[討論] 黑暗騎士三部曲的經典台詞

看板movie標題[討論] 黑暗騎士三部曲的經典台詞作者
時間推噓53 推:55 噓:2 →:42



If you good at something never do it for free.
以及那經典的 why so serious ?

You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain.

you never learned to mind your surroundings.
以及To conquer fear, you must become fear.

And why do we fall, sir ? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.



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Zensj1023 08/12 23:37Not everything, not yet.

mIngaN7013 08/12 23:37madness as you know is a lot like gravity, all i

mIngaN7013 08/12 23:37t takes is a little push


※ 編輯: aawilly ( 臺灣), 08/12/2021 23:40:13

a110016 08/12 23:42So that's what that feels like

defenser 08/12 23:49第一下不要打頭,不然接下來打哪裡都沒感覺

pauljet 08/12 23:55“如果你擅長做某件事 絕不能免費去做”

GipsyDanger 08/13 00:00Fish Fish Pasta Pasta

toymy 08/13 00:02You have nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to

toymy 08/13 00:02 do with all of your strength!

Eloye 08/13 00:08he night is darkest just before the dawn. And

Eloye 08/13 00:08I promise you, the dawn is coming.Jun

Eloye 08/13 00:09*The night

oligo0411 08/13 00:10英雄可以是任何一個人

waterspinach08/13 00:12I belive whatever doesn't kill you simply makes

waterspinach08/13 00:12you...stranger.

timmy0406 08/13 00:17It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do th

timmy0406 08/13 00:17at defines me

imufo 08/13 00:21It's not who I am underneath, but what I do, tha

imufo 08/13 00:21that defines me.

zaq266 08/13 00:30where is it

ttokin 08/13 00:35you complete me

kiru000 08/13 00:38

cingguy 08/13 00:38有人只想看到世界燃燒 by.阿福

weiman0702 08/13 00:39小丑把筆變不見那邊

Enicku 08/13 00:50I told you.

Cireiat 08/13 00:51I'm rich... 不對,走錯棚

cmj 08/13 01:08This town deserves a better class of criminal.

lzkai 08/13 01:10Tada

lzkai 08/13 01:11You trusted me.

smalla0717 08/13 01:29Sometime the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes

butmyass 08/13 01:29三倍曲是啥?

smalla0717 08/13 01:30people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to

smalla0717 08/13 01:30have their faith rewarded

smalla0717 08/13 01:31高登這幾句台詞是貫穿黑暗騎士精神的名言

protess 08/13 01:38A hero can be anyone, even a man doing something

protess 08/13 01:38 as simple and reassuring as putting a coat on a

protess 08/13 01:38 young boy's shoulders to let him know that the

protess 08/13 01:38world hadn't ended.

rinsoukan 08/13 01:40樓上那段蝙蝠俠最後對高登說的台詞當初在戲院看到起

rinsoukan 08/13 01:41雞皮疙瘩

protess 08/13 01:44很喜歡這句,不只是單純俗套拯救世界,而是做一件事

protess 08/13 01:44讓別人的明天更好,像驚奇蜘蛛人2陪被霸凌的小孩回

protess 08/13 01:44家一樣

deta70313 08/13 02:06

deta70313 08/13 02:06

deta70313 08/13 02:06

diablohinet 08/13 03:00I am batman (不對)

gamesame771108/13 03:10我也喜歡protess的舉例 任何人都可以是英雄

w107 08/13 03:18我喜歡Joker說:I’m like a dog chasing cars,

w107 08/13 03:18I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one,

w107 08/13 03:18you know, I just do…things.

yushenglu 08/13 03:22我是世界之王

w107 08/13 03:25Joker: Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the

w107 08/13 03:25established order, and everything becomes cha

w107 08/13 03:25os. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know t

w107 08/13 03:25he thing about chaos? It's fair!

w107 08/13 03:38Joker: Y'know they're schemers. Schemers tryi

w107 08/13 03:39ng to control their little worlds. I try to s

w107 08/13 03:39how the schemers how pathetic their attempts

w107 08/13 03:39to control things really are.

baly4222 08/13 04:33Not everything not yet

jyekid 08/13 07:11台語版:他想要證明 咱幾款正義英雄也會變成七逃囝仔

jyekid 08/13 07:11第一部瑞秋對著阿蝙說 別人從你的外在行為判斷內心

bigheadkobe 08/13 07:18免驚啦,驚三小?Harvey叔叔嘎哩工森糗誒啦!!

snow2 08/13 07:43推~

theevilM 08/13 07:50哈哈哈,那個台語版現在看還是超好笑的

blairrajarm 08/13 08:06個人最喜歡阿福在最後跟少爺的相視而笑 呼應前面阿

blairrajarm 08/13 08:06福所說的 You wouldn't say anything to me, nor me

blairrajarm 08/13 08:06 to you. But we'd both know that you'd made it,

blairrajarm 08/13 08:06 that you were happy.

ramora28 08/13 09:30So, You like ballet!

dragonforce308/13 09:42It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do tha

dragonforce308/13 09:42t defines me

gerkk 08/13 09:59經典

tom80114 08/13 10:13

huangwz101 08/13 10:21蝙蝠俠沒有理由(印象中的台詞

Pixis 08/13 10:25有些人只想看世界燃燒!!!!

siroman 08/13 11:09你若很會煮食,為何不去開餐廳

elvincwong 08/13 11:39第一本看完的原文小說.. 可惜有次搬家搬到不見QQ

leoimsmart 08/13 12:05i can make this pencil disappear.

jacklin1234508/13 12:29阿福的 never

hws606 08/13 15:03小丑:踏噠(筆消失)

hydedv 08/13 15:22三部曲真的太多經典台詞了

csghuuguh 08/13 15:47Because I’m Batman

xxx22088 08/13 16:12乾,fish fish pasta pasta誰想的啦!!!

bluezoo 08/13 17:03excuse me! I wanny drive.

peterw 08/13 17:42with great power comes great responsibility

hgf2hero 08/13 18:23We...Mn... kill the Batman 一句話 這麼難的事被小

hgf2hero 08/13 18:23丑說的很簡單一樣 表現小丑的狂性無極限

qq320 08/13 20:22It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is

qq320 08/13 20:22our plan.

qq320 08/13 20:23沒有印象fish fish pasta pasta是什麼 去查了一下

qq320 08/13 20:23差點笑死

Hey2 08/13 21:24

dennisthc 08/14 00:29Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not t

dennisthc 08/14 00:29he one it needs right now.

ha99 08/14 16:46黑暗騎士系統經典台詞太多! 都很有記憶點! 好看

dante12315 08/15 08:24Where is him!!!!