Re: [閒聊] 謠言:微軟要買動視暴雪

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(ntu dove)
時間推噓19 推:21 噓:2 →:29

※ 引述《tonyh24613 (西北南風)》之銘言:
: 真的假的...
: 70B...
: 官方稿


Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard in $68.7 bln deal

Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) said on Tuesday it would buy "Call of Duty"videogame
maker Activision Blizzard (ATVI.O) for $68.7 billion in cash, the largest
deal in the sector making the Xbox maker the third-largest gaming company by


Microsoft's offer of $95 per share is at a premium of 45% to Activision's
Friday close. Shares of Activision were up nearly 38% at $65.39 before being
halted for news.


"Gaming is the most dynamic and exciting category in entertainment across allplatforms today and will play a key role in the development of metaverse
platforms," Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella said in a

微軟執行長Satya Nadella在新聞稿中表示:遊戲業是當今娛樂產業中,最具活力、最引人振奮的一塊,也將在元宇宙平台的發展上扮演重要角色。

Demand for video games has surged during the pandemic, as stuck-at-home
consumers play more games to keep themselves entertained.


Activision's library of games such as "Call of Duty" and "Overwatch" also
gives Microsoft's Xbox gaming platform an edge over Sony's
(6758.T)Playstation, which has for years enjoyed a more steady stream of
exclusive games.


Bobby Kotick will continue to serve as CEO of Activision Blizzard.

Bobby Kotick仍會是動視暴雪的執行長。

Last week, rival videogame publisher Take-Two Interactive Software Inc
(TTWO.O)said it would buy "FarmVille" creator Zynga in an $11 billion
cash-and-stock deal, marking one of the biggest industry-wide acquisitions ofall time.

上週,微軟的競爭對手TAKE 2才宣布以110億美元的代價,收購以FarmVille聞名的遊戲開發商Zynga,已是遊戲業歷史上最大規模的幾個交易案之一。

Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand.
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
Yeats "The Stolen Child"


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r9819201/18 22:25等星海復活

reall86052301/18 22:25

qscgg01/18 22:26take2買那個垃圾直接讓股價當天崩了18%...

ieyfung01/18 22:26Bobby Kotick仍會是動視暴雪的執行長。 好喔

farseer701/18 22:26CEO沒換阿

YoruHentai01/18 22:26笑了,bobby這垃圾沒換喔

MADAOTW01/18 22:27一家比一家爛

digitai101/18 22:27T2買的那家就是全做手遊的 那家做的那個農場

z2306154201/18 22:27沒權力吧 應該有簽合約要跑完吧

cornsoup01/18 22:28收購後暴雪 現在前三大遊戲商是誰阿

RushMonkey01/18 22:28跟微軟拚Take2肯定輸慘的 微軟都在找高知名度IP在收的

digitai101/18 22:28當初也算是創下新營收手段的遊戲就是

corlos01/18 22:28換也不會這麼快解決的 你們也太小看舊勢力

digitai101/18 22:28不過那家說代表作也只有那個農場 用這個比的確差很多

lemonjye01/18 22:28可以叫Bobby快點滾嗎

corlos01/18 22:28我前公司副總也是有簽約的 合約到也閃人

ayubabbit01/18 22:29買成這樣才第三大 看來把EA跟2take收起來都可以

Aliensoul01/18 22:29拜託99元宇宙股票

ayubabbit01/18 22:29前兩大是騰訊根索尼

mapulcatt01/18 22:29騰訊>SONY>微軟吧

giancarlo8201/18 22:30fuck.....kotick沒換掉根本沒意義啊

sumarai01/18 22:30架空他的話

rockheart01/18 22:30有鈔能力解決不了的問題嗎?$B$z$

ayubabbit01/18 22:30他是說完成交易後才會換phil負責

spfy01/18 22:30厲害的是騰訊竟然第一....

sumarai01/18 22:30Phil超人雖然很猛,但也沒辦法控那麼多

ayubabbit01/18 22:31現階段activision還是獨立運作

rockheart01/18 22:31騰訊亂買一堆

digitai101/18 22:31騰訊除了中國超大龍頭之外 世界各處都有投資當然第一

su4vu601/18 22:32騰訊也是出了名的愛亂買公司

Irenicus01/18 22:32才剛收購下來哪有可能馬上叫人滾蛋

ayubabbit01/18 22:32Once the deal closes,business will report to Phil

RushMonkey01/18 22:32真的 Bobby不滾 動視還會是那死樣子

webberfun01/18 22:33CEO沒換 笑了

xkiller190001/18 22:33幹,把BOBBY火掉好嗎= =

webberfun01/18 22:34交易完成 請努力fire掉他

loserloser01/18 22:34暴雪這麼值錢喔

egg78101/18 22:34有合約吧?

hahn01/18 22:35微軟財大氣粗 我不相信他們能經營得很好..

a7911101001/18 22:37暴雪怎麼可能不值錢 光靠Candy Crush Saga就撈多少了

henrylin808601/18 22:40MS出品的遊戲品質還不錯,希望可以挽救一下動視跟

henrylin808601/18 22:40暴雪的現狀。

yao717401/18 22:42動視就算了 wow你好好救一下啊

lover1901/18 22:42Bobby Kotick仍會是動視暴雪的執行長

forest204c01/18 22:49Activision Blizzard business will report to

forest204c01/18 22:49Phil Spencer, CEO, Microsoft Gaming

CowBaoGan01/18 22:49Bobby那廢物沒被火掉感覺還是一樣

a548027701/18 22:54元宇宙概念股

SsuWeiYuan01/18 22:57過幾年take two被買以後GTA跟2K也給軟軟,棒

tkigood01/18 23:02買全作手遊的公司不是問題 問題是買的是手遊上沒有代表作

tkigood01/18 23:02的遊戲公司 Z社除了FB上的農場外 根本沒有夠格的代表作

nthank01/18 23:04騰訊旗下有riot Supercell 收入肯定最高