[閒聊] JUMP本週O榜銷量
According to Shoseki's estimations for this 2nd week:
· Akane Banashi(朱音) has sold +8.618, 44.402 copies.
· Witch Watch(魔女) has sold +8.026, 40.003 copies.
· Undead Unluck(不死) has sold +5.024, 25.225 copies.
· Nue's Exorcist(陰陽師) has sold +4.768, 22.430 copies.
· The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins(一之瀨) has sold +4.625, 17.383 copies.
· Ice-Head Gill(冰頭吉爾), Do Retry have not ranked.
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※ 編輯: jack34031 ( 臺灣), 12/22/2023 11:54:42
※ 編輯: jack34031 ( 臺灣), 12/22/2023 15:28:25爆
[情報] FF7R 三天350萬套We're proud to announce we shipped and digitally sold over 3.5M copies of # FinalFantasy VII Remake in 3 days! Partying face All of us would like to raise our Buster Swords to say THANK YOU to everyone64
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[情報] HANTEO 藝人前百銷售榜 (2003-2021.9.19)Top 100 Best-selling Artists on Hanteo (2003~2021.09.19) 1. BTS — 19,859,340 copies sold 2. EXO — 9,692,348 copies sold 3. SEVENTEEN — 6,608,455 copies sold44
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[情報] 戰神諸神黃昏累計銷量突破1100萬份We’re incredibly humbled that #GodofWarRagnarok has officially sold through 1 1 million copies! None of this would be possible without the support of our fans, so thank you f or coming on this journey with us! SIE聖莫妮卡工作室宣佈《戰神 諸神黃昏》累計銷量現已超過1100萬份19
[閒聊] 漫威蜘蛛人2 24小時內售出了超過250萬份@PlayStation Great news, Spidey fans -- Marvel's #SpiderMan2PS5 has sold more than 2.5 million copies in the first 24 hours. Thanks for making this a high-flying launch!14
[情報] GTA 5 全球銷量達1億8500萬份Grand Theft Auto V has sold over 185 million copies worldwide - GTA series is now at over 405 million units sold worldwide! GTA5全球銷量達1億8500萬份11
[閒聊] 底特律:變人 全球800萬突破底特律:變人 發行日 PlayStation 4 全球:2018年5月25日 We are proud to announce that #DetroitBecomeHuman has officially sold over 8 million copies worldwide!4
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[閒聊] 請問有美國阿爸人去紐約漫展嗎 進來We sold out of Bocchi the Rock!, Vol. 1 already, but if you're looking for your Bocchi fix, you can find more copies at Kinokuniya's booth (3458)! 孤獨搖滾第一卷已經完賣是真的嗎
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