Re: [閒聊] 馬斯克打算刪除15億推特閒置帳號

看板C_Chat標題Re: [閒聊] 馬斯克打算刪除15億推特閒置帳號作者
時間推噓13 推:14 噓:1 →:28

※ 引述《kimisawa (楊回血了。)》之銘言:
: 噓 tom80727: 他停elonmuskjet就是雙標OK 12/17 08:08有人覺得是說謊



"My commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account
following my plane, even though that is a direct personal safety risk"

這則推特才發了差不多一個月,elonjet那個帳號就被suspended了 XD

NYtimes 今天發了一則相關新聞 (紐時非常喜歡發Musk在推特的趣事)


Lawmakers in the European Union may go on the offensive. Vera Jourova, a vicepresident of the European Commission, said the move violated the E.U.’s
Digital Services Act and its Media Freedom Act.

“There are red lines. And sanctions, soon,” she tweeted Friday morning.

The recently ratified Digital Services Act serves as a kind of rule book on
moderating content for firms operating in the bloc. It goes into effect next
year, and carries a fine of 6 percent of global revenue for companies that
run afoul of the rules.

看到這新聞我才知道,歐洲通過一個明年生效的法案 Digital Services Act,

"Enhanced safeguards for fundamental rights online"

The new rules protect users' fundamental rights in the EU also in the online
environment. New protections for the freedom of expression will limit
arbitrary content moderation decisions by platforms, and offer new ways for
users to take informed action against the platform when their content is
moderated: for example, users of online platforms will now have multiple
means of challenging content moderation decisions, including when these
decisions are based on platforms' terms and conditions. Users can complain
directly to the platform, choose an out-of-court dispute settlement body or
seek redress before Courts.

New rules also require platforms' terms to be presented in a clear and
concise manner and to respect users' fundamental rights.



而美國看起來還沒有這法案,不過目前麻州議員 Lori Trahan 有發相關推特質疑

My team met with @Twitter today. They told us that they're not going to
retaliate against independent journalists or researchers who publish
criticisms of the platform.

Less than 12 hours later, multiple technology reporters have been suspended.
What's the deal, @elonmusk?





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DogCavy12/17 08:37感謝馬

JustBecauseU12/17 08:42推特到底在幹嘛==

as336670012/17 08:42這些反對馬的都是砸蒸汽機的啦

pwseki20612/17 08:43原來是馬加速師,失敬。看來在被財團綁架的美國無法可

pwseki20612/17 08:43管特時候歐盟倒是意外的走在最前面(USB也是),一物剋

pwseki20612/17 08:43一物?

pwseki20612/17 08:43*無法可管的時候

我是覺得elonjet那個被停號還可以討論,畢竟馬斯克有給個還不算太沒道理的回覆; 其他幾個有名的記者被封號爭議就大多了

※ 編輯: arrenwu ( 美國), 12/17/2022 08:45:56

pwseki20612/17 08:46GDPR跟RTBF記得也是他們的力作之一

DarkHolbach12/17 08:52說要捍衛言論自由的馬斯克,結果變成加速言論自由保

DarkHolbach12/17 08:52護的總加速師,該說是諷刺嗎

PyTorch12/17 08:53ptt也該管了吧 隨便就把阿康永久水桶

hami83190412/17 08:54是、是鎮魂曲啦

spfy12/17 08:59懂了 馬加速師 給個鼓勵

DarkHolbach12/17 09:02不過馬斯克把肯爺ban掉的時候,他講的言論自由其實

DarkHolbach12/17 09:02就已經破功了

DarkHolbach12/17 09:03因為他之前說自己是絕對的言論自由支持者

lbowlbow12/17 09:09這種成功的商人說的話幾乎都不可信啦

widec12/17 09:19瞧瞧人家都是推言論的保護法案,反觀

lovez04wj0612/17 09:51笑死,結果觸犯言論自由第一人是馬,這叫馬迷情何以

lovez04wj0612/17 09:51

lovez04wj0612/17 09:52等等跟騷狂人會不會來這篇追殺啊

Risedo12/17 10:03肯爺BAN的時候 他都還沒擁有...

cross98011512/17 10:18川普當時是多次有爭議 所以普遍認為要告有難度

cross98011512/17 10:18馬斯克這個是直接當起推特皇

cross98011512/17 10:19還有烏克蘭消息的相關推特在馬斯克上台也被影ban

ColdP12/17 10:28推文指的應該是馬斯克在12/2正式Ban掉Kanye West這件事

ColdP12/17 10:31但就連川普只是跟Kanye吃個飯都會被右派自己人大肆笞伐了,

ColdP12/17 10:32我想就算馬斯克有任何理由想特別護航Kanye也有困難

DarkHolbach12/17 10:43肯爺我是覺得他真的瘋了,說自己愛納粹這種話,極右

DarkHolbach12/17 10:43也沒法幫他護航

Pep5iC0589312/17 10:49我記得之前有人說馬斯克買下來 等於馬斯克的私人財

Pep5iC0589312/17 10:49產 只要是他

Pep5iC0589312/17 10:49私人範圍的東西 就算是美國法律甚至是憲法也沒資格

Pep5iC0589312/17 10:49管他

cross98011512/17 11:06不可能那樣啦

cross98011512/17 11:08那叫自以為超越法律跟憲法

kantantantan12/17 11:18

gm325212/17 11:39好老闆

mkcg582512/17 12:36買下奴隸也能凌駕憲法之上(X

mkcg582512/17 12:37中國才辦得到

Shalone12/17 14:05私人財產就是受法律保護才能安全擁有的東西,怎麼可能不

Shalone12/17 14:05能管..

resvb12/17 16:51結果解封了