[情報] 德國取得2027歐錦主辦、以色列失去2025

看板Baseball標題[情報] 德國取得2027歐錦主辦、以色列失去2025作者
時間推噓14 推:14 噓:0 →:12

Baseball European Championship 2027 awarded to Germany

WBSC Europe is pleased to announce that the Baseball European Championship 2027will be held in Regensburg, Germany. The WBSC Europe Executive Board has accepted the bid from the German Baseball and Softball Federation, recognizing Regensburg as a premier location for this prestigious event.



Regensburg, Germany, will host the Baseball European Championship 2027. The Bavarian city has a history of successfully hosting major tournaments, including the preliminary round of the World Cup 2009 and the World Baseball Classic Qualifiers in 2012 and 2022.



A preliminary round group of the Baseball European Championship 2014 and the Baseball European Champions Cup 2017 were also hosted in Regensburg, which is gearing up to host the upcoming U-18 Baseball European Championship 2024.

然後還有2014 & 2017棒球歐冠杯


“Hosting large international events has always been pivotal for the growth of baseball in Regensburg, significantly increasing the sport's popularity and interest," the Local Organising Committee shared their enthusiasm, "With the necessary lead time until 2027, we aim to make the European Championship an event that surpasses all previous ones in Regensburg.”




The 2025 edition was previously assigned to Israel, but due to the current political situation, the event will be relocated. Further updates will be provided in due course.




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grizz23306/27 11:24恭喜德國

abc1281206/27 11:28以色列本來就不是歐洲吧

lionqaz06/27 11:30就是在打仗。

blacklittle06/27 11:31以色列因為中東那些國家不想跟他玩

blacklittle06/27 11:32足球他也是踢歐洲區

instill806/27 11:32先打贏以色列再說

snocia06/27 11:45某些國家是禁止接觸以色列人的,寬容一點的是禁止所有以

snocia06/27 11:45色列人入境,沒有豁免條件

snocia06/27 11:46另外以色列足球在上世紀曾短期流浪去大洋洲足協(台灣同時

snocia06/27 11:46期也是),後來才被歐洲接納

snocia06/27 11:50另外「去」也是不行,大部份伊斯蘭國家禁止人民入境以色

snocia06/27 11:50列,違者以刑法或伊斯蘭法處理。此外,以色列也實質禁止

snocia06/27 11:50許多伊斯蘭國家人民入境

snocia06/27 11:50最後即使解決以上問題所有比賽都在中立場,準備吃恐攻,

snocia06/27 11:50大概這樣

iwinlottery06/27 11:543年可能都搞不定

tmacfly06/27 12:26青鳥:中共介入

fman06/27 12:41地理位於以色列的確不算歐洲算亞洲,但是他們積極參與歐洲活

fman06/27 12:41動且歐洲也願意接納他們,就不會受到地理位置限制

liaoeddie06/27 13:47是亞洲排擠以色列他們才去歐洲,土耳其才是自己跑去跟

liaoeddie06/27 13:47歐洲湊在一塊

blacklittle06/27 14:53土耳其至少有擦邊 哈薩克以色列這種就真的…lol

blacklittle06/27 14:54話說以色列足球下一屆要去踢美洲杯 lol

salkuo06/27 15:14亞塞拜然也離歐洲很遠啊xd

alex2426chen06/27 15:16其實以前以色列也參加過亞運 到1974為止

a18636106/27 17:18以色列本來文化上就是貼近歐洲人,反而跟中東沒什麼關係