[分享] 道奇隊不會調整先發打序
Dave Roberts says he's not thinking about shuffling the #Dodgers lineup despiteShohei Ohtani not hitting with bases empty and Will Smith's struggles this #postseason
蘿蔔說 儘管在季後賽大谷在壘上沒人的時候沒有表現 影帝的狀況也很掙扎 但他沒有考慮要調整先發打序
Dave Roberts believes Shohei Ohtani's at-bats have been fine when not facing YuDarvish, Tanner Scott or Sean Manaea.
"I do feel he's got to continue to manage his hitting zone regardless of who ispitching," Roberts added.
只要不是面對達爾 Scott 或是Manaea的情況下
蘿蔔補充 他覺得不管誰在投球 大谷都需要持續管理好他的擊球區
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道奇還好啦 慘得是布瓜
[分享] 蘿蔔:大谷太急了Shohei Ohtani has been aggressive w/ RISP (where he's started 1-for-19), inclu ding first-pitch swinging three times tonight. Dave Roberts noted Ohtani's aggressiveness, and said it's more than even is us ual for him. "We have to temper that back...we'll address that," he said.89
[情報] 大谷翔平 背部緊繃Shohei Ohtani’s back tightened up, Dave Roberts said. Concern is “minimal,” Roberts said, but doesn’t seem like he will be in the lineup tomorrow. 今天九局上被換代打 賽後蘿蔔說大谷背部緊繃80
[情報] 大谷翔平明天會接受訪問#Dodgers DH Shohei Ohtani popped into clubhouse for a minute and said he will sp eak to media tomorrow. That should be … interesting. 大谷突然來到球員休息室,說他明天會跟媒體談 ---50
[情報] 道奇將與大谷討論投手復健的下一步Dodgers will meet with Shohei Ohtani and the training staff sometime soon to dis cuss next steps for him. They’re in a “fork in the road” about whether it’s best to rest him for next year or continue and eventually face hitters, Dave Rob erts said.50
Re: [分享] 蘿蔔回應大谷季後賽投球的可能性今天賽前蘿蔔又講到這方面的事 As he told @BillPlaschke this week, Dave Roberts didn't completely shut the door today on Shohei Ohtani potentially pitching in the postseason "I hope that’s on his mind as far as motivation for his rehab. The odds of it c oming to pass are very slim. But they’re not zero."44
[情報] 道奇不排除今年球季讓大谷上場守備The Dodgers have left open the possibility that Shohei Ohtani could play in the field at some point later this season; that is contingent on his throwing progra m. Dave Roberts said Ohtani's sole focus for now is DH. Ohtani won't pitch this year, as previously announced.39
[分享] 大谷牛棚練投結束後感覺不錯蘿蔔在比賽前講的 Shohei Ohtani came out of yesterday’s 10-pitch bullpen session feeling good, Da ve Roberts said. Ohtani will throw off the mound again in about a week, give or take a few days, according to Roberts.28
[分享] 蘿蔔:道奇隊也許更能跟大谷直接溝通了Dave Roberts made the point today that it might be easier for Dodgers coaches/st aff to communicate directly with Shohei Ohtani now that is Ippei Mizuhara is gon e Roberts described the previous arrangement with Mizuhara and Ohtani as being “d ifficult” at times21
Re: [情報] 大谷翔平不會參加全壘打大賽Shohei Ohtani is not planning to participate in the Home Run Derby, he and Dave Roberts said Ohtani had interest in participating and, per Roberts, recognized fans would wan t to watch him in it. But, given his rehab, he and the team decided it wasn't wo rth the risk13
[分享] 大谷翔平送Dave Roberts的生日禮物蘿蔔說大谷跟他老婆一起送了生日禮物,是一瓶日本產的威士忌以及一盒很棒的巧克力,大 谷還跟蘿蔔坦承這都是他妻子的主意 Dave Roberts said Shohei Ohtani and his wife gave Roberts a birthday gift… Japanese Whiskey and “amazing” box of chocolates. Ohtani was transparent and told Dave, it was all his wife’s idea and execution.
[閒聊] 貓仔去富邦?47
[開戰] 高鐵上亂坐位子的人43
[閒聊] 脆上看到有人傳 韓籍小龍女三李柱?28
[閒聊] 哀宥宇23
[閒聊] 天哥是年輕版的林哲瑄21
[閒聊] 進不了中華隊19
[分享] 雅英&多慧聯手15
[分享] 乙忠 臺鋼in啦11
[閒聊] 朱哥小孩不想轉學11
[閒聊] 所以貓仔要放一軍還是二軍10
[閒聊] 職棒雜誌1月號10
[開戰] 應援曲10
Re: [討論] 館長:我不是民眾黨的9
[閒聊] 手牽手 心連心9
Re: [閒聊] 所以貓仔要放一軍還是二軍9
[閒聊] 陳子豪新應援曲聽感不錯8
[閒聊] 以後是不是要叫釘孤枝連線了6
[閒聊] 日職沒人想接武士隊監督嗎?8
[問題] 吉田DFA後如果沒人撿7
[閒聊] 子豪還是很在乎沒打過國家隊這件事的7
[討論] 阿北母雞卡7
[閒聊] 酥胸今年還是球員身分5
[分享] 環狀線403地震損害鑑定出爐 中華工程未5
[討論] 很強但沒當過一級賽國手6
[討論] 話說世壯運棒球12
[閒聊] 禮拜五要上零秒出手 交響情人夢5
[分享] 7-11 又有新的合作對象14
[閒聊] 釘孤枝6
[閒聊] 林孝程改穿7號5
Re: [閒聊] 朱育賢新背號