[情報] Concordia University 徵CS全獎博士生

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加拿大 Concordia University 徵 Computer Science 全獎博士生,代PO
領域:networking, multimedia systems, and next-generation network systems


Job description

The Intelligent Next Generation Networking and Multimedia (IN2GM) Lab at
Concordia University is pleased to invite applicants for a few fully funded
Ph.D. (and Master) positions in the areas of networking, multimedia systems,
and next-generation network systems and applications. We seek candidates withresearch interests related to networking and media delivery protocols,
immersive media, next-generation wireless/mobile networks (5G and beyond),
and AI/ML for networking and media delivery optimization.

STARTING DATE: Fall 2023 or shortly later (e.g., Winter 2024).
DURATION: 3-4 years (Master is 2 years), one year extendable depending on
LOCATION: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

Job Description:

As part of an R&D collaboration between Concordia University’s IN2GM Lab and
Industry partners, this project provides an opportunity to research and
develop novel paradigms, approaches, prototype tools, and evaluation results,and build systems that support the topic of Immersive Media Delivery over 5G

The main objective of the research is to design an end-to-end AI-enabled
immersive media transport system (including 1. media packaging, 2. media
ingest process, 3. media delivery over the core and last-mile networks, and
4. media consumption at the client side), that respects standards set by
IETF, MPEG, and 3GPP, can be used for various immersive applications such as
virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), XR (extended reality), and the

The program offers a competitive salary, and the selected Ph.D. students willbe supervised by Professor Abdelhak Bentaleb, the head of the IN2GM Lab. The
selected Ph.D. students will earn a doctorate degree in Computer Science fromConcordia University’s Department of Computer Science and Software
Engineering, part of the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science.


Candidates must have completed their master's degree in the field of ComputerScience, Computer Engineering, Communications, or a related discipline with
good final scores or be near completion at the start date of the appointment.Excellent background in networking and media streaming protocols/formats,
immersive media, wireless 5G networks, machine/deep learning (e.g., deep
reinforcement learning), and mathematics.
Excellent programming skills (e.g. Python, PyTorch, JavaScript, C, C++).
Excellent English skills, both in written and oral form

How to Apply?

Applications should be addressed to Dr. Abdelhak Bentaleb, Assistant
Professor of Computer Science in the CSSE Department at Concordia University:[email protected]
Applications must include the following:
Letter of motivation (maximum 3 pages) explaining your interests related to
this position. Outline your background, how you fit for the position, how youcan contribute to the topics described, and explain what you did during your
studies (e.g., project, published papers, etc.).
A detailed curriculum vitae.
Soft copies of degree certificates and transcripts from both bachelor's and
master's degrees.
Please include PhD (or Master) Position [Application]: ‘Your-Name‘ in your
email subject line to ensure a timely response.

Equity and Diversity Statement:

We value equity and diversity. We strongly encourage applications from all
qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities,
Indigenous persons, members of racial and ethnic minorities, persons with
disabilities, and others who may contribute to diversification.

About Concordia:

Located in the vibrant and multicultural city of Montreal, Concordia
University is among the most innovative universities in its approach to
experiential learning, research, and education. Concordia is one of the threeuniversities in Quebec where English is the primary language of instruction.
It is the first university under 50 years in Canada and the Computer Science
and Software Engineering (CSSE) Department is ranked one of the top 10 CS
departments in Canada. The CSSE Department is located in the “Quartier
Concordia” neighborhood of Downtown Montreal where there are many options
for direct transportation: metro, bus, or bike. It provides a suitable
learning and research environment where students can flourish their skills.


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