriptions even if they’re
not taking advantage of those sharing features, hence the limits on cloud backups and edits. The company won’t say exactly how many edits it will allow on
a single note before hitting users with a paywall—for now, it wants to be able to tweak the number based on what it sees from users—but it does want its heaviest users to eventually pay up.

儘管如此,Ginger Labs仍然希望沒有利用這些共享功能的用戶能夠轉向訂閱,因此對雲端備份和編輯設下限制。 該公司不願說明單個筆記上在不付錢下將可進行多少編輯——

“We want to make sure that people can’t just use Notability and make it all
the way through med school for free,” Gilboy says. “That would leave us with
out a business.”






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cshl 11/03 00:13他有提供免費版的給大家用?

LEFX 11/03 00:20我快笑死

Sakurajima9911/03 00:22這嘴臉真的噁心

winstonuno 11/03 00:23笑爛

iMANIA 11/03 00:24付費舊戶突然被貼標籤 變成蹭飯的免費仔了= =

TheArrow 11/03 00:29他最後那意思要接前一段 感覺比較像是免費版的會讓

TheArrow 11/03 00:29重度使用者願意訂閱 而不是一直用免費的吧

br1312 11/03 00:30不論哪個圈子,遠大的目標這句話解決一切

ZaneTrout 11/03 00:34醫學院學生也是付費買斷使用…

ZaneTrout 11/03 00:35不過我應該還是會含淚訂閱…

ZaneTrout 11/03 00:35不知道會不會出家庭方案

YanYain 11/03 00:35三小,炎上商法?

a523928 11/03 00:37好啊 那祝福啊 希望這樣你們的客群真的會增加喔

a523928 11/03 00:37哈哈哈

kylefan 11/03 00:38六樓的解讀好像也有道理,個人看第二段的時候直接

kylefan 11/03 00:38把對象當成是用不到共享功能的舊用戶,確實未必精確

kylefan 11/03 00:38,大家就各自解讀吧

gucciin5566 11/03 00:39現在都不願意付費使用的人,將來會成為訂閱戶嗎?

gucciin5566 11/03 00:39想要吸收新用戶的同時,激怒了所有老客戶

gucciin5566 11/03 00:39真是神之一手

hu850712 11/03 00:39有頭腦沒手腕

happyptter 11/03 00:41準備跳槽囉~

pearlsally 11/03 00:44不演了

gucciin5566 11/03 00:45 GoodNotes 笑了

riap0526 11/03 00:48拉攏新客群沒意見 但把舊付費客戶當成蹭飯仔 還說

riap0526 11/03 00:48送一年訂閱很好了 這邏輯…

homer0403 11/03 00:49原來我付完錢還是被稱為免費仔QQ

longtimens 11/03 00:50確定不是g家臥底?

Andosinjo 11/03 00:55樓上超好笑,他們準備接收跳槽戶了

Andosinjo 11/03 00:55樓樓樓樓上

tcwk1022 11/03 00:55有什麼辦法可以

a523928 11/03 00:56該不會其實G家已經收購完還是挖角完 然後故意弄這齣

a523928 11/03 00:56把客群趕來吧XD

tcwk1022 11/03 00:56解決這事消保官?

a523928 11/03 00:58台灣網拍消保官都搞不定了 別指望他們管到app stor

a523928 11/03 00:58e了吧

YJC1248 11/03 01:03我醫學院學生啦幹 全校多少學生都花錢買斷 結果都被

YJC1248 11/03 01:03當成想要當用免費的蹭飯仔

YanYain 11/03 01:05

YanYain 11/03 01:06笑死 ,Goodnote 嘲諷點滿欸

kaede0711 11/03 01:23最後一句蠻瞎的 你們直接說有營收困難就好了 酸免

kaede0711 11/03 01:23費不就把買斷當白痴

longtimens 11/03 01:26一千五百萬用戶還營運困難…

lise1017 11/03 01:28哈哈 笑翻 既然怎樣都要被笑免費仔還好我一開始就是

lise1017 11/03 01:28app從來都不使用付費軟件 只要付費就是再見

lise1017 11/03 01:29所以笑我免費仔根本激不了我 因為我本來就是XDD

lise1017 11/03 01:31反而是付費仔 被人劃成且嘲諷為免費仔 根本炎上了

medbeauty 11/03 01:33居然有1500萬ㄉ人用......還哭窮......==

abccat0520 11/03 01:44笑死,當買斷的人白痴是嗎

three88720 11/03 02:49goodnote的推特笑死

xdccsid 11/03 03:03你他媽真當我盤子誒,付費買斷又付費買功能最後再

xdccsid 11/03 03:03跟我說以後你還要繼續付訂閱

xdccsid 11/03 03:04馬的等我考完研就砍了這破爛

shawncarter 11/03 03:14就買斷制先騙砲 然後再轉訂閱制騙第二次

kamisanma 11/03 03:16好喔沒關係 永遠會有更好用的出來

kouta 11/03 04:17以後說不定變扭蛋 抽到才開放功能

NMAtmbg 11/03 04:22軟體啦幹,好煩ㄛ習慣notability的使用模式ㄌ但不

NMAtmbg 11/03 04:22想再付錢給垃圾公司

mathrew 11/03 06:45Gilboy:你們這些免費仔,給我訂閱下去,uccu

charmingpink11/03 06:541500萬還有人覺得這間公司太佛心會倒

abram 11/03 06:55賣了房子之後可以跟買家講說改出租?

abram 11/03 06:56還不用退之前收買家的錢嗎?

※ 編輯: kylefan ( 臺灣), 11/03/2021 07:25:54

lovecut 11/03 07:27還好我很少用

nickyyang 11/03 07:33兩個都有買,Goodnotes好用太多了啦!

alanzeratul 11/03 07:341500萬使用者耶,不割真的痛苦吧,哈哈,好險當初N

alanzeratul 11/03 07:34跟G都有買最後選擇用G

alanzeratul 11/03 07:34

hcoaf 11/03 08:03notability 官方推特已經公告,規則修改成11/1以前

hcoaf 11/03 08:03有購買的項目都可以終身使用

myvoice 11/03 08:04明明一開始就付錢,講的好像大家都是免費仔,吃相

myvoice 11/03 08:04難看

hcoaf 11/03 08:04預計會在11.0.2版本修正

hcoaf 11/03 08:06

comeoffline 11/03 08:09evernote也做過類似的事情。直接棄坑。我可以接受付

comeoffline 11/03 08:09費,但不接受搶劫

als60907 11/03 08:11縮了?原本已經準備要買goodnote了

wtowillie 11/03 08:23GoodNotes 嘲諷點滿…呵呵

ct508178 11/03 09:00N和G都買了還是喜歡N沒想到搞這齣...

myvoice 11/03 09:37意思是現在有的功能都一直用,但是之後的新功能不

myvoice 11/03 09:37一定?

wtowillie 11/03 10:00之後就下架不更新版本請直接換新版本訂閱制

s566222 11/03 11:43拜拜。已跳巢,畢竟能替代的app也不少,不想再被這

s566222 11/03 11:43樣的公司養套殺

abb 11/03 16:47主力是notability 現在很煩,不過還好本來就也有在

abb 11/03 16:47用goodnotes,開始慢慢全部搬到goodnotes囉~