[情報] OP幫刪
Shohei Ohtani’s record-setting 10-year, $700 million deal includes a series
of unprecedented deferrals, a person briefed on the terms told The Athletic
on Monday.
In an effort to enable the Dodgers to continue spending around stars Ohtani,
Mookie Betts and Freddie Freeman, Ohtani agreed to defer all but $2 million
of his annual salary — $68 million of his $70 million per year — until
after the completion of the contract. The deferred money is to be paid out
without interest from 2034 to 2043
大谷為了維持道奇的陣容 每年70M的薪水中有68M都是延遲支付
而這每年推遲的薪水則預計會在2034-43年中一次付清 (無利息)
根據消息說這個支付方式是大谷建議的 不過評估上大谷每年透過代言可以賺的錢仍然會讓他的收入超過50M
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※ 編輯: dragon803 ( 臺灣), 12/12/2023 06:54:16
無利息 厲害了
啊 OP了 那來改一下
※ 編輯: dragon803 ( 臺灣), 12/12/2023 06:55:16推
※ 編輯: dragon803 ( 臺灣), 12/12/2023 06:56:00
首Po前一場表現出色的張育成在今天午場的比賽教練繼續安排先發,第9棒守游擊 面對老虎先發右投Matt Manning, RHP #25 比賽稍後1:40開打 --2
首Po大谷翔平IG 宣佈和洛杉磯道奇隊一同捐款100萬美元 幫助能登半島地震受災相關 希望災區早日復原!2
首Po----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone --
[情報] 大谷翔平合約 每年延期付款68MExclusive @TheAthletic: Shohei Ohtani will defer $68 million per year of his $70 million annual salary over the course of his 10-year, $700 million deal with th e Dodgers, allowing the team to keep spending, according to a person briefed on the terms.88
[情報] Freddie Freeman去道奇 6年162MSources: Freddie Freeman and #Dodgers are finalizing a multiyear contract, as @JimBowdenGM reported earlier. Freeman has chosen to play in his native Southe rn California. @MLB @MLBNetwork 自由人Freddie Freeman確定選擇回家鄉去道奇打球了,正在敲定合約,根據之前的報導62
[分享] Jeff Passan解釋大谷合約延期付款的影響I’m going to explain why Shohei Ohtani’s $700 million contract with the Los An geles Dodgers will not equal $700 million in terms of MLB accounting or the pres ent-day value of the deal. 我來解釋為何大谷簽的7億鎂合約在會計上與現值上不等於7億鎂。 When money in a contract is deferred, the competitive-balance tax number — the36
Re: [情報] 大谷翔平與天使一年30M續約避免仲裁The #Angels signing of Ohtani doesn't make sense for Shohei bc a panel of arbitr ators might have given serious consideration to a contract anywhere between $30 & $50m based on his unique 2-way accomplishments. However, it will help trade va lue by having the salary finalized early30
[情報] 大谷合約有史無前例等級的延期支付Ohtani’s deal with the Dodgers includes “unprecedented deferrals” - the major ity of his salary - which was his idea, according to a source. He wanted the tea m to have flexibility to be as competitive as possible. It’s believed to be the largest contract in sports history.21
[情報] 大谷翔平與天使達成一年30M避免仲裁The #Angels agreed to a $30M one year deal with Shohei Ohtani for 2023. Ohtani was already under control for the season, so this just avoids arbitration. It’s the largest salary ever for an arb-eligible player. (Betts $27M) 大谷翔平明年續留天使9
Re: [討論] 大谷10Y/700M是不是超出大家預期?6年前同1天宣布加盟天使 大谷翔平和道奇的破紀錄合約有「貼心」條款 三立新聞網 記者劉彥池/綜合報導 ......8
[情報] 大都會開給Lindor的10年325M中無延遲付Mets $325M, 10-year offer to Lindor contains no deferrals, meaning it’s actuall y worth more in terms of net present value than Betts’ $365M, 12-year, heavily- deferred ($120M deferred) Dodgers deal. Lindor said to still be seeking $385M wi th no deferrals.5
[分享] 大谷合約有史無前例等級的延期支付Ohtani’s deal with the Dodgers includes “unprecedented deferrals” - the major ity of his salary - which was his idea, according to a source. He wanted the tea m to have flexibility to be as competitive as possible. It’s believed to be the largest contract in sports history.3
Re: [情報] Betts合約中的115M是延後支付His deal includes $115 million in deferred payments. If he is traded, though, the deferrals would be eliminated and the money would be due in each season the contract covers. He does not have a no-trade provision. His deal calls for $8 million to be deferred each year from 2021-25, $10
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