[情報] ASU EE/CE 全獎博士生招生分享
Our research group has three openings for self-motivated Ph.D. students in the following areas. If you are interested, please email your CV, transcript and research interests.
1. Developing EDA Tools to Enable Heterogenous Integration (HI)
Position Description:
The position will involve the development of:
Electronic design automation (EDA) algorithms for the design of HI-based (2.5D and 3D) systems
EDA tools for SoC disaggregation and pathfinding
EDA tools for thermal and power analysis of 2.5D and 3D architectures
Minimum student qualifications:
Strong C/C++ programming skills
Motivation to read research papers to understand state-of-the-art models and challenges
Basic knowledge of algorithms and data structure
Basic knowledge of VLSI design using chiplets
2. Developing EDA Tools for Environmentally Sustainable Computing
Position Description:
The position will involve the development of:
Models to estimate carbon footprint for different design technologies.
Electronic design automation (EDA) algorithms that analyze and optimize large-scale systems for carbon footprint
Sustainability-centric design techniques for VLSI systems
Minimum student qualifications:
Strong Python programming
Motivation to read research papers to understand state-of-the-art models in designing chips for environmental sustainability
Basic knowledge of the VLSI design flow
3. Developing ML-based EDA tools
Position Description:
The position will involve the development of:
Machine learning models for physical design problems (timing analysis, power, thermal, place and route)
ML-EDA research infrastructure and open-source development
Large-language models to assist chip design
Reinforcement learning algorithms for chip design
Minimum student qualifications:
Strong Python and C/C++ programming
Motivation to read research papers to understand state-of-the-art algorithms inEDA
Basic knowledge of the VLSI design flow
Basic knowledge of machine learning
下面幫ASU打個廣告,大phoenix地區整體算宜居,也很安全,而且感覺台灣人越來越多了。路上基本上沒什麼行人跟遊民,一整年大概有87%時間是好天氣,冬天不用鏟雪,車子不怕發不動。天氣那麼好,心情真的很難變差,是不是很適合做研究呢( )
推分享 ml+EDA 做的東西挺學術的
Downtown phoenix會有啦,但也很少,tempe校區也離dow
Downtown phoenix campus 很棒啊 畢業路過推
[請益] 請教台積職缺 3DIC Design flow小弟目前交大電信碩一 EDA實驗室 未來想進S, C等 EDA公司 目前已經有一份N的APR intern offer 想請教台積這個職位工作內容主要是在做什麼 如果跟APR也是大同小異可能就不面了16
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Fw: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL作者: mzt (YOLO) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL 時間: Tue Dec 22 05:29:07 2020 This position is a contractor position. US working VISA is required. I am the hiring manager of this position therefore let me know if any question.4
[亞洲] 日本美商徵工程師Hello, 我們公司最近有要找以下的職缺 如果有興趣來日本工作或想先了解狀況的的可以站內信我,謝謝~ 公司名稱:Qualcomm (Power) Job link:4
[情報] UNL: Ph.D. of Digital Agriculture台大生工系校友梁維真 Wei-zhen Liang ( ), 現在在 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 擔任教職,全美排名第六的生工系, irrigation engineering 領域全美國最強。 這個博士的研究計畫主要是負責釀酒用的葡萄園的環境監測,image analysis,看葡萄有2
[北美] 加州德商公司徵ML軟體工程師各位版友大家好 小妹待的Team目前在徵一位軟體工程師 歡迎有興趣的版友們寄履歷給我,我會轉發給Hiring Manager Email: jingting.jian@softwareag.com Job Link:- This position is a contractor position. US working VISA is required. I am the hiring manager of this position therefore let me know if any question. Optical Prototype Engineer The AR/VR Platform Display and Optics team focuses on moving the state-of-art display and optical technologies forward for Facebook AR/VR products, which
- 代po These postdoc researchers will work in Prof. Vanessa Chen’s Energy-Efficient Circuits and Systems (EECS) Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA). ( ) The position is initially for at least 12 months with the possibility of
- 代PO 抱歉 完整標題是: UNL Biological Systems Engineering 台灣教授招生 以下是梁教授 ( wei-zhen.liang@unl.edu ) 的招生 flyer Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistant Position: Digital Agriculture Description