[情報] UIBL第一支球團:孟買Cobras

看板Baseball標題[情報] UIBL第一支球團:孟買Cobras作者
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This is a historic day.

Today, we announced the first-ever @BaseballUnited franchise - the @MumbaiCobras. This is the first professional baseball team in the history of India and the entire South Asia and GCC region.

#Mumbai is the ideal city to pioneer this new path. It’s not only one of the largest and most dynamic cities in the world, but it’s also the commercial and entertainment capital of India. We look forward to connecting with fans across this city and working together to build India’s next great sport.

Big thank you to our BU and BSB teams for all your hard work bringing this moment to life. It’s truly an honor to welcome the Cobras to Baseball United.

Let's gooooo!!!



Dubai, UAE (May 15, 2023) - Baseball United, the first-ever professional baseball league focused on the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent, announced today that Mumbai will be home to its first-ever franchise. The franchise will be the first professional baseball team in the history of both India and the broader GCC and South Asian region.

The Mumbai Cobras, along with three other new professional baseball franchises,will compete in Baseball United’s Dubai Showcase in November of this year.


Baseball United will name the Cobras manager next week. The three other franchises will be named over the next two months. Following the announcements of all four franchises, Baseball United will conduct its first-ever Draft, selecting Showcase players from its official Player Pool.




Dubai, UAE (May 1, 2023) - Baseball United, the first-ever professional baseball league focused on the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent, announced today theformation of its inaugural Player Pool. The BU Player Pool will include roughly200 professional baseball players from around the world selected by Baseball United’s baseball operations and executive teams for an opportunity to play in this November’s Dubai Showcase, as well as the league’s first full season in thefall of 2024. Players selected for the November Dubai Showcase will be chosen during Baseball United’s inaugural draft. The date of the draft will be announced next month.



Players in the pool will either have experience at the Major League Baseball level, Minor League Baseball level, or at one or more of the other top professional baseball leagues in the world, including the Nippon (Japan) Professional Baseball League (NPB), Korean Baseball Organization (KBO), The Dominican Republic Professional Baseball League (LIDOM), The Mexican Baseball League (LMB), and other independent leagues worldwide. Several players in the pool also have international experience representing their nations in World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) tournaments, as well as at the Olympic games.




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Chanlin0105/15 22:08誠泰

orange798605/15 22:08圖蠻帥的

WeGoStyle05/15 22:08摳布拉

hdotistyle05/15 22:08誠泰

cobras63805/15 22:09200位參加

hansvonboltz05/15 22:09蛇魂

chocobell05/15 22:09誠泰

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/15/2023 22:09:52

victor8771005/15 22:09LOGO比誠泰的好看

u9596g1205/15 22:10蛇魂不滅

j4418m05/15 22:10蛇魂果然不滅

johnwu05/15 22:10希望不要跟中職那隊一樣打....

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/15/2023 22:10:47

stardream22605/15 22:11海外發展顧問接洽了嗎

ss88050905/15 22:11辜:海外顧問去了解一下

mamahow148705/15 22:11林教頭準備好了

starxls05/15 22:11Cobras~Cobras~Cobras~

ghostl4080905/15 22:11亞洲大聯盟

hansvonboltz05/15 22:12是說孟買不是在印度嗎?不算中東吧


dageegee05/15 22:12威助去孟買的機票已經訂好了

applehpsh05/15 22:12所以那個每天在喊亞洲大聯盟的嘴砲亞洲棒總會長有參與

applehpsh05/15 22:12


AbukumaKai05/15 22:12蛇魂不滅

a168411405/15 22:13這…海外發展顧問要來了嗎

johnbill05/15 22:13轉生到孟買

johnbill05/15 22:13顧問該上班囉

PantheraLeo05/15 22:13海外顧問工作來了

rakuten9105/15 22:14johnwu 好像有啥誤會?

jingfu04605/15 22:14某樓是要說打什麼 要不要去搞清楚狀況再來推文

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/15/2023 22:14:21

curry040205/15 22:14原來海外是在這啊

pl72605/15 22:14蛇魂不滅

hirundo05/15 22:15林威助要去印度出差了嗎

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/15/2023 22:15:29

BobbyJeann05/15 22:15又是海外的又是亞洲大聯盟,助顧問要空降印度了嗎

asd2296116605/15 22:16辜董的亞洲是中國 今天開幕賽


GyroZeppeli05/15 22:16助總上任了嗎?

Congopenguin05/15 22:16辜辜之前說中東王儲對棒球有興趣居然是真的

qoos0416a05/15 22:16蛇魂!!

s2536229405/15 22:17海外顧問

haruka28105/15 22:17印度棒球有機會比中國熱

cnconnhc05/15 22:17蛇魂不滅

Melonbrother05/15 22:17海外發展顧問有料

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/15/2023 22:18:27

a2689399705/15 22:18蛇魂QAQ

cheng3150705/15 22:19誠泰

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/15/2023 22:20:40

SuzukiSeiya05/15 22:21中東菇董

WeiRaymond05/15 22:22誠泰三本助

AhCheng05/15 22:22蛇魂不滅

LtoM72205/15 22:22總教練 林威助

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/15/2023 22:24:10

WohaoDa05/15 22:26助顧問出差了

lmf77041005/15 22:26蛇魂不滅

nashQ05/15 22:26不要再說了QQ

ljeff8305/15 22:34推特連結好像不能點

mie83062405/15 22:36海外總監該做事了

nakayamayyt05/15 22:37海外發展總監都是真的

WAYNE97805/15 22:40我蛇重生QQ

hexokinase05/15 22:42是你嗎誠泰

cheese061605/15 22:44海外發展果然是長遠規劃啊

brewer813205/15 22:49這就是威助的被調派海外的職務

Chhtaiwan05/15 22:55蛇魂不滅 XD

ShW67805/15 23:16總教練林威助

takahashino05/15 23:16蛇魂不滅 QAQ

t213456305/15 23:28喜聞樂見 推推

Leaflock05/15 23:49蛇魂不滅

MarchelKaton05/15 23:50杜拜跟印度很近啦,一下就到了

agb20221405/15 23:52蛇魂不滅

guesting05/15 23:58我認真覺得印度玩的起來

xxavier201405/16 00:06蛇魂不滅

ct1357905/16 00:28這聯盟不知水平如何,賽季是一般夏季比賽還是冬季聯賽?

sorrry3000005/16 01:00蛇魂不滅

lu250905/16 01:27蛇魂不滅

alanwang55505/16 01:39蛇魂不滅 第一次現場看球賽就是看誠泰對興農QQ