[排任] 索尼前董事 : 索軟搶獨佔遊戲沒意義

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Former PlayStation Boss Questions Whether Proprietary Consoles Make Sense

By Blair Marnell on December 4, 2024 at 11:00AM PST

Although he stepped down from his position as Chairman of Sony Interactive
Entertainment in 2019, Shawn Layden hasn't been shy about sharing his views
about the future of the gaming industry. And the former PlayStation boss
believes that that the ongoing conflict of rival consoles between Sony and
Microsoft should come to a close.

儘管肖恩雷登(Shawn Layden)於2019年辭去了索尼互動娛樂董事長一職,但他並不羞於
分享他對遊戲產業未來的看法。這位前 PlayStation 老闆認為,索尼和微軟之間持續

During an interview with Eurogamer, Layden likens the PlayStation and Xbox
competition to the format wars between VHS and Sony's Betamax decades
earlier, which was won by the former before both formats became obsolete.

在接受Eurogamer採訪時,Layden將 PlayStation 和 Xbox 的競爭比作幾十年前 VHS 和索尼 Betamax 之間的格式之戰,前者在兩種格式過時之前贏得了勝利。

"With Xbox versus PlayStation, the Ali versus Frazier fight... Frankly, we
have to start interrogating what the purpose is of a proprietary console, andwhether that can continue to be true," said Layden. "When you have competing
formats, competing platforms, competing technologies, there comes a time whenwe all declare the war is over... But the real competition will be on its
content. And content should be the competition for publishers, not which
hardware you get behind. I think we're at a point where the console becomes
irrelevant in the next... if not the next generation then the next next
generation definitely."

「Xbox 與 PlayStation、Ali與Frazier之戰......坦白說,我們必須開始質疑獨佔遊戲機的目的是什麼,以及這是否可以繼續如此,」雷登說。 「當你有競爭的格式、競爭的平台、競爭的技術時,我們都會宣布戰爭結束了……但真正的競爭將是內容。內容應該是

While Microsoft has been testing the waters by releasing a few Xbox games on
PlayStation 5--including the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Great
Circle--Layden doesn't see a need for Sony to reciprocate by bringing PS5
games to Xbox.

雖然微軟一直在 PlayStation 5 上發布一些 Xbox 遊戲(包括即將推出的《印第安納瓊斯遊戲》)來試水,但雷登認為索尼沒有必要將 PS5 遊戲帶到 Xbox 上作為回報。

"Should PlayStation, with that huge market lead and the momentum, apparently,going forward, should they build versions of their games to run on a
competing platform of much smaller size and scale? As the saying goes, I
don't know if the juice is worth the squeeze," related Layden. "You know the
Sony fanbase gets really upset whenever a game comes out on PC, 18 months
after the original release on PlayStation... And if that's what they're goingto say about a PC release, just imagine what the market would say about Xbox
releases from PlayStation Studios."

「顯然,PlayStation 擁有巨大的市場領先地位和發展勢頭,他們是否應該構建自己的遊戲版本,以便在規模和規模小得多的競爭平台上運行?正如俗話所說,我不知道是否果汁值得榨, 」萊登說。 「你知道,每當遊戲在 PlayStation 上發布 18 個月後,每當一款遊戲在 PC 上發佈時,索尼粉絲都會非常沮喪……如果這就是他們對 PC 版本的看法,
想像一下市場會怎麼說關於PlayStation Studios 發布的Xbox。

Layden has previously remarked that he believes the rival consoles have
"reached a ceiling" and shouldn't fight "over teraflops." Sony has reportedlyalready made made some early moves to line up its PlayStation 6 chips, while
the specs for the next Xbox remain a topic of speculation for now. While bothconsoles are years away, Microsoft and Sony apparently also share ambitions
of making new portable systems as well.

