Re: [情報] 聯盟正審查Machado朝道奇隊休息室丟

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教士總教練Mike Shildt回應了此事

Mike Shildt on if Manny Machado intended to hit Dave Roberts with his throw:

“No, I don’t think there was any intent at all with that. Manny has
exceptional arm talent. I think he proved that on the triple play.”

Mike Shildt回應了他是否認為Manny Machado有意要砸Dave Roberts:


MLB is not expected to discipline anyone for anything that happened in Game 2of the Dodgers-Padres series.


Mike Shildt’s full-throated defense of Manny Machado, when asked to comment
on Dave Roberts’ thoughts from the prior day …

Mike Shildt在被問到他對Dave Roberts這件事情的想法也大篇幅維護Manny Machado

“Well, I come from maybe just a different philosophy of dealing with this. I
couldn’t help but have people share them with me so I’m aware of them.
Listen, I got into this game to help players get the most out of their
God-given ability and to compete on the field and respect the opponent. I’m
not nor will I ever disparage another player on another team, especially
anybody I’ve managed in the past nor will I do it to a collective team. That
’s not how I want to operate. I have a lot of respect for their club, the
players on their club. As far as Manny goes, it’s unfortunate people can’t
move on from things from the past. I thought Manny’s exhibition of
professionalism and leadership were on display the other night in a very
tough environment. He nor I nor anyone would profess to be perfect, but Mannyhas made some strides that are very impressive both on and off the field. It’s been a privilege to witness that. It’s representative of him being a
Roberto Clemente Award winner and I expect him to win it. I get the privilegeof seeing him, along with our players, behind the scenes do some really
special things for young people, our community.

"我對這種事情的處理有著不同的哲學。我不得不讓人們告訴我這些事情,這樣我才知道他們的存在。聽著,我參與這比賽是幫助球員最大化他們天賜的天賦、在場上競爭並尊重對手。我不會也永遠不會貶低其他球員或者是其他球隊的球員,尤其是我過去管理過的球員,更不會去貶低一支球隊。這不是我希望的管理方式。我對於他們的球隊與球員都有很高的尊重。至於 Manny,人們無法放下過去的事情,這讓人遺憾。我認為Manny最近的專業表現和領導能力在一個非常艱難的環境中得到了展現。他和我一樣都不完美,但Manny在場上場下都取得了一些非常令人印象深刻的進步。能夠見證這些成就是一種榮幸。這也證明他作為Roberto Clemente獎的提名人的證明,而我也希望他拿到。我很榮幸能夠看到他和我們的球員在幕後為年輕人和我們的社區做出一些非常特別的貢獻。

But people have their right, clearly, to share what they want and how they
want to share it. As far as the comments about the team, again, "privilege"
keeps coming up in my head. It’s beyond a privilege. I’ve been doing this
for 30-plus years. We all have our transgressions we have. None of us are
perfect. But I can speak to the heart of caring about people and players. Andbeen with teams for a long time that represent themselves with class and
dignity. And I don’t have to defend this team. This team does not need my
defense nor do our players need to defend themselves. Again, very tough
environment the other evening. I thought they handled themselves
exceptionally well. Yeah, they had the right to defend themselves, but they
also were able to stay focused and participate. And, oh, by the way, we play
a baseball game. Again, our club doesn’t need to be defended. I love the joy
that our club brings. I love the enthusiasm they bring. I love the freedom
they play with. And, again, I love their heart for our community and our
organization. That’s as far as I’ll go.”



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WanYC10/09 05:42啊抹茶不是自己都承認了…拿三殺出來講超哭

ray091610/09 05:59用滾地球砸他嗎?

z893680610/09 06:08講的有夠長 反正護短就對了

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/09/2024 06:09:15

cross98011510/09 06:21就 護短

lkkgotyy10/09 06:22某段翻譯的有點怪

EZ7810/09 06:23第二句ㄇ 我不知道怎麼翻 所以就直接丟給ChatGPT了

HSUGuangHan10/09 06:47I love the freedom they play with

HSUGuangHan10/09 06:47應該是指打球不是玩耍

okok 謝謝 下次不偷懶了XD

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/09/2024 06:50:36

Nikagnef10/09 07:09當然會袒護自己球員啊 但誰都知道Manny就是髒 莫忘鬼腳

Nikagnef10/09 07:09

pinky84111810/09 07:32袒護自家球員可以理解,但是你不是抹茶,你怎麼知道

pinky84111810/09 07:32他那時候心裡在想什麼…而且這和三殺有什麼關係我看

pinky84111810/09 07:32不出來

befly1001510/09 08:12護航的毫無邏輯,三殺和人品差又不互斥