Re: [新聞] 遊戲開發商Wolfire針對Steam平台發起反壟

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時間推噓21 推:21 噓:0 →:24

Judge dismisses antitrust lawsuit filed against Valve




The ruling, available in full on CourtListener, says Wolfire's lawsuit falls
short on two separate points. First, the claim that Valve is illegally tying
the Steam store to the platform—essentially, using the near-monopoly of
Steam as a library, launcher, and social media platform to force people to
buy games through the Steam storefront—is rejected because the allegations
in the lawsuit suggest that the Steam platform and storefront are in fact "a
single product within the integrated game platform and transaction market."

Wolfire's lawsuit also claims that Valve uses its near-monopoly to charge an
excessive fee to sellers—30%—that wouldn't be sustainable in a competitive
marketplace. That claim resulted in some interesting conversations earlier
this year, but the judge rejected the argument, noting that Valve's take has
remained unchanged throughout Steam's history, even as other online stores
charging lower percentages have come and gone.

"Therefore, it would appear that the market reality, at least as plead, is
that [Valve's] fee is commensurate with the Steam Platform's value to game
publishers," the ruling states.



── 星野夢美 ﹝星之夢﹞ ──


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gox111711/20 20:13查無不法 謝謝指教

wizardfizban:轉錄至看板 Steam

11/20 20:14

egg78111/20 20:18苦幹實幹做起來,然後其他家太廢~阿貓阿狗都跑來告你壟斷

hom547311/20 20:19嫌平台抽成貴 法官表示他開店後就沒變過%數

hom547311/20 20:21期間其他抽成更低的線上商店都出現過又消失了

hom547311/20 20:22對遊戲發行者來說 valve的平台費用看起來是相稱的

s801857211/20 20:22所以合乎市場的現實 並沒有壟斷扭曲市場這樣?

Kowdan11/20 20:23不意外,其他家自己太廢,抽成低但功能跟屎一樣

egg78111/20 20:24我是挺好奇的,連抄得像都不會嗎?

hom547311/20 20:25也就是維持30%的平台才是現實中有持續性的實績

s801857211/20 20:25然後wolfire還告steam是管理庫 啟動器和社交平台的壟斷

s801857211/20 20:25 ==

hom547311/20 20:25跟提告方所訴求的30%抽成太高沒有可持續性的論點不成立

s801857211/20 20:25想得到的可以告都安上去就對了

spfy11/20 20:26Steam光是下載遊戲的CDN沒人能打 大概只有GOOGLE或微軟這種

egg78111/20 20:26STEAM還允許廠商在他平台賣要用廠商自己啟動器的遊戲

spfy11/20 20:26自己在全球都有資料中心的等級能比一下 連在中國用電信固網

spfy11/20 20:27大家都之類的爛ISP Steam下載遊戲都能跑滿速 完全就是奇蹟

egg78111/20 20:28他們至少可以抄服務頁面便利性那些阿,有些連這個都沒有

MikageSayo11/20 20:28你成績太好了→他人太爛我無法增加獲利→你壟斷好可惡

marlonlai11/20 20:31我也不懂其他家為啥不抄 看看Epic明明有錢常送遊戲或搞

marlonlai11/20 20:31限時獨佔 但是平台還是陽春

bloodruru11/20 20:33說白了老闆跟決策者就覺得介面陽春能贏阿,那些說要請

bloodruru11/20 20:33工程師請藝術家改介面的人都回家吃自己了 所以Epic的

bloodruru11/20 20:33介面就會永遠這麼陽春 然後說steam壟斷

moon100011/20 20:34不站在玩家角度看玩家需求什麼 只有少抽讓廠商來

AkikaCat11/20 20:37對絕大多數玩家來說,反正你少被抽也不會賣比較便宜,

AkikaCat11/20 20:37我幹嘛去用消費者體驗爛的的要死的其他平台 XD

moon100011/20 20:38送免錢像是讓玩家去試用平台 會不會留下來買就不一樣

jacky383811/20 20:39問題時去年政策EPIC賠滿多,不過的確有提升用戶數

akira0015011/20 20:48想抽成比較低的平台都沒活下去啦

SuicidePeko11/20 20:53STEAM從墨綠色轉成現代這個感覺也是下了不少功夫

SuicidePeko11/20 20:53剛換時也是毛病一堆,可是幾天內就修穩了

a841863511/20 20:53所以他的意思是 steam的平台要給他用 但是他賣遊戲要在

a841863511/20 20:53自己那邊還不給steam抽 可是steam的留言區下載更新備份

a841863511/20 20:53他通通要?

SuicidePeko11/20 20:53願不願意下功夫去做的問題

googlexxxx11/20 20:55私人企業他為什麼要這樣服務你?

Reficuly11/20 20:56記得以前也有中華電信最後一哩路的事情…

gungriffon11/20 21:29steam也是一路拓荒拓過來的 功能都是後來慢慢完善的

wahaha200511/20 21:37不想就去支那EPIC,呀忘了EPIC不收廢物

guogu11/20 22:06EPIC明明就有收莎木3

pikachu242111/20 22:36抽成比較低的平台有啊 itch.io和booth都算吧

pikachu242111/20 22:36itch.io是預設10% booth是5.6%+22元日幣

nalthax11/20 23:08跟其他競爭者都一樣,沒壟斷

okery11/20 23:41EPIC那種狗都不去的平台還敢收12%,比Steam貪太多了