[情報] 奧克蘭政府報價給綠帽五年97M球場續約

看板Baseball標題[情報] 奧克蘭政府報價給綠帽五年97M球場續約作者
時間推噓37 推:40 噓:3 →:22

The city of Oakland will present Athletics ownership with an offer to extend the team's lease that includes a five-year contract with an opt-out after three years, as well as a requirement the team pays a $97 million "extension fee," according to



The $97 million extension fee, a number Hanson terms nonnegotiable and will be owed by the team even if it opts out after three seasons, figures to be the biggest point of contention in the upcoming negotiations.


Sources indicate the A's, who currently pay just $1.5 million in rent to play in the Coliseum, offered a two-year deal and payments of $7 million and $10 million over the course of the lease, contending they have options after two seasons.



The city is also asking the team to assume the costs of switching over the Coliseum playing field for the Oakland Roots SC, which plays in the United Soccer League.

奧克蘭政府也要求綠帽要承擔當地足球隊Oakland Roots SC的球場改裝費用

The city is also asking the Athletics to sell the 50% share of its ownership inthe Coliseum complex -- an agreement that has been agreed to but not finalized -- to a local developer to allow the city to move forward with redevelopment of the site. Both of those conditions were covered during previous negotiations andare not expected to be contentious.


Oakland's appeal to owner John Fisher and the A's includes the $67 million annual local television revenue and the convenience of not having to uproot the teamand its employees to play in a minor-league stadium in either Sacramento or Salt Lake City, two cities attempting to position themselves as viable options for MLB expansion. West Sacramento is the home of the RiverCats -- the Giants' Triple-A affiliate owned by Sacramento Kings owner Vivek Ranadive, who is a friend ofFisher's.



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zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB

04/03 23:16

alvis00004/03 23:17難怪想逃

Nuey04/03 23:17無情城市 ==

Chanlin0104/03 23:17無情城市

Tanjiro04/03 23:18政府也別浪費錢了,綠帽也在坦吸引不了球迷 這樣雙輸而已

Tanjiro04/03 23:19奧克蘭不如把錢花在公設跟維護治安

SMG201604/03 23:19如果不租,2028年前有其他適合的場地嗎?


ccl00704/03 23:19魔球剛下架 跟NFL突擊者隊一樣搬去拉斯維加斯

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/03/2024 23:20:37

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/03/2024 23:20:54

hank1324104/03 23:21到底為啥要綠帽承擔當地球隊改裝費用

zxc90638304/03 23:22他們共用球場呀

ccl00704/03 23:23之前藍鳥忘記什麼事件影響 也有跑去水牛城3A比賽的樣子

Archi82104/03 23:24Covid-19回不了國

godmanntut04/03 23:24這種條件...白癡才跟你續約

zxc90638304/03 23:24不就COVID疫情 加拿大不讓藍鳥回去

a9403750104/03 23:243a觀眾還比較多

ccl00704/03 23:24契約要怎麼訂都可以 你去看誠品當二房東裝潢自己來

Fitzwilliam04/03 23:25疫情期間加拿大封城

jacky1990b04/03 23:25實質97M/3Y

ccl00704/03 23:25台北車站地下街那天去看 比中壢商圈還慘 換其他家後

freshbox704/03 23:25綠帽新家真的好久

mschien829504/03 23:26綠帽球團自己把自己搞成這樣,開幕戰場外抵制的球迷

mschien829504/03 23:26比進場的多,蠻可悲的

ccl00704/03 23:26位置印象算市區內 但球員不可以亂逛喔(這樣應該不會檢舉吧

tupacshkur04/03 23:27From Auckland to Oakland!!

OAKIE04/03 23:28突擊者都搬了 運動家還不趕快

hansvonboltz04/03 23:29要等新球場蓋好

jerry0011604/03 23:31綠帽就故意的啊,怎麼不去看看奧克蘭政府怎麼搞他們XD

hdotistyle04/03 23:32綠帽就故意的啊 市政府自己吃相那麼難看 也不看看這幾

hdotistyle04/03 23:32年奧克蘭走幾支職業球隊了

dk97135504/03 23:33說搶劫都算客氣了

taiwanesgoi04/03 23:34haha

gn0032489304/03 23:37看看這續約價跟要求,奧克蘭真的活該啦,跟札幌有得比

NowQmmmmmmmm04/03 23:37綠帽就想快點逃

yeeNeko04/03 23:37這合約誰會簽啊= =

Chanlin0104/03 23:41綠帽最後跑還被情勒 快跑喔 勇士跟突擊者都閃了

c87111111604/03 23:43綠帽不自己這樣搞 現在應該還繼續被情勒留在這爛地方

arthurhsu12304/03 23:43球迷去市府抗議還比較實在

cliff0246804/03 23:43還好吧 你都要跑了 當然是能拿多少算多少啊

johnbill04/03 23:51笑死 吃像難看

wade86070804/03 23:54就看足球能撐多久 不然以現在奧克蘭政府的腦袋 沒

wade86070804/03 23:54有職業隊會留下來

AhCheng04/04 00:26承擔當地足球隊?? 好險要逃了

karta32804/04 00:32那個足球隊還只是二級聯賽的球隊 不是MLS的

GodMune060804/04 00:33反正就是要想辦法榨乾剩餘價值就是 這政府真的爛死

s2406677404/04 00:40勇士都跑了

LeoYuri04/04 00:44運動家不是白痴,奧克蘭把運動家搞爛

jord04/04 00:46但現在一年1.5M這數字也出奇的低吧

cheng3150704/04 00:49球迷怎麼不去跟市府抗議

keith093904/04 00:54火腿表示:

victor8771004/04 03:03吃像超難看的市府

JIWP04/04 03:24跳脫還要付完,那有什麼意義?

qpb852qpb74204/04 06:15搞不好看在轉播權利金上還是會簽

wang775204/04 07:43還在綠帽自己搞得 拜託 先去看看政府的噁心態度好嗎

MFultz2004/04 07:43假如為了6700萬的轉播錢留下來,接下來不管要不要

MFultz2004/04 07:43跳脫都要付9700萬,是這個意思嗎?

hanainori04/04 07:56看成第三年後可以逃稅www

aifighter04/04 08:14但就不用付其他場租 就要看哪邊比較划算

gigikaka04/04 08:28賭城比較刺激

johnnyyao04/04 11:01@a94037501

wang775204/04 11:26你看看你 笑死 人家寧可跑去租3A球場拉

MELOEX04/04 12:28跳脫還要付完的意義:「我不跟你多收違約金,很佛了吧」

MELOEX04/04 12:28吃人夠夠0.0

snpb04/05 06:02奧克蘭擺明要你走人 如果想雙贏 不可能開這麼高

duo13104/06 01:41奧克蘭不是擺明要你走~是你走前要薛你一筆~覺得你會為了轉

duo13104/06 01:42轉播權利金留下~~要分杯羹~~結果人家寧願不要也要噁心你

duo13104/06 01:42就知道這政府多爛