[閒聊] 動暴現在從PC與手機的收入超過家機
Activision Blizzard is now making more money from PC & Mobile than consoles.
Total for the 6 months of the year (ending June 30):
1. Mobile: $1.9 billion
2. PC: $1.25 billion
3. Consoles: $1.19 billion
Activision says Season 03 of Modern Warfare II delivered the highest MTX
revenue for MWII so far, with BlackCell sales doing incredibly well.
Company says MWII premium sales at an all time high
動視表示,《現代戰爭 II》的第 03 季為 MWII 帶來了迄今為止最高的 MTX 收入
Microsoft and Activision Blizzard have extended the merger agreement deadline to 10/18. We're optimistic about getting this done, and excited about bringing more games to more players everywhere.
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※ 編輯: w790818 ( 臺灣), 07/19/2023 22:22:00推
[情報] Microsoft買下Activision Blizzard來源:bloomberg Microsoft Nears $70 Billion Deal for Video Game Maker Activision Microsoft is nearing a deal to buy Activision Blizzard, the video game maker behind the “Call of Duty” franchise, in what would be the U.S. technology爆
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Fw: [討論] 微軟正式承諾十年內決勝時刻登陸任天堂作者: kylefan (柚子) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [討論] 微軟正式承諾十年內決勝時刻登陸任天堂 時間: Wed Dec 7 12:56:58 2022 Phil Spencer推特發文 不知道10 year commitment48
[閒聊] 原神全球收入突破30億鎂 每半年多10億Genshin Impact from miHoYo has surpassed $3 billion in global lifetime player spending across the App Store and Google Play since its official launch on September 28, 2020, Sensor Tower Store Intelligence data shows. 原神自2020/9/28正式全球開放以來 已在Google Play跟App Store累積超過30億美元營收 Following its worldwide release, the title took 171 days to generate its first $1 billion on mobile, not including spending through third-party Android stores. It then took an extra 195 days to accumulate a further $1 billion–resulting in the title picking up $2 billion in its first year alone. Genshin Impact crossed the $3 billion milestone 185 days later, meaning the game has averaged revenue of $1 billion every six months, making it one of the most successful mobile games of all time.27
[情報] 2023 動視爆雪第一季財報情報網址: 1.==先講結論: 整個集團靠手游撐住 Activision Blizzard has released first quarter financial results for the year of 2023, announcing strong earnings, 62% increased19
Re: [閒聊] 謠言:微軟要買動視暴雪路透社新聞稿: Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard in $68.7 bln deal Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) said on Tuesday it would buy "Call of Duty"videogame maker Activision Blizzard (ATVI.O) for $68.7 billion in cash, the largest20
[情報] 英國CMA表示 MS 併購有降低競爭疑慮We’ve been investigating @Microsoft’s anticipated $69 billion purchase of @A TVI_AB and have discovered that the deal could substantially lessen competitio n in: gaming consoles multi-game subscription services3
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