Re: [閒聊] 比斯吉拿藍色行星要幹嘛

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The LIGO-Virgo results are published today in the journal嘭hysical Review Letters; additional papers from the LIGO and Virgo collaborations and the astronomical community have been either submitted or accepted for publication in various journals."

holycity: 一堆偽科學鬼扯,說黃金來自太空的,論文連結?06/25 23:34
cycle: 分成幾部分06/26 01:28
cycle: 1.你是寶石獵人你自己會想得到稀有寶石06/26 01:28
cycle: 2.念是種條件越嚴苛產出的結果越嚇人的東西06/26 01:28
cycle: 3.世界上只有這一顆,而且世界知名的GI遊戲出貨的,自己還06/26 01:28
cycle: 可以幫她鑑定06/26 01:28
cycle: 綜合以上怎麼看都很合理可以賺錢,又可以滿足個人收藏跟工06/26 01:28
cycle: 作成就感。06/26 01:28
MagicSong: 黃金等重金屬在宇宙中誕生的條件比較嚴苛06/26 02:05
bj45566: 02:53
bj45566: 美國 NSF 的官網,2017 年的報導06/26 02:54
bj45566: NSF, CalTech, MIT 是不是在共謀宣傳僞科學?笑死!06/26 02:58
bj45566: "The observations have given astronomers an unprecede06/26 03:00
bj45566: nted opportunity to probe a collision of two neutron06/26 03:00
bj45566: stars... reveal signatures of recently synthesized m06/26 03:00
bj45566: aterial, including gold and platinum, solving a decad06/26 03:00
bj45566: es-long mystery of where about half of all elements h06/26 03:00
bj45566: eavier than iron are produced."06/26 03:00
bj45566: 連 NSF 和 LIGO 都沒聽過/不知道的雜魚在那邊嘴別人僞科06/26 03:03
bj45566: 學 wwwwww06/26 03:03

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