Re: [孤獨] 結束樂隊feat滅火器

看板C_Chat標題Re: [孤獨] 結束樂隊feat滅火器作者
(Heavy is Dead)
時間推噓 5 推:6 噓:1 →:1

※ 引述《wai0806 (喂)》之銘言

: 真的拿滅火器




心愛的阿母 請你毋通煩惱我
信任我 行袂開跤 我欲去支持欣賞音樂的人
歹勢啦 小妹啊 袂當陪你去練彈琴
原諒我 行袂開跤 我欲去支持信任咱的人

舞台漸漸光 遮有一陣人
為了實現咱的夢 成做更加勇敢的人
舞台漸漸光 已經不再驚惶
現在就是彼一工 換阮做支持恁的人

已經袂記哩 是第幾工 請毋通煩惱我
因為阮知影 無行過寒冬 袂有花開的彼一工
舞台漸漸光 舞台漸漸光

*更多更詳盡歌詞 在 孤獨歌詞網

舞台漸漸光 咱就大聲來唱著歌
一直到團結的光線 照著台下每一個人
舞台漸漸光 咱就大聲來唱著歌
日頭一(足百)上山 就會使轉去啦

舞台漸漸光 咱就大聲來唱著歌
一直到團結的光線 照著台下每一個人
天色漸漸光 咱就大聲來唱著歌
日頭一(足百)上山 就會使轉去啦

現在是彼一工 勇敢的樂團人

*更多更詳盡歌詞 在 孤獨歌詞網


Dear mother, please don't worry
Trust me, I cannot leave
Cause I must support those appreciating music
I'm sorry, my sister
I cannot go playing the guitar with you
Forgive me, cause I cannot leave
I must support the ones that are believing me

Dawn is near
There are people here
Who resolve to make our dreams come true
And thus vow to become stronger than before
Dawn is near
Don't be afraid
Today is the day
That I support you for a change

The days seem endless, but please don't worry
Because I know
That when winter comes, spring shall soon arrive
Dawn is near
Dawn is near
We are braver than before

Dawn is near
Let's sing it out loud
Until the rays of kessoku
Shines upon everyone on this show
Dawn is near
Let's sing it out loud
Once the sun reaches the mountain
Then it's time to go home

Dawn is near
Let's sing it out loud
Until the rays of kessoku
Shines upon everyone on this show
Dawn is near
Let's sing it out loud
Once the sun reaches the mountain
Then it's time to go home

Today is the day
For the brave band members

*更多更詳盡歌詞 在 孤獨歌詞網


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※ 編輯: TeamFrotress ( 臺灣), 01/07/2023 15:56:55

mibbl001/07 15:58笑死

Ayanami556601/07 16:14這首歌現在看來跟笑話一樣…

nahsnib01/07 16:24是啊,該倒的還是沒倒,笑死

CaterpillarK01/07 16:38懂翻

popteamepic01/07 16:43下一首 吉他停矣

TT12345801/07 17:09還有英文是哪招XD

md01yo3001/07 18:20不要浪費才能好不好 XDD

darkangel11901/07 20:08現在來看 真的是笑話