浮點運算”。據報道,索尼已經採取了一些早期舉措來調整其 PlayStation 6 晶片,而
下一代 Xbox 的規格目前仍是猜測的話題。雖然這兩款遊戲機的問世還需要數年時間,但微軟和索尼顯然也都有製造新便攜式系統的雄心壯志。





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ririkasos12/05 20:23又双叒是前董事

crisis728712/05 20:25內容翻譯怎麼看起來與標題不一樣...

kmkr12271912/05 20:27NS:你們在爭什麼?

gremon13112/05 20:29沒有強大的本家陣容做後盾談什麼都白搭

crisis728712/05 20:29整篇看完 主機硬體的競爭不是重點 重點是遊戲內容

Medic12/05 20:30為什麼跨平台就沮喪? 這什麼獵奇心態?

lucky041712/05 20:30排任

Ricestone12/05 20:31控制台=console=遊戲主機

Xpwa563704ju12/05 20:32你他媽也有資格講歐

a1207331112/05 20:32內容看起來跟標題不太一樣?

scott03212/05 20:32老任:自己開發遊戲永久獨佔不就好了 有這麼難

ssarc12/05 20:35每當索尼沒有獨佔上到PC,索尼玩家都非常失望,媽的所以你

ssarc12/05 20:35一直搞獨佔啊!

crisis728712/05 20:35沒有獨特價值阿 轉X86之後就可以預想了 跨平台簡單

crisis728712/05 20:36但硬體有成本限制 不能無限追高 那玩家買主機價值是?

crisis728712/05 20:37就是只有買索尼主機才能玩到才有價值 PS5專有遊戲太少

crisis728712/05 20:38這狀況繼續下去PS6很多人會跳掉錢存一存買PC吧

bladesinger12/05 20:39標題:搶獨佔沒意義,內容:給微軟索尼遊戲沒意義

bladesinger12/05 20:39這標題是原po取的還是記者取的= =

Ricestone12/05 20:40不是,內容是寫原本PS的遊戲上了PC玩家就會不爽,儘管

Ricestone12/05 20:40那是過了18個月的事情

bladesinger12/05 20:41那內文根本是講我大索尼提供獨佔給其他人沒意義,好

bladesinger12/05 20:41歐,建議steam上的也撤掉

Ricestone12/05 20:42就我看來也是內文在講XBOX洗洗睡啦

ririkasos12/05 20:42其實我有個疑問索尼如果回去獨佔pc玩家只會罵更兇吧?

crisis728712/05 20:46但是......罵很兇的原本有買PS嗎?

crisis728712/05 20:47任也天天被罵 想玩就乖乖去買NS

公司有女同事為了玩動森而買NS 獨佔還是可以吸引到人的

dos3240812/05 20:47索尼被罵是因為唬爛吧ps4一堆遊戲宣傳寫only on Playsta

dos3240812/05 20:47tion的結果上pc

jjolm22112/05 20:48還不如先擔心過十年後大家會不會只知道會修圖的PS(Pho

jjolm22112/05 20:48toshop)而不是會玩遊戲的PS(Playstation)吧

dos3240812/05 20:48現在看起來已經不可逆了吧即使ps6索尼喊走回頭路獨佔我

dos3240812/05 20:48看是沒幾個人會信

ririkasos12/05 20:50某個軟粉10年後記得來看自己的發言

hoe110112/05 20:52那把自己祖產放上pc賣就有意義嗎

crisis728712/05 20:54上一個專搞財報的CEO決定的阿...

※ 編輯: silentknight ( 臺灣), 12/05/2024 20:59:16

jjolm22112/05 21:02@ririkasos但你看現在日本學生跟Falcom的兒子都不玩PS

jjolm22112/05 21:02了啊

jjolm22112/05 21:04更不用說還背骨肝帝王.....

devilkool12/05 21:23不會像任天堂一樣自己做優秀遊戲經營IP嗎

kaj198312/05 21:47樓上你說的還真對,就是不會

ak775712/06 03:27索尼認為的優秀IP是星鳴特攻

hiyonikki12/06 08:46笑死,當年自己開先河,用錢買獨佔迫死其他主機;到現

hiyonikki12/06 08:46在大傻B……大撒幣比不過微軟,就先一步縮了,說搶獨

hiyonikki12/06 08:46佔沒意義,你要不要聽聽你自己在說甚麼

otogi12/06 09:34XB出遊戲在PS上,但是PS沒必要出PS遊戲在XB上?這不就獨佔

otogi12/06 09:34