[方吉] NEO菇菇栽培研究室 New Years新年微更新
[NEO Mushroom Garden] New Years Mini Update!New Order+ Added!
In Japan, to bring good fortune in the new year, kagamimochi is opened as an
offering to the gods on the 11th day of January...wait that's today!
This year, join the Funghi in NEO as they welcome the new year with their ownkagamimochi♪
New Order+ Added!
*Grand Mochi Opening!*
To bring good fortune in the new year,
the Funghi have gathered to open the kagamimochi.
But wait, isn't this mochi a little too hard...?
There's no way to open it!
Come help the Funghi welcome in the new year!
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 台積電美國來台受訓在glassdoor評論網頁在glassdoor 這glassdoor上的評論這樣寫是可以的嗎? "The work culture in Taiwan is really different than in the US. I am sure TSMC will have to change to an 8 hour work day five days a week or do what other companies do with Fabs and run three days on, four days off, four days on, three days off rotations. As it is right now in Taiwan The minimum amount of time at the company is 10 hours a day, but realistically is running up to even 12 hours a day. This is for those of us who are American training to go back to the new operation in Arizona. The reality for people from Taiwan is that they are doing even more than 12 hour days often. There's also the night shifts and weekend shifts on duty and/or on call. That last part is understandable as the fab lives 24/7."27
[情報] 國民日報記者:今年LCK要關錢包了?韓國國民日報記者剛剛發了一篇文 然後我丟Google翻譯翻成英文來看 是在講LCK薪資 Many teams are expected to close their wallets this year. Last year, teams gener5
Re: [情報] 太空人隊重新接觸Carlos CorreaHearing the Astros/Correa talks are focused on whether the possible agreement wo uld be for one year, or, failing that, if it would be a multi-year deal in the r ange of 5-10 years. 聽說雙方談判的重點在於一年約或是5-10年的複數年合約2
[方吉] NEO菇菇栽培研究室 Christmas聖誕微更新[NEO Mushroom Garden]Christmas Mini Update!New Order+ Added! Christmas lights are being hung and Christmas songs can be heard all around. With all the festivities, don't forget to celebrate Christmas in NEO Mushroom1
[方吉] NEO菇菇栽培研究室 更新Nightly CloudsNEO Mushroom Garden 菇菇栽培研究室 [NEO Mushroom Garden] Theme "Nightly Clouds" has new upgrades! Ver.2.61.0 Update!- Theme "Cozy Christmas" has new upgrades! Ver.2.63.0 Update! December Update: New upgrades for "Cozy Christmas"! Gather 'round the fire, the next story is about to begin.
[閒聊] 因為用了浮水印 追蹤少了1000人爆
[情報] 民視新聞氣象出現吉伊卡哇爆
[閒聊] 橫槍 推特 談為何不提到連載內容92
[蔚藍] 台港澳周邊商店 VS 中國周邊商店90
[情報] 生死格鬥 瑪莉羅絲 泡溫泉 1/6 PVC62
[鳴潮] 中國的玩家是不是容忍度比較低??57
[闇龍] 每個角色都有5萬根髮絲,髮型造型獨特63
[索尼] 價格不是問題!PS5P首周銷量更勝PS4P59
[閒聊] 棒球比賽有無DH的差別是什麼?57
Re: [閒聊] 瑪奇早期曾經通膨很慢?54
[閒聊] 地球超人在台灣會怎樣53
[情報] 寶可夢 金銀 發售25周年 紀念商品!52
[閒聊] 尼爾:頑皮狗沒新作消息是索尼不讓發表43
[24秋] 幹你娘Re:0這季只有8集喔50
[Vtub] AZKi聊夸兔高尾山之旅48
[討論] 如果想要打贏聖杯戰爭被哪位御主召喚最好46
[地錯] "一心憧憬" 那到底是什麼技能啊50
[討論] 浦原跟藍染對服裝品味那邊更好44
[問題] 真的有PC玩家,日夜期盼血源詛咒嗎?42
[妮姬] 泰特拉會不會太多了吧39
[閒聊] 你覺得「火力全開」的動畫37
[問題] 女角為什麼要穿裙子戰鬥?52
[妮姬] 這次2週年是不是去年的完美復刻39
[閒聊] 把女友叫做拿尼加有很過分嗎?37
[Vtub] 這次holo甲子園誰的比賽最好看37
[閒聊] 假面騎士聖刃到底在演三小?34
[閒聊] 「電磁砲」研究的最新進展:成功實現「彈41
[在下求搞] 貝爾是不是陽痿48
[情報] 爆肝工程師的異世界狂想曲TV續篇確定