[機翻] ESPN報導水原一平竊取大谷1600萬
Feds say Shohei Ohtani's ex-interpreter Ippei Mizuhara stole $16M
The former interpreter for Los Angeles Dodgers superstar Shohei Ohtani stole
more than $16 million over two years from Ohtani to pay off gambling debts toan illegal sportsbook, according to an affidavit filed by federal authoritiesThursday.
Federal authorities filed a complaint accusing Ippei Mizuhara, 39, of bank
fraud. Bank fraud can carry a maximum fine of up to $1 million and/or up to 30 years in prison, according to federal sentencing guidelines.
Ohtani, referred to in the complaint only as a "professional baseball player," told authorities that he did not authorize the transfers.
Text messages showed that Mizuhara began gambling in September 2021 and beganlosing "substantial sums of money" later that year. Bank records also show
that the phone number and email address on the account were changed to those
associated with Mizuhara.
Investigators also relied on recorded phone calls from the bank in which
Mizuhara falsely identified himself as Ohtani to "trick and deceive" bank
employees into authorizing the transfers. The complaint outlined one specifictransfer on June 20, 2023, of $500,000 to an associate of a bookmaker. While
the bookmaker is not named in the complaint, his role and detail match that of Mathew Bowyer.
The investigation started just three weeks ago when news broke that at least $4.5 million was transmitted from Ohtani's bank account to Bowyer's bookmakingoperation, which is under federal investigation.
In the first of a pair of interviews with ESPN, Mizuhara said he had amassed
huge gambling debts and that Ohtani helped him out by wiring the money in $500,000 increments last year. But hours later, Mizuhara changed the account and
said Ohtani had no knowledge of the payments. The Dodgers fired Mizuhara the
same day.
Mizuhara said he never bet on baseball.
Concurrently, attorneys for Ohtani alleged that he had been the victim of a "massive theft."
At a subsequent news conference, Ohtani told the media he never bet on
baseball or any other sports and had no knowledge of Mizuhara's alleged
actions until a meeting after the Dodgers' season opener in Seoul, South Korea, during which Mizuhara addressed the team and said he had a gambling
The U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California, the IRS and the
Department of Homeland Security are also investigating Bowyer and involved ina sprawling money laundering and illegal gambling case in Las Vegas that has
roped in former minor league baseball player Wayne Nix. Nix was also a
Southern California bookmaker whose clients included NBA legend Scottie Pippen, former MLB All-Star Yasiel Puig and Maverick Carter, the longtime manager
and friend of LeBron James.
[情報] 水原一平被起訴根據《洛杉磯時報》報道,洛杉磯道奇隊解雇了大谷翔平的長期翻譯水原一平。大谷翔平的律師指控一平大規模竊大谷的資金用於非法博彩公司下注。 原文: The Los Angeles Dodgers have fired Shohei Ohtani’s Long-Time Interpreter Ippei Mizuhara, after Ohtani’s attorneys having accused Ippei of engaging in “Massive Theft” of Shohei’s funds to place bets with an illegal bookmaker, Per The Los Angeles Times. ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone爆
[分享] ESPN:水原一平事件 時間線ESPN發布這禮拜關於水原事件的時間線(到賽後球員會議為止 陳述這幾天下來的所有細節 以下日期均為美國時間 3/17 7:30 p.m. ET Sunday (8:30 a.m. Monday in Seoul, South Korea): According to a爆
Re: [討論] 水原一平本人ESPN專訪內容有熱心版友已經重點節錄,就幫補ESPN原文並簡略翻譯,自己翻的有錯再指正 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Los Angeles Dodgers interpreter for Shohei Ohtani was fired Wednesday afternoon after questions surrounding at least $4.5 million in wire transfers sent from Ohtani's bank account to a bookmaking operation set off a series of94
[情報] 紐時:一平更改大谷帳戶設定?紐約時報最新報導 Those briefed on the matter claim that prosecutors have uncovered evidence that Mizuhara may have stolen more money from Ohtani than the $4.5 million he was ini tially accused of pilfering, the people said.86
[情報] 法律專家對水原涉賭事件的看法(從reddit登入可免費觀看文章) LA Times訪問了幾位法律專家對水原涉賭事件的看法 The public so far has only a fragmented picture of the case. But more facts could emerge in coming days and weeks, legal experts said, as federal prosecutors try to make sense of competing claims about Ohtani’s money being62
[分享] ESPN:水原一平面臨聯邦指控來源: The former interpreter for Los Angeles Dodgers superstar Shohei Ohtani is facing federal charges related to his alleged theft of millions from the slugger, a so urce with direct knowledge of the investigation confirmed to ESPN late Wednesday .42
[情報] 大谷團隊拒絕回答向哪個機關報案Los Angeles Dodgers superstar Shohei Ohtani's representatives declined again Tuesday to answer ESPN's questions about which authorities they have contacted to report their allegation of theft against Ohtani's former interpreter.36
[分享] 大谷的前隊友們對一平的行為感到震驚來源: TEMPE, Ariz. — The Los Angeles Angels clubhouse was subdued Friday morning as p layers whispered to one another, with many questions dancing in their heads. 週五早上,天使隊的球員休息室一片壓抑,球員們竊竊私語,他們的腦海中浮現出許多問題 。32
[分享] 記者詢問大谷水原是如何接觸到他的帳戶完整報導: 看了一下,是洛杉磯時報的Dylan Hernandez在今天賽前問的 以下節錄部分 Ohtani nodded when I mentioned the unanswered questions that remained after he p ublicly accused former interpreter Ippei Mizuhara three days earlier of stealing- Ippei Mizuhara, Shohei Ohtani's longtime interpreter and confidant, has been charged with bank fraud after it was discovered he transferred more than $16M from Ohtani's account to an alleged illegal sports book, federal authorities announced in L.A. court.
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