[問題] 肺腺癌術後後續治療及相關問題

看板Anti-Cancer標題[問題] 肺腺癌術後後續治療及相關問題作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:7


Lung, right upper lobe, S1 segmentectomy, minimally invasive adenocarcinoma andadenocarcinoma in situ. (staging with right lower lobe, minimally invasive adenocarcinoma)(mpT1miN0Mb) Pleura, right, pleurectomy, chronic lymphocytic inflammation. Lymph nodes, sites specified as below, lymphadenectomy, free of cancer metastasis. SUMMARY OF GROSS AND MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Tumor type: minimally invasive adenocarcinoma, nonmucinous. Histologic grade: well differentiated. Tumor location: right upper lobe. Tumor size: Total tumor size:(MIA)1.9x1.6x1.0 and (AIS)0.7x0.4x0.4 cm, Invasive tumor size:0.3 cm. Tumor Focality: Separate tumor nodules in different lobes: right upper lobe AIS, right lower lobe MIA. Lymphovascular Invasion: Not identified. Perineural invasion: Not identified. Spread Through Air Spaces (STAS): Not identified. Main bronchus: not included. Pleura: The pleura is free from tumor (type PL0). Non-neoplastic lung: There are multiple subpleural chronic lympocytic inflammation, fibrosis, bronchiectatic change, mucous plugs with granulmatous inflammation and reactive respiratory metaplasia. There isfocal lymphocytic pleuritis. Margins: All margins are uninvolved by carcinoma, specify closest margin: parenchymal margin, distance:3mm. Bronchial margin: not involved. Vascular margin: not involved. Parenchymal margin: not involved. Lymphnode status: no evidence of metastasis. N2: group 7: 0/3; group 9: 0/2; group3:0/3; Extranodal Extension: Not identified. TNM Descriptors: m (multiple primarytumors). Primary Tumor (pT): pT1mi: Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma: adenocarcinoma (≦3 cm in






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terry88111208/20 19:00

terry88111208/20 19:00

terry88111208/20 19:00

terry88111208/20 19:00完整病理報告出來了 應該兩處都是MIA才對!

hyperboy109208/20 20:29預後很好,觀察追蹤就好。

rexru08/21 01:37建議加入臉書肺長壽,這是肺腺癌病友及家屬的團體,裡面有

rexru08/21 01:37很多資訊可供參考

terry88111208/21 09:40感謝h大跟r大回覆,相關社團有加入了,會在跟醫生討

terry88111208/21 09:40論看看

Euglena08/22 15:401.9公分那顆是MIA,0.7公分那顆是AIS